Sorry for my bad pronounciation.

Today is the International Bee Day and since it's just being celebrated the second time, it might not be that well-known yet. Though I have to admit that I prefer a beer over a bee anytime, I really like them and appreciate the great work they're doing. And who doesn't like honey?

So if you have any possibilities to improve the situation for them, consider it at least. I'm missing the time to find, rate and link some high quality studies or articles to prove that I'm wrong, but you can certainly all search the web. :p

Here are some matching gifts:

Level 1
Bioshock Remastered - wait, what? Yes, if you haven't played Bioshock yet, you won't get why, but .. how dare you?!
Baby Bee

Level 3
Beekyr Reloaded - wanted to giveaway the upgrade pack, since it contains both versions and is cheaper, but that can't be gifted :-/

Level 5
Unfortunately the Bee Simulator isn't ready yet, but this one seems to be a great experience:
Drunk On Nectar - The Nature Simulator

All GAs should end on Wednesday, 6 PM CET. My blacklist is still empty, but I'm going to check winners.

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5 years ago*

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Favourite bee species/family?

View Results
honey bee
wild bee
Maya the bee
potato bee(tle)
I'm allergic to their bites (and no other answer matches)
I hate them all, since they killed my parents, when I was young.

Long Live The Bees!

By the way, there's also a black honey bee species (Xylocopa violacea), which recently returned to Poland (my home country) after a long, long absence.

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5 years ago

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This thread needs more Dr. Bees!

5 years ago

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It's Hip to ____ Bees

5 years ago

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One honeybee will produce approx. 1/12 teaspoon of honey in her lifetime.

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5 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

5 years ago

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My garden is full of happy bees, so I guess I am doing my bit :)

5 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

5 years ago

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Oh. I wasn't aware that there is a new series about Maya the bee. The Maya I've voted for is that one I was watching 30 years ago, I loved that show.

As for wasps, I may not care about systematic discrepancy, but including them in the poll still feels so very wrong: they are just plain evil. They did try to kill me when I was young, yep.

5 years ago

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Regarding Maya: same here, only noticed it yesterday when creating the thread, Not sure if I'd like the new 3D animated show, but as a child nowadays you probably wouldn't know the difference or like the new one due to more modern topics/language.

Yeah, wasps are evil, but some people are more fascinated by carnivores. Imagine a wasp simulator.. it would probably be as brutal as Hatred. :D

5 years ago

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"My species is not important..."

5 years ago

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Love for the bees! :D

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5 years ago

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the nice thread


5 years ago

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5 years ago

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Bump for the bees :)

5 years ago

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Sent keys. @ other winners: please accept friend request, since I have to send it as gift.

5 years ago

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thank you so much!
my girlfriend took some awesome photos of bees these days, so I asked her something about the matter since I don't know anything.. =P
my grandpa used to host beehives in some months of the year, he passed away more than a decade ago but I still remember freshly all those beehives in our cherry fields.. I don't even remember why he kept them there and most of all who asked him to keep them =P but I wasn't scared even as a child and loved them, and I love honey too of course.. here in Italy we have honey made from dozens of trees!
in fact, Italy has more than 50 different honey types (actually, we're the country with the highest number of different honeys "monoflorali", take a look at the meaning of monofloral honey) and my favourite are:

  • orange blossom honey (my girlfriend's parents live in Sicily and they procude honey too!)
  • eucalyptus honey
  • cherry honey (which is quite rare even here)
  • lime honey (genus Tilia)
  • mint honey (Miele di menta, try it if you have the chance, it's awesome!)

thanks for the thread =P I can't drink alcohol so I'll never prefer beers over bees =P

5 years ago

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Wow, a honey connoisseur! :o
I wasn't aware that there are so many different sorts based on its flower origin, though there's already a big selection in supermarkets. Thanks for your list as well, though I'm not sure if I want to try mint or eucalyptus honey, due to the different effects and tastes of the components. :D
I also saw vegan honey the first time today (a colleague brought it into the office) and firstly thought: "Why is a vegan version needed?" Sure, due to the creating process of honey (their saliva), I see that it wouldn't exist without bees, thus it comes from animals and therefore is forbidden for vegans. But do bees suffer by honey production?

5 years ago

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oh, here in Italy eucalyptus honey is one of the most sold and in my opinion it's really awesome!! it actually doesn't really tastes that much of the classic eucalyptus/menthol candies we're used to.. =P
anyways, that vegan thing is really something that drives me mad.. I discovered some months ago that some figs can't be eaten by vegans since they require wasps to pollinate them.. and well, here it's been at least 7-8 years that there's a "vegan mania".. my girlfriend's vegetarian and we sometimes eat in vegan restaurants too, they're all so brand new and often somehow expensive.. well, European industries now make "vegan" products of everything, from pet food (yeah we're flooded with vegan food for carnivorous dogs..) to Italian sauces/recipes "transformed" into a vegan version..
and yeah, if something has been sold for years to the average customer, be sure that in nowadays' Europe you'll find the (way more expensive) vegan version of that same food.. vegan chocolate is a must now here, let alone vegan beer! and vegan honey too!
basically, vegans think that honey should be avoided at all and they prefer to use maple syrup, agave nectar and other kinds of syrups.. but there's vegan honey!

I know that someone uses this process:

  • take some flowers: primroses, violets, dandelions, roses, fennel and so on..
  • clean the flowers, by removing the green parts (bracts) and keeping the corolla (petals, pistils etc.)
  • put flowers, lemons and water in a pot, boil everything, then cover it and simmer it again
  • filter everything and put it back in the pot with sugar, boil again, and put your vegan honey in glass jars!

so yeah, this isn't honey, just like vegan carbonara pasta isn't carbonara because it's made with tofu and I don't know what kind of other thing to avoid eggs, and on the other side vegan chocolate and vegan beer are just.. expensive beer and chocolate.. (not milk chocolate of course =P)
I won't ever be able to understand strict vegans.. and yeah most of all one must not call "honey" this thing, I've heard so many beekeepers getting angry at these labels.. bees don't suffer at all, we can continue eating and drinking cheese, chocolate, honey and whatever else we want without harming anyone if we're really interested (but as a Northern Italian I could never even become vegetarian I think, even if I'm trying these years to limit my meat rations =P)

5 years ago

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Things like this usually don't drive me mad, since everyone should decide upon this on its own. Let live and let die. But I ponder about it..
Though I like animals and my avatar could lead to the assumption that I might be vegetarian or even vegan, I'm not, because I like meat and haven't found substitutes for all my favourite meals. Coward carnivore though, I don't think I could kill & slaughter on my own to get it.
But I definitely have respect for those who became vegetarians.
I see reasons for being vegan as well (huge battery farms, shredding of fledglings, breeding of extreme of dairy cows). But it often seems to be an elitary lifestyle (with your given examples of vegan beer etc) or over the top.

5 years ago

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Hug the bees!

5 years ago

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Have some bee pictures from last year.

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5 years ago

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