We all know Fortix is like everyone's little brother here on Steamgifts. And now.. after all these years, its finally in a Bundle.

I think Fortix should NOT be added to the bundle list.

Why you ask? The game is only a dollar ($1) anyways. Always has been. So there's no way to contrib boost (cv boost) with this game. Everyone needs to own this game, and like most games that end up in the bundle list, my fear is it will never be given away again.

Sign here:

**"Keep Fortix OFF the Bundle List!

Steamgift Community"**

Well we just surpassed 500 comments. Alot are for and there are some against.

Keep the Tradition Alive #1 !
Keep the Tradition Alive #2 !
Keep the Tradition Alive #3 !

(if anyone else has any links buried in this topic.. Post them again so I can repost to the main thread - thanks!)

EDIT 2: May 25th/14
It has come to my attention of a rumor that "Race the Sun" is NOT going to be put on the Bundle list as it was only 90% off with the lowest tier. Yet it was in that Humble Bundle Daily

I hope this rumor is proven to be false as we all know this would do an injustice to FORTIX as FORTIX was ever in one Bundle and it was a bonus to the $1 tier. Which means, Fortix was 0% off. ZERO Percent off.

Long Live the King.

1 decade ago*

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People always say this site is meant to be about giving yet the same people say CV is not important so remove CV altogether! :)

As there is a CV system it HAS to apply to all bundle games. Lets face it, the whole CV thing is a farce because of 90/95% off sales on steam. So fortix is a $1 game. Does not make it special.

If people are right in saying that being on the bundle list means games get given away less just shows the CV needs to go altogether.

1 decade ago

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Indeed. Although I don't think that's very likely, so I also agree with keeping Fortix off the list.

1 decade ago

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I agree. The contributor system is quite demeaning to those that are actually charitable, being there is some people here that contributes games for the sake of boosting their cv like a penis size. However, it is a also a system that those same charitable people use quite often to make sure only those who are responsible for the site's life get a chance at winning the game. I think it really needs to be redesigned. Instead of it being based on price, it should be based on how many people enter your giveaways, or how many people have created a giveaway for that game at the time you made the giveaway, or for how many people have it wishlisted, etc. Or Hell, a variety of the three.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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No worries, CV will be gone very shortly ;)

1 decade ago

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I love Fortix

1 decade ago

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you have my sword, and just in case, my axe!

1 decade ago

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I have given 2 copies of Fortix away and I was just thinking of giving another one away. So I'll sign too!

1 decade ago

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FWIW, I still support the removal of Fortix in the bundle list.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Matrixomega.