Gifting Thread

(the group is inactive but the thread is still up until I know if I'll be collecting more games during the winter, I wish everyone all the best for the rest of the year!)

You're welcome to stop by any time. it will be updated during the evenings around 19-20 in GMT+1 every other day.
If you like to leave feedback, please post it as a reply and it will help me to edit out already redeemed keys.
Comments and questions can be posted freely.
The new group giveaways will run for 24h to make them more accessible, starting every other day at 18-19.
There is now a public group so that anyone taking the time to stick around should get a fair advantage over automatic joining through plugins.

Group link: GS[SG]

Have a continued awesome summer!

6 years ago*

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hey can i join in your group?

6 years ago

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I'd like to join as well! <3

6 years ago

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To anyone wondering, the group was open during the summer as an alternative to sharing invite-links. It was meant to be closed, but we still have some unexpected giveaways ending and that's why it's restricted.
I wish you all the best and a continued great year!

6 years ago*

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Hi, can i join? =)

6 years ago

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I was wondering if I could join..?

6 years ago

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The group is being retired in two days and been closed for 2 months, wouldn't be right to have it open again right at the end.
The group itself was created because some ppl complained about potential bots grabbing keys from the thread, effectively replacing the thread except for in regards to notifications. I preferred sharing games without having "CV" attached to them and to me the thread was perfect as it was, but you can't make everyone happy. So the group was a compromise, making the keys and gifts still dedicated to the thread, but beyond the reach of bots.

But since I added a group to attach giveaways to, I have to remove the group at some point when I'll be sharing outside of the steam-gifts site and it's this weekend. It's more of a farewell collection of giveaways since I won't be collecting games this winter, just wrapping up with giveaways that I didn't get time to add during the end of the summer.
Next year I'll probably be on twitch and support charity driven streams where you can share more directly and configure your own giveaways, you're welcome to add me in steam if you'd like to get updates but co-streaming or anything else isn't decided yet. Just an idea if I get back into it again.

6 years ago*

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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Oh. It's not open indeed. Stop reviving old threads T_T Yes.

View attached image.
6 years ago

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GP3?T-TW6LZ-CLHQ? = 5th letter of British alphabet

6 years ago

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Thank you, I didn't expect anyone to revive this thread but since you posted I'll post feedback for you.
It was redeemed by the time that I tried it, thanks for sharing! : ]

6 years ago

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This thread is closing and I wish everyone all the best, take care of eachother and have a really cool winter!

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by MrNobodyInParticular.