There were some spares that due to the nature of things I can't make much use of (not worth much as trading material and already at the bundle limit) so I figured "Why not help out others in the process"

While it's a first post sort of thing*, I will be checking profiles to see if you actually have 0 CV.

*It means I'll check to see if you're on first and if not I'll go on to the next person, but if that happens you'll be at the front of the line for next key I get.

List of spare keys:

None at the moment; may change when a new bundle comes out.

I'll be updating this as people get keys and I get new spares.

And keep in mind that the influx of spares is mainly determined by my interest in bundles and their trade value. (Thus if you see them up there, they won't be much use trading)

Some tips for first time GA makers: 1+ day is a reccomended timeframe, though if you have a popular game, you can easily get away with less.

And to Remind the winners to mark you as recieved otherwise you won't get that CV.

9 years ago*

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This community is about give and receive, yet most the people here "that would love to get some cv" have a lot of games, even some expensive ones. Care to explain how could you not give a single random game?

9 years ago

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