Well, how do I start?... I'm leaving! Yes, you heard me! I'm leaving this place! And you know what? I'll be leaving the whole internet! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Joke aside, this is actually true. I'll be leaving this place for 2 years(starting 10/11, but I may need to leave earlier).

But Ruaben, why will you leave us? D:
Can't really answer to that question, it could create a discussion leading to a conflict, and I would like to avoid that.

Are you sure you can't answer us?
Not here ;)

What are we going to do without you?
Survive! Scavenge every place you can find. Kill your dog if that's what you have to do if you wan't to survive!

That's not what we meant!
Oooh, ok...
Cmon! It's not like you're going to really miss me or anything! I barely make GAs and my jokes are lame! In a week you'll forget about me :D ;_;

I don't care who you are! Giv me givways nw y stupd btch!
Nobody really likes you unless you're Dolan, you know that? But here it is anyway(also here's something for the WL folks)

Dat gme suks! Giv me good gme nw!
Well, today I feel generous, and I got a foil card drop, so here's another one!

Stop giving me cheapy crap!
You ungrateful child!

Why are you torturing us like that? D:
Fine, there's another one, but I think lost it somewhere. Go find it!

8 years ago*

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When I come back, I'll create a topic, and that topic will have a title. But what title should it have?

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Why can't I giveaway Dota2?!? I payed for this thing!
My CV is stuck at 30$. This site is scam!

But how and why? It's all because of that magazine, I won't tell anyone (hehe). And if seriously, on two years leaving the whole internet, how is that possible? You go into the army, retreat or something like that? Well, it's in part a joke, but still.

8 years ago

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It's not because of that, don't worry ;) although you should never share with anyone. It's our little secret.

The how is easy, I simply turn off the computer and walk away. But now that I think about it, is not that simple. :P
The why now. Now that's the right question. Let's just say it's a personal objective in life. I won't say what it is here because of the reason stated above.

And now that I think about it, I should close this topic since the GAs are over. If you have any other question to make, do it in the WL ga ;)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Ruaben.