Hello there SG community,

As some of you may have noticed this past month I have been rather quiet(well outside the past few days while I have been home), both on the GA creation and discussion front, some are aware of the reason why already(good old discord… it's on the phone!).

To oversimplify things… my Gallbladder committed seppuku without warning. The juicier details reserved for family and if I happen to mention them in a discord convo.

So that was a fun trip to the ER(RIP wallet… no insurance atm FTL)… and then an ambulance ride(another RIP wallet) to an actual hospital where the doctors were confused as all symptoms were pointing towards the gallbladder but they couldn’t see any sign of gallstones, only “sludge”… At least the laparoscopic surgery to remove the gallbladder was a success and they didn’t have to open me up extra which would have slowed recovery quite a bit.

It was also a painfully slow near a week at the hospital, a couple weeks or so at a family member's home for IV antibiotics/strength recovery because of the surgery… At least I was able to get mostly caught up on my seasonal anime.

I have been home a few days now, probably a good 80% recovered atm… just have to rebuild the stamina/energy pools back up(and fast... there is a festival I am going to in a few weeks!), have to think about food again as I can’t rely on factor75 subscription for foods low enough in fat for me right now(please butter… can I enjoy you again soon… I miss you already... and you to beef).

Fingers crossed on the hospital's financial aid, they are covering between 50-100% of my visit, tbd in the coming weeks.

big upside of this ordeal... I have learned(for now at least), only blood pressure is a concern(when you start checking those family history boxes on medical forms... you would understand how much of a relief that is for me... so many of those boxes get checked with yes the family has history of it >>)

Obligatory discussion thread tax - more coming... some day... Soon™ ... in a puzzle, public or group GA near you.

PS: If I feel grumpy to you… it's because I can’t enjoy many tasty things right now without being banished to the bathroom. A single slice of pizza is near maxing how much saturated fat my digestive system can handle right now in a single meal... and we all know one slice isn't enough... especially for us giants.... also I want a big fat juicy bacon cheeseburger right now so much it isn't funny.

2 months ago

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Why are potatoes so delicious

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My sister was in the same situation about 5 years back around that time of year and that was a scary few days.
She never had any symptom that she noticed and then Easter came and a little bit of Easter chocolate (ok maybe more than a bit but nothing that would qualify as Guiness worthy) and things went pretty quick from there. Her gallbladder was about 6 times the size it should have been so they kept her in the hospital for days trying to reduce the inflammation to no avail. They had to operate urgently to avoid severe consequences.

Glad you're doing better, sorry for your wallet. Now do yourself a favor and stay away from saturated fats because your liver is not protected. I'm not into folk medicine but with years of gallstones behind me, I can tell you apple juice is a miracle for the liver and gallbladder.

Best of luck teaching your body that one slice of pizza is enough XD and have a good recovery.

2 months ago

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That is rough man, I am glad you are recovering. I wish you a fast recovery and good luck.

Stay strong man, we want you to stay!

2 months ago

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I wish you a speedy recovery :)

2 months ago

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Welcome back and best of luck with your recovery. And the incoming bill.

2 months ago

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Sorry to hear about your health troubles, the one thing that you can take away for this ordeal is that as bad as it was, at least nothing more serious was found and all things being equal you'll be back to normal self within a while.....with all the naughty food consumption that you can manage 😉. And I hope your financial hit isn't too extreme, coming from a decadent socialist country I can't imagine having to deal with those kinds of unexpected expenses just to keep myself well 😱.

2 months ago

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wishing you a speedy recovery ya

2 months ago

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Hope you get back to full health soon Carenard!

2 months ago

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Welcome back Carenard.
I wish you a good and fast recovery ;)

2 months ago

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Gallbladder stuff can be scary! Wishing you a speedy recovery!

2 months ago

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Happy to hear that you are recovering well. And I will keep my fingers crossed that your hospital bills will be paid fully (or as close to it as possible)!
Hang on in there with the food restrictions - I know it can be tough if it isn't your own choice but dictated to you by health. But maybe you can take something away from it, seeing how our food intake is such a vital part of our health. Regardless, I hope you can enjoy at least some of it soon without any issues. 😊

All the best for your ongoing recovery!

2 months ago

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Welcome back!!! Take care pls :)

2 months ago

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hope you recover as soon as possible!

2 months ago

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Welcome back Carenard :)

2 months ago

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Welcome back! Best wishes and a speedy 100% recovery. Good luck on the hospital's kindness as well!

2 months ago

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Good to have you back and get well soon.
I hope that 50-?% meter gets to 100%!

2 months ago

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Closed 1 month ago by Carenard.