I just got my Stem Account hacked. Unfortunately was not expecting someone from my friend list to do it, so I was not careful enough to avoid it.
I was just wondering what other people who had their accounts went through. Is Steam support able to return the stuff back? How long do they take? How was the whole experience. And what precautions do you now take to ensure this does not happen to you again?

I already contacted the support, but have not yet had a reply back aside from an automated one.

9 years ago

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Some of my friend's were jelly that I didn't add them on Steam Family sharing, so they "hacked" into my account to authorize their computers and username.

Apparently my password was easily crackable, it is password123... Thought it was a strong one, not sure how they figured it out. Oh wells that's life. Maybe I should change my password...


9 years ago

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yeah, steam support will return your hacked / stolen item back if you sent a request ticket with detail information. it takes around one month (in my case), but you can only do this once. so, use it wisely.

9 years ago

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There's no such thing as hacking on Steam. You either used an easy password, or your SteamGuard wasn't on, or your email account does not use two-step authentication, or you clicked on a phishing link, or a malware sent your cookie files to a third-party, or all of this at once. Either way, it's your fault.

9 years ago

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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_engineering_%28security%29 This is the nΒΊ 1 on the list of "security" if you fail at this point, even with the very best antivirus or firewall you will be f**ked

9 years ago

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From what I've read, you've installed some malicious software and I'm assuming you're using the Steam Client's feature to automatically log you in when you start the client. In which case a local authentication file is stored on your pc.

(Correct me if I'm wrong with my assumption)

The malware did send this file to the "hacker", bypassing SteamGuard and any E-Mail verification.

That's why I don't use this feature, I type in my user and pw everytime I start the Steam client.

9 years ago

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you will get hacked too even though you typed in manually.

I experienced it before.

9 years ago

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I got my account back yesterday.
Steam support was not that bad as I expected actually. It only took them a week.

As for my inventory, they asked me to give them logs of any trades, so they can try and track them down. Not too sure if market logs will help, but I sent it to them anyway, with an explanation of how they took the steam wallet credits.

9 years ago

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i got hacked 1 time, but now my acc its a bunker, got 3 differents mails linked between and 15 digits random alphanumerics passwords in all accounts, i store these passwords in a usb..

9 years ago

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A good idea for super long passwords is to use md5 hashes.
Just make sure you got an app on your phone and pc for checksums, that can convert even a simple 2-3 letter word into a unique longass password. Easy to remember. Almost impossible to brute force.

9 years ago

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Just an update for anyone interested: I got my stuff back. Valve returned the $469 in wallet and all my items back saying that its a one time thing only. If I loose my stuff again, Im on my own.

So yea.. slow, but not too bad service in this case from Valve.

9 years ago

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One time thing only? Well if they did it once, they will most certainly do it again. Sounds like salty support, but do not test it. Keep your account safe from now on.

9 years ago

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This is what they said:
"Hello Rahul,

We apologize for the delay.

As a one-time customer service gesture, we have reversed the trades that were committed while your account was compromised. Any Community Market listings that you had listed were also removed and returned to your inventory. We will not restore stolen items again."

9 years ago

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They have been doing this for some time, because the amount of stolen goods and their "yeah, tough luck" policy started to get really bad for business.
Although the "one time only" part is new to me. They just said "we reversed all transactions in the concerned time period" or such. Probably this is how they want to scare people to be more careful.

9 years ago

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"one-time customer service gesture" responses like that make me regret i started to use this garbage spyware called steam.

9 years ago

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Because who got phised two times in a row? Only morons would experience that.

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice kill me already.

9 years ago

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Really?Naivness of customers justifies nearly lack of any support and taking responsibility for their platform?

After spending thousands of $ they still are too lazy to click couple of times and shame on us?Cmon have some dignity fight for your rights.

9 years ago

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they definitely wont restore it for 2nd time. I had experienced it before.

9 years ago

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how many time you got hacked and how many times you intend to getting hacked in the future?

9 years ago

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sounded sarcastic ain't you? 2 times only and never will.

all because of that fake mumblesoftware shit.

Even Malwarebytes and avast cant detect anything out of it.

9 years ago

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Well that's lame, but was it in a close time span? Like you got hacked twice in a week or so. It would be really lame if you got hacked 4 years after and they wouldn't return your stuff -.-

9 years ago

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it happened shortly after i got hacked for the 1st time.

That's why i said the anti-virus software are crap. Got nothing after full scan.

That's why I advised Rahul to format his pc immediately after he got hacked.

9 years ago

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Oh okay, so there's hope that it ain't once in a life time that they'll restore stuff. Maybe it's like every few months or once a year or something.
And I know, I understand the reasons. :D It's the best and safest thing someone can do.

