You have all probably seen this group "network" at some point. They send out invites to everyone. They giveaway bundle games here in mass quantities as part of their recruitment. They also advertise giving away AAA titles to whoever invites the most people to their groups. Sadly those giveaways are rigged, as they are not done on SteamGifts, but rather in his group's forum, and no winners are chosen truly at random as the system here allows.

But that's not what I'm here to tell you about.

First, let me show you exactly what I am talking about, in case you are unfamiliar with the OTG Network.

Original Traders Group
Original Curators Group
Original Giveaway Group
German Giveaway Community
Original Society Club
Duck Society

The above 6 groups are what's known as the 'Original Network'. It originally started as just the top group. It's recently expanded unnecessarily into the other groups. You can do everything the 4 groups do with one group, after all. The groups are also all populated by the same people, so don't let the numbers fool you. The Original Society Club is for the most loyal of his followers, where he supposedly does non-bundle game giveaways. Duck Society is...I don't even.

They are all run by a lovely fellow named SalzStange. His username here on SteamGifts is AngryErpel.
Confirmed with SteamGifts Support that this is not calling out..

SalzStange was recently outted on Twitter for trying to blackmail a developer for a free Steam Key. This kind of activity has been known to occur in this "network" but was covered up by his loyalists. When things like this happened in the past, or someone wrote a negative review for a game SalzStange obtained keys for, he would ask his loyalists to downrate the hell out of the review, which they sadly did. According to other 'victims', his loyalists were also asked to harass people that did not agree with SalzStange's methods or people who called him out on his bullshit. It's safe to say some are blindly following him in the hopes of free games. This is, of course, unacceptable, and since this was brought public, some of his loyalists left the group. Namely a few (most) of his admins and even a co-founder. He now has a new set of followers and Admins/Mods, and they are still up to the same routine.

SalzStange thinks giving away games is charity, and refers to his groups as "the biggest charity groups on Steam".
Charity is helping people who are less fortunate (IE Homeless, starving, etc), donating clothes and food to homeless people, or volunteering at a shelter....things of that nature. Not giving away games to privileged people on SteamGifts. He lists hundreds of giveaways for bundle games and games he's received from devs here on SteamGifts. The bundle games he asks members to donate to him so he can give them away here or in his group's chat (this has been confirmed by many former members). Either way, he is unfairly benefiting from contributor value here on SteamGifts because of this. He is currently a LV 9 contributor here on SteamGifts.

There is a reddit thread where a lot of people have come forward to share their experiences with SalzStange and his groups. and there is also a NEOGAF thread.

Proof, evidence, chatlogs, examples of his behavior and other things.
Take a look at these and find out for yourself what kind of person SalzStange is. Don't listen to his long-winded excuses or lies he's posted here and elsewhere.

2706 line OTG Group Chat Log
Full email conversation - This is the 'unedited' screenshot SalzStange provided that he claims absolves him of all accusations. It, in fact, makes him look worse.
My experience with SalzStange and his group
Chat harassment
SalzStange's SteamRep Report
SalzStange's "apology" to the dev he blackmailed
SalzStange thinks there's no proof
Valve is at least aware of this situation
SalzStange thinks those "against" him are all trolls
SalzStange denies allegations concerning his rigged giveaways, which were already confirmed as true
SalzStange's official statement after he was caught
Former Mod's response to his 'official statement'
SalzStange's post history on the Steam forums. A great example of his attitude and how he talks to developers
OTG Head Admin is okay with SalzStange's actions.
SalzStange has been permanently banned from SteamCompanion.
SalzStange calls those who caught him and spread awareness of his lies 'troll' and 'haters'..
SteamCompanion Group Chatlog where SalzStange was invited to discuss his ban

If you are still a part of this "network" I advise you all to leave to avoid being dragged down with him. It will happen eventually. WGN got shut down for doing less than this.

If you would like to combat this network and it's practices, there are a number of things you can do.
If you are a member of any of their groups, or any of the groups that SalzStange associates with (Such as Hookups where he is an Admin), simply leave them. You can also share this thread with people on your friendslists who are members of these groups and advise them to leave as well.


SalzStange threatened a dev, got caught, and is still trying to lie and cover up the facts, acting like he did nothing wrong.

He claims to be an adult, but is refusing to own up to his actions. Everything we do in life has consequences. It's time he faces them.

