Assuming help is likely to arrive in a day or two and that you'll both die today if no one eats.
Edit: Consider that there is a chance of being eaten yourself if you don't eat first..
Edit 2: For all of you saying no,have you actually experienced hunger for more than a few hours? I assure you it is immensely painful and that it twists your ability to think clearly.

1 decade ago*

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Depends on who the person is.

1 decade ago

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canibalism = zombie

1 decade ago

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Like every other sane person, I would kill and eat another human being unless perhaps I deeply cared for that person for one reason or another. All you saying no are either bullshiting yourself or you really have no survival instinct and will for life(later is unlikely).

1 decade ago

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Absolutely, I value my life above than other's life. Sound like a jerkass? Maybe, but that's what make me human, I want to live. And at least I'm being honest here.

1 decade ago

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Depends, if a human was his only chance i think he would do it, if there were more options like bugs, animals and stuff he wouldn't have to. That's how it started human beings started tasting things and saw for themselves what's good for them and what's not. Pretty much that's the circle of life ;)

1 decade ago

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Wow.. I'm not cannibal, but i do love brain.
You want some?

1 decade ago

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Finally a humane way to indulge my cannibalistic curiosity

1 decade ago

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As much as it seems unlikely, never experienced hunger for a whole complete month, and usually at such situation human instincts take over individual preference and morallit, so who knows, I just might eat the other person regardless if help will come or not. But f you ask if my morallity/prefrence would allow it? then no, wouldn't even eat a raw meat of other animal.

1 decade ago

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I would. Maybe I'd talk about it and be like lets eat our ears first so we both stay alive, then we some fat off our bellys. And if he does not agree then ill bash his head in with a rock. and nom nom his brainz!

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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too late

1 decade ago

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I absolutely would. If it's either I eat you, or I die, you're fucked.

1 decade ago

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Yes.... No..... Maybe.... I have no idea.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by xKomachi.