9 years ago

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Well, steam support wont do anything after i got hacked 2nd time. even though i keep spammed support tickets.

These were what i got the replies after i sent my tickets for the 2nd hack


Message by Support Tech R____ ,

Hello ,

Previously, we have restored your backpack as a one time exception due to a hijacker committing fraudulent trades.

We have provided account security recommendations, as well as information about Steam Guard and Steam's Trading Policy to avoid any future security issues.

We will investigate this user and take appropriate action upon the hijacker, but we are unable to make changes to your backpack.

Please note that you will not receive a notification about any action taken as a result of this report.

For complete information about our Steam Trading Policy please visit the following link:


Message by Support Tech _____ ,


Steam Support has provided you with all of the relevant information regarding this issue. You can log into your account at support.steampowered.com to review your Steam Support tickets.

You will receive no further correspondence regarding this matter.


Message by Support Tech ____ ,

We will investigate this matter and take appropriate action that we deem necessary.

The security of an account is the responsibility of the account owner.

We will not restore any items at this time.

After that, no response or action taken after 4 months passed.

Hackers just getting happier since no action taken towards them, number of victims will keep on growing.

F for steam

9 years ago*

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Fucking Steam. Amount of bots is bigger and bigger every day. They just don't give a fuck. I want to switch to GOG so fkin much right now, but the library I have on Steam is huge..

9 years ago

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Although their support was sucked, however Steam is still the best gaming platform after all.
We just need to be careful when handle those random friend requests and links.

Steam Game Sales still the best after all (cheapest compared to other game stores).

I still buying games anyway. But when comes to case opening, no-no for me. Steam gained most of the profit from there. They change the algorithm from time to time and you will spent much than you thought (harder to get rare items as well). Why should I benefit them any longer since they are so incompetent and they don't even deserved it for us to fund their salary.

9 years ago

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Steam might be the best gaming platform cause it doesn't have real competition. EA's origin is mostly for EA's games, same for uPlay and Battle.net and stuff like that.
With GOG Galaxy coming out, things could change a bit.
And if you're reffering to game sales on Steam, no they're far from being the cheapest. GreenManGaming, Nuveem, Amazon and many other sites sell games for Steam for a better price.

Yeah. I agree with the case opening, and all that stuff. I just enjoy the profit I'm making from cases and skins from TF2, CS:GO, and cards from games.

9 years ago

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While for my region (South East Asia), game sales are much cheaper compared to other sites.

Hopefully GOG galaxy will not disappointing us after it released.

9 years ago

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Oh well, pretty much none can beat your sales. Gotta be nice to be a gamer there, unless you move to some other region. :r

9 years ago

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I'm happy for you.

9 years ago

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Really glad to hear it worked out. That's a hefty sum of money to lose.

9 years ago

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Well gratz man.

9 years ago

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Thanks :)

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

9 years ago

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That really sucks D:

9 years ago

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but the hacker should hack your steam and email password to stole all?

9 years ago

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Not quite sure what you mean to say mate.
They did change my steam password, and yes they changed the email associated with my steam account.
But they never got access to my email account.

9 years ago

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did you have active steam guard?

9 years ago

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Yes. Funnily enough, if I didn't don't have steam guard, I would have been safe. Steam does not let accounts trade unless they have steam guard on for 15 days.

9 years ago

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Sorry my english is poor. So you have active SteamGuard and get Hacked?

Can you post the id of who hack you?

9 years ago

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Yes, he had SteamGuard on and got hacked.

I bet posting ID of guy who sent him so called hack is against the rules, but @op can do what he wants. :D

9 years ago

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calling out with out proof/suspicion but when you have a proof is another thing so i dont kno wif he can. (didn't looked for faq )

9 years ago

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No, he shouldn't. And you should take a look at the FAQ.

9 years ago

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Omg that's a rabbid on your profile pic!1!!!111!11
it: steam support always act like bots, I feel like I'm talking to a bor when I contact them

9 years ago

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Rayman Bunny!
And yea. They do. Which can be annoying. But as long as they get the job done, it's something I can put up with.

9 years ago

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Congrats friend! ^^ Im glad that u got return your Steam account. Take care from now on ;P

9 years ago

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I'm treating this like a positive thing.
Ended up loosing nothing, and gained a lesson about being more careful.

9 years ago

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Well it did go well, but it could have gone very wrong as well. And you've kinda lost the ability to restore items and stuff next time (if) you get hacked again. :r
Also, sorry, but it's *losing. :P

9 years ago

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You lost your only chance to get an inventory restored... for silly thing. There goes your one-time insurance, I hope you used it well.

9 years ago

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Considering I got back at least $600 worth of stuff back, I would say that the insurance was well used.
And I don't think using the insurance for its intended purpose is a silly thing. In fact, using it and getting a lesson is arguably more useful than never needing to use it at all.

