Why do lots of people hate them? I mean they're not that bad, support really helps you out and at the end of the chat they give you a coupon 15% off on any of they're games, sim points etc... And they're games aren't that bad, I like they're games and at times they gave away free games. so theres no need to hate them infact you should knell for them for making awesome games.

1 decade ago*

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EA is Darkness. That's it. O_O
Come to the Dark Side. o_O

1 decade ago

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Because they buy out successful studios and ruin their franchises. They also make themselves appear much, much greedier than any other publisher.

1 decade ago

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I hate Ubisoft's practices just as much, if not more

1 decade ago

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Its the cool thing to do some most just join in with out any reason :/

1 decade ago

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oh we have 1000 reasons to hate ea

1 decade ago

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I would have bought ME3, BF3, (and Crysis 3 when it comes out), but I've had bad experiences with EA customer support, so I refuse to use Origin in case there are issues. Also, I'm tired of DLCs (not just EA doing this) and now I just buy GOTY or complete pack games, usually during a Steam sale. Heh.

1 decade ago

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Origin got hacked a while back and me and a friend lost our accounts. We got it back though through good support.

1 decade ago

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Maybe they have improved since my issues. The bitter taste from my experience still remains though.

1 decade ago

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I was given a soup with a fly in the restaurant. I called the waiter and he caught the fly. The restaurant service is good.
That is how your post sounds.

1 decade ago

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from dust

1 decade ago

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EA was pretty leading in the first large push for DRM. SecuROM might ring a bell - a program that was designed to make your game fail to launch if you didn't connect it to the internet every 10 days. It also had a bunch of more legitimate issues with compatibility with people's computers, rendering them unable to play a massively awaited game not because the game wouldn't run but because the added security measure wouldn't run. Mass Effect (1) was actually easier to obtain and run as a pirated version for the average consumer than the genuine article. Then there was the whole "Origin scans all your files" debacle. People can deny that one as much as they want, but the fact is EA was legally required to change the software for a German release due to this.

That being said, I'll still buy a game I want even if EA published it. And apparently Origin in its current form is much better - though I still have it running in a sandbox just in case

1 decade ago

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The Mass Effect 3 ending fiasco didn't help, but i still love the franchise.

1 decade ago

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"...Challenge Everything!"
The first thing that came to mind when I read the title...oh those were the times...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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3x *their

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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"Mod tools for Battlefield 3? Fuck that, let's murder our greatest franchise and take a page from Activision's DLC book, willingly causing the death of our games so they have to buy the next installation!"

1 decade ago

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I hate their DLC bs. I like Sims 3, but buying it with the DLCs made me pay 130$ or more as far as I remember (ON DISCOUNT). The support is helpful sometimes but when their stupid servers were hacked a month ago and someone tried to take my user, all they could say was "Change the password" I was looking like this :S "seriously????"
Not all of their games are bad and I bought the ones that I have for 5-10$ max "except for sims3 of course" but the other games are going down soooo fast it's just annoying looking at them. Have you looked at NFS series lately ? there are games that I didn't even get to play due to their deadlines. I got no time to play them before seeing the new one few months later out in the markiet with tons and tons of bugs and glitches "which they don't fix very fast". They should learn from other companies. Look at Konami for example, they have been advertising MGSR for years now and currently another MGS :P "I hate to wait" but it's to provide a perfect product. Capcom with RE6 too is a good example. Microsoft with the tons of rumors about a AOE4 for years. With EA I don't remember hearing a rumor. I buy a game and few months later a sequence is out or a DLC and is costing a full game price "19.99-59.99 or more" that's a big bowl of "&^%(^(^&&^RB^ & &^^&^(*^ (**& "
Honestly, with their prices I don't recommend buying anything from them unless you got the greatest deal ever. stic to only activating your cheap bought games at origin just to make sure you can download it from their servers too and can keep annoying them every now and then :P

^A lot of blah blah blah

1 decade ago

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I'm a fan of the Sims games too, but I'm with you in regards about EA using them as one of their biggest cash cows, where they put out not only new expansions but also premium-content DLCs for the game for US$20-30 apiece! Also doesn't help much that each new expansion tends to introduce new glitches into the game and would have to be patched up a month afterwards...only to lather-rinse-repeat when the next addon releases two months later :p

Still, I do enjoy the Sims games. I'm just not so wild about the way EA handles the franchise sometimes.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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"infact you should knell for them for making awesome games."

Next you'll be telling me to do other stuff while I am kneeling to them....O_O.

I kneel to no one, not even Zod!

1 decade ago

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EA Shit

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by laz3r.