Hey SG, I added new search parameters available for use on the homepage. At the moment a front end still needs to be developed for them, but in the meantime they can be used in the URL, or with add-ons. The 4 new parameters...

  • level_min
  • level_max
  • entry_min
  • entry_max

For example, if you wanted to view giveaways that are level 3 or higher, with 100 entries or less...


Or, if you wanted to view giveaways that are level 6-8...


8 years ago*

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Can we have a search by number of copies in GA?

8 years ago

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thanks ,Nice

8 years ago

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what about http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?os=linux or
http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?os=mac ??

There is already a thread asking for some type of OS filter. It would be so useful for us, non-windows users.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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A search filtering Entered vs Non-Entered would be swell as well :P

8 years ago

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when will we be able to search with "?
If a game has a word in it that is the name of another game, you are not able to find this game in trades,
only the other game, which is often more common.

8 years ago

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Im sorry if I repeat this issue.
When I make a search using parameters "level_min/level_max" with levels higher than mine, if i have active the option in my acount "Hide giveaways above your level?", the result is empty.
This is probably the way that is intended to work. but I think it would be more useful if I can search without having to change my preferences whenever I need.

8 years ago

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Hey cg, can you make it to work for ended giveaways too?
Like in group page and user profile (won/sent).
My group leader wants to search which game often has 0 entry as our group giveaway.

Something like https://www.steamgifts.com/group/SJ7Bu/steamgifts/search?entry_max=0

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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bumping this discussion because we still need UI improvements so more people can use this.
These improvements are very helpful to me, thank you.

7 years ago

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Thank you!

7 years ago

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Bump, this is helpful

7 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by cg.