More and more people are trading HB for just 2tf2 keys...even less.Some do it for 1tf2 key or a few cards(10-30).

First question..Is it safe buying from them?

Second question...Can one get in trouble for dealing with those guys?

Almost every trader that does this has a lot of rep in a short time span,but not once was he reported.No games or HB pages are disappearing and no one complains.So what's the deal?

1 decade ago*

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It's pretty weird, I bought the BTA bundle yesterday for just 10 cards, which is less than $1... They are either using a stolen credit card or they found a way to get gift URLs...

1 decade ago

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wich bundle ?

1 decade ago

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Humble Bundle with Android 7 BTA, and the trader was also selling the Weekly sale BTA for the same amount of cards.

1 decade ago

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It's simple: cover all bases and just simply don't trade with them, or anyone who you don't personally trust at this point (not for humble gift links, that is). If you really want to know what's going on, tell their support about it and they'll surely investigate.

1 decade ago

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They're using stolen credit cards, and using you to launder the money. Don't trade with them if it seems to good to be true.

1 decade ago

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How are you sure of that? I heard people bought BTA for 2 keys and their gift page is still there.

1 decade ago

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It takes time for the credit card to be reported as fake or stolen. Sometimes it may never get reported (if it's created with identity fraud and the victim doesn't notice, say.)

1 decade ago

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The stolen CC scam will work with everything. They can buy AAA titles and then selling for faster and bigger profit. Instead they trade ONLY HiB url gift for 2$ each profit (TOPS). They can do a transaction only every 5 minute and only a few a times (for HB restriction).

1 decade ago

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Except they wont be reported as a scammer for giving HiB keys. Apparently if you charge back, HiB removes your gift page, but does not ask Steam to revoke the key.

1 decade ago

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Haha, of course it's never safe.

1 decade ago

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I'm guessing Bitcoin has something to do with it.

1 decade ago

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thats my guess too, cause only Humble offers bitcoins as a payment method. and that option was added just a few months ago!

1 decade ago

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"Pay with credit card" button was added a few weeks after the Bitcoin button has been added.

1 decade ago

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oh wow! didnt know that cause i never use CC

there is a huge fraud going on which should be stopped asap!

1 decade ago

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Illegal bitcoin mining? Or bitcoin laundering? With Silk Road gone, those bitcoins are in trouble.

1 decade ago

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Looks like Silk Road's profits were roughly 80M, sure a lot, but only a small chunk compared to all Bitcoins.

If you check Bitcoin prices, they plunged on Oct 1st (Silk Road Shutdown), but they're higher than ever right now (Over $200 per BTC) Selling on the open market or even to a dealer in exchange for cash would be far better than taking a hair cut buying and selling HiB and then converting them TF2 keys, ignoring any labor costs associated. I think somethings fishy, I would caution buying these bundles.

1 decade ago

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Or maybe uncles all around the world decided on being generous and bought Humble Bundle for traders. LOL

1 decade ago

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theres so many unvles in the world, so this seems to be quite reasonable :)

1 decade ago

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if i had a humble bundle for every time someone mentioned uncles...

1 decade ago

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Even if it would be safe I don't like this kind of abuse, I's not like a price error for getting games, it's cheating the Humble Bundle.

1 decade ago

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Do you mean someone found a backdoor in the Humble Bundle webpage code and is abusing it ?

1 decade ago

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I have no idea.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, right guys, the only thing that would come first in mind is to buy a HB worth 6$, great thinking!

1 decade ago

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Guess you're ironic, but try to think about this. $6 is the fixed BTA price for everyone in the world. No happy hours/group buys, no region prices, no different average prices etc... just $6 for everyone. In this case, it's literally impossible to trade a $6 worth of bundle for 1,5-2 keys (let alone 10-20 cards) without losing money. Now that you know these guys, do you think they're the kind of people that doing it out of goodwill? That's why they need a shitload of traders on SteamTrades to sell their stuff asap and fake rep each other & negative rep those who complain? You can't seriously think that.

So my answer is yes, that's the only reasonable thinking. People who are buying from these traders are either ignorant or just simply don't care as long as they have their cheap bundles.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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First, I don't trust that the deal is safe, so no it's not.
Second, the best thing that can happen is you losing your bundle and probably Steam account if you are unlucky.
The deal here is a network of scammers probably. Watch out for yourself and don't do business with them.

1 decade ago

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I just stumbled upon an article about online money laundering and found a quote that I wanted to share in this thread:

"As we spend more time and money online, opportunities for criminals to involve us in their money laundering scams will only continue to grow."
(Jean-Loup Richet)

Source (The article is mainly about money laundry in online games.)

1 decade ago

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I wonder if Steam bothers to remove games if the url/page disappears or is reported as invalid/stolen etc.Does someone have any info on this?I saw a number of people complaining about their pages becoming invalid.

1 decade ago

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If they get request from publisher, they will remove. (Humble bundle can't directly get keys removed.)

1 decade ago

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If bundles disappear, this means only 1 thing, they know very well what keys need to be revoked and I would not be surprised if steam is gearing up towards a massive removal. Remember removing 30000 keys does not take more than a day or two.
Every removed bundle has Steam keys attached to it. They are registered in a database aren't they ?

It takes only 1 e-mail to publisher/developer and then that e-mail gets forwarded to Steam.
Next day, games are gone from library. And trust me, Steam does not joke around when CC fraud is involved.

1 decade ago

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There is a sticky thread about it on steamtrades now.

1 decade ago

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Think twice with cheaper price!

1 decade ago

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Nice necro.

Some brainless pigs need to be educated. I've seen people on my local forums that got scammed (due to chargeback/fraudulent Humbles) easily as pickpocketing candy from little kids.

1 decade ago

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There is no "seems fishy" it is fishy. If they sell it for anything less than the normal price it's bought with a stolen credit card. There isn't a need to say "Hmmm maybe he's legit" no he isn't.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by OrNaM3nT.