Check the solution and the treats!

Second Puzzlemania puzzle! Please, join the group :)

Inside: 2 AAA giveaways for LVL1+

UPD1. 28.01. Ok, from the poll results I see that the majority wants me to reveal the titles. No problem! Here:

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition and Mortal Kombat X Premium Edition

UPD2. 28.01. First small hint. Actually, this hint was there from the very beginning of the puzzle, and you should just have spotted it. In case you did not do it so far, check the image closer.

UPD3. 29.01. Do you see that both the hint (the one you are supposed to discover with the help of the previous update) and the puzzle contain similar objects? Now, just apply the action from the hint to the puzzle.

UPD4. 29.01. Now, when you know what action you need to perform with which objects, you just need to understand HOW to perform it. Well, you do not have many options here, so you can try them all and see which one works. But I also give a hint for this: there is a computer game where this aciton is the main aspect of the game mechanics. This game was very popular in 80s and 90s, you could play it with your friends and many people still enjoy the game very much. There is even a version of the game released in Steam. Perform the action with the puzzle according to the rules of that game.

UPD5. 29.01. If you still have troubles with discovering the first hint, just look to which hosting the image is uploaded. Then, check zelgh's guide to learn how you can extract more information about images at that hosting.

UPD6. 30.01. From the hint (see UPD2) you only need the title. Other content is interesting but not that important.

UPD7. 01.02. Lines represent walls, which are indestructible objects.

UPD8. 01.02. The answer is a 8 letters word. So, if you came up with the solution which allowed you to pick 8 letters, you are most probably on the right track.

UPD9. 05.02. Assume r = ∞. Also, do not take into account diagonals when performing the action. Finally, walls are indestructible objects and nothing can pass through them.

UPD10. 08.02. Bomberman.

Hello, Steamgifters!

Some of you might remember the puzzle I made recently. The format of that puzzle was a bit different from ones you usually see here, however many players still enjoyed it and I received a lot of warm comments. Thank you for them, I really appreciate it!

Here we go with another strange puzzle from me. It is a lot easier than the previous one and contains only one task. But it also means that there will be not as many prizes at it were last time! In fact, there will be two of them and I will spoil the titles only if you want, so use the poll. As for now, I can only say that they are quite nice AAA titles. For this reason, the minimum required level to enter is set to 1.

First 10 solvers will be whitelisted by me, so please make sure you are logged into ITH when solving. Sometimes, I give away nice games exclusively for my whitelist and as for now it contains only 13 people, so joining it can be a nice catch for you.

Aslo, join Puzzlemania group if you like puzzles at steamgifts! There are already 100+ members in the group, and sometimes I create decent giveaways for group members!

As always, do not break the rules: do not share answers, do not share links to the giveaways, do not give hints to other players.

Both giveaways end at the 9th of February, which is my girlfriend's birthday. She is really the most amazing person I ever met. She is just great in all respects and deserves some cake from you guys, so please write something nice or post a nice picture for her :)

Now, good luck and go for it!

Hall of Fame (all 10 slots are occupied)











8 years ago*

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Do you want me to spoil titles of the games I am giving away?

View Results
Yes, I would like to know what the prize is before starting to solve the puzzle
Give some hints what the games are but do not spoil the titles. Some secret should still be there!
No, I like surprises

A shy bump here. Does anybody else wants to solve this puzzle? Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY has only 13 entries now and Mortal Kombat X Premium has only 11. You have good chances to win good games!

8 years ago

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Bump for solved.

8 years ago

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Congratulations with solving!

8 years ago

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UPD #9. This update almost reveals the solution and tells you how to crack the puzzle!

8 years ago

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Bump for solved!!
Well it really shocked me when I saw the "correct" lol

8 years ago

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Congratulations! It is nice to shock people with puzzles :)

8 years ago

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Bump for solving

8 years ago

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Bump for solved

8 years ago

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I just couldn't find what to do with remaining letters :/

8 years ago

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Wow, silly of me ^^ How did I not see that!

8 years ago

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Sunday bump!

8 years ago

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UPD #10. MEGA hint added.

8 years ago

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Bump for solved.

8 years ago*

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Bump for solved!

8 years ago

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Take this bump :P

8 years ago

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MEGA bump!

8 years ago

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Bump for solved

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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Bump for 8 hours left.

8 years ago

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Hey grats and check mail :)

8 years ago

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Even by understanding how to get the 8 letters, there is more than 1 choice of 8 letters (I counted at least 3-4 different choices, and I'm sure there's much more if I continued searching), and the worst is, we don't know in what order to apply them to get the final answer... Not really solvable, at least as I perceived it. :( Not really interested in the GAs anyway, was only looking for the puzzle. xD

8 years ago

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There is exactly 1 choice of 8 letters if you follow the instructions.

8 years ago

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I've obviously understood something completely wrong then, so I'll wait for the solution to be posted..

8 years ago

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Following this puzzle since UPD2 and tried in so many ways.
With the latest UPD,i finally solved it. Thanks for the amazing puzzle.

8 years ago

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If the answer isn't the 8 letters in "human" order, then I don't know what you're looking for..

8 years ago

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The answer is a perfectly normal human readable word!

8 years ago

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Doh! ..

8 years ago

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:(((((((((( at the end can you give an explanation on how it's done???/

8 years ago

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I will post the solution most probably tomorrow.

8 years ago

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OK but with all the u had to switch these letters like this and etc etc ..:D

What's the first letter? :-"

8 years ago

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It's M if it helps :)

8 years ago

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Still hard but thank you!! :P

8 years ago

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