9 years ago

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account hacked-i locked
steam waits 2 weeks unlocks and claims it was never hacked................

9 years ago

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Gratz :3

9 years ago

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Never happened to me, thankfully. Nor will it ever. Sorry to tell you this, but usually only stupid people get their accounts hacked. I think it''s great you got your stuff back and all, but I really think you should be more careful, given how Valve is a company of notorious ass-holes and if they said they'd never help again, you can be damn sure they mean it.

9 years ago*

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Agreed. With Steam Guard and Two Step Auth Emails it's impossible to get hijacked at all. Only morons would.

9 years ago

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Steam guard isn't quite the complete security feature you think it is.
Whoever hijacked my account managed to change the email address and then the password without even triggering the steam guard. I didn't even get any emails asking for confirmation.

9 years ago

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if you had disabled steam guard, they probably won't help
ps. i made my acc ages ago, and after some years my old e-mail was deleted when they add steam guard i wasn't abble to login without e-mail :d support helped me (they changed my e-mail), they required me to send them photo with one of my steam games with visible cd-key and steam ticket number on paper (i have one game box version for steam cs1.6 :D)

9 years ago

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Take my words of uplift, my brother in ears :(. Sad story... Can't help you anyhow but I'll try to be up to date.

9 years ago

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I myself, have never been hacked. My brother how ever has been. I was suppose to pick him up at the airport. Saw him on steam, so I asked him when I was suppose to pick him up. He said "Around 6 pm." So I get to the airport at 5:45 pm. Sent him a text message telling him to send me a message when he touches down, so I can swing around to the pick up zone. He replies with, "I won't be there till about 11 PM." So I got a lil pissed, drove home, did some stuff, headed back and picked him up. I asked him why he said 6 pm before. He told me he didn't. I told him I sent him a message on steam. He told me, "Oh that account has been hacked for ages!"

So concludes my story of getting trolled by some random hacker.

9 years ago

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Actually had something similar happen to me as well. Had a full conversation with a friend only to realise the account was stolen by someone else. Though mine was not as bad a troll as yours though.

9 years ago

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So one day this [unassigned] adds me on Steam. And we actually talk.

He: Please give me game? PLS?!??!1
Me: I can't I don't have a job myself.
He/She: But I like game so much, plss, and I'm a girl, I will send you nudes, pls pls?
Me: No thanks, I'm turned on only by decomposing corpses of fallen Jedi.
[here a metamorphosis occurs]
He/She/Demon: I will %&&^$$ your brains out you ^%$%%$$^ ^$^%$%^%^$ %^%%^%^^%^.

My face when Steam posessed by demons:

View attached image.
9 years ago

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That is the risk you take when you hoard stuff or keep a large wallet.

Should never keep a wallet like that,what may have saved you is you said you got your wallet from trading so at least it was not hard earned cash so to speak.Either way this is a hard way to learn,why do people still click on random links i still do not get why people do,maybe if you where really young like 13 or something i would say yeah did not know better.

If someone wants you to use a program ask them what it is,find it yourself and download it,this way you can check and make sure it is legit,better yet use Skype it is free and easy to use.Hopefully you can also get your account back,i have bought enough keys from other sources that i will have enough keys to prove i own the account if it ever gets hacked.

The only other advice i could give is maybe next time use an ALT account for all your trading and buying so at least you will not lose your main account and still have access to that and you can still trade within the two accounts to send yourself stuff you actually want.

Granted the ALT could still get hacked but if your unable to recover it for some reason at least you only lose items and stuff if you can not gain access back as people have lost accounts and never got them back.I hope you at least get your account back with your games.

9 years ago

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I did get my account and all the stuff back. As for alt account, I agree. That is what I am doing now. Keep most of the money on an alt account that has a low steam level and is not in any groups or sites like csgolounge. Also it not having an expensive inventory means it won't show up on the radar for hijackers.

9 years ago

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You can keep it private with no friends and such,and use a different e-mail with a 2 step verification also will help a lot.

Sometimes i wish steam had the 2 step verification as an option or at the least some kinda of alert whenever someone logs into the account to let you know.

Glad you got your stuff back,i would also keep the wallet part low it is best if you can not to have a wallet except when you plan to use it.

9 years ago

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I have a general "If I don't know you in real life or I haven't played a few games with you (and I send the friend request or ask in the lobby), I won't except your friend request." rule. I block people with private profiles too.

I personally recommend Avast! for active protection antivirus and Malwarebytes for Search and Destroy.

9 years ago

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With the amount of csgo I play, I collect a lot of friends who I play with.
As for anti virus, I am now using Mcafee with Sandboxie.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

3 years ago

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