View attached image.
9 years ago*

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He feels comfortable safe because Steam does nothing against his OxG Network.

8 years ago

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Bump ^^

8 years ago

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Bump, Duck still believes he's an innocent angel.

8 years ago

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Someone should create a Steam awareness group called "Shut the duck up" or maybe "what the duck" (2nd one was thought out by someone else). An idea for someone more gutsy than me.

8 years ago

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I am reminded of a similar group. They have VAC banned cheaters 'Admirals' as admins and owners and do invite GAs and never reveal winners publicly till much recently before a large number of people reported them. Lets play a guessing game. Guess who or whom?

8 years ago

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Oh dear me, I've been blacklisted. What shall I do now? :)

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Holy crap.

8 years ago

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Lol. What a pathetic child.

8 years ago

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Yeah, nothing new.. He tend to do that when people go against him. :) The only ones not going against him are people that don't care as long as they get free games...

8 years ago

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just had a looooooong read of all this.

made me remove myself from all those steam groups, blacklist the duckmeister and delete all entries in their giveaways.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Shame nothing's being done. People will likely forget about this again soon. Depressing.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I wonder if it would be ethically right to enter those steam groups and post this in the recruitment threads.

8 years ago

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i don't think this is a recruitment thread

8 years ago

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I didn't say it was?

8 years ago

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From my point of view: No! Never!

8 years ago

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Jussst wondering

8 years ago

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He would just delete them like everything else.

8 years ago

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In all likelihood, yeah

8 years ago

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Thanks for the heads up. Groups reported, and left. I was in them (Probably through SteamCompanion, I used to do). It seems the scumbags of the world are now moving into development. How nice...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Ok so let me see if i can understand well.I am on the first 3 groups - dont know how i get there - anyway,this guy is the admin of this groups and he ask from dev to give him keys for his ga and if they refuse he blackmailed with negative reviews?Just curiosity.

8 years ago

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Pretty much yes. Unfortunately he is still allowed to pollute steam with his bullshit and even more disappointingly CG still allows him to be active on this site.

8 years ago

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He should've been permanently banned on this site.

8 years ago

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I see.I'm out then from his stupid groups.But i dont understand why the dev doesnt report him on steam?And if i can do it how i do,with what reason?

8 years ago

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I am sure I am not alone in having already reported him to Steam for the very reasons mentioned in the original post. Unfortunately for whatever reason Steam have chosen to either not take action or just to be exceedingly tardy about the whole thing.

8 years ago

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No public gaming media picked up the story, and extorted game keys still show as sold units on Steam for Valve. So until the media blows this, he is useful for Valve.

Or, as usual, they don't care until it hurts their reputation.

8 years ago

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I hate to be cynical and agree but I really do agree :/

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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yall complaining about this guy yet u still participate in his giveaways, that means s**t up and move on. this thread is over and his groups are still growing better than before so it wont have any effects on him

8 years ago

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Erm I actually don't participate in his giveaways. No matter how much I want a game he may give away my principles do not allow me to have anything to do with him.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You either give a shit or you don't.
You win stuff from me, you win stuff from him.
Stop complaining about people complaining dude.

This thread lives on. For at least a little while longer.

8 years ago

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you people want him to be banned on steamgifts and steam and trying to kill his groups but none are working so whats the point of trying? just curious

8 years ago

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I think they do it on principles. After all, if everyone just gives up and lets scumbags buy fame and get away with it, we can pretty much stop doing investigative journalism and disband all anti-corruption agencies as well.
And also vote in those who just spend the most money on campaigns.
Okay, well, the last one may be too late now…

8 years ago

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Yep, the billionaires really pulled out their trump card this time...

...I'll show myself out >_>

8 years ago

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Good bad pun. Have a VirtualCookie™. ^^

8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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So with your logic, if you don't succeed at something, you should give up and just forget about it. I wouldn't want to imagine what the world would be like if everyone thought like that. Do you think we should still have slaves? Maybe everyone should have just given up after a month or a year of trying to make a change.

8 years ago

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nope, its just not a big issue for me u guys are just overreacting and using so much drama that will lead no where

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I don't like the guy.
I have had problems with him.
He is dishonest.

He reads this thread often, and some people know that. Those same people will lick anyone ass for a chance at winning a game.

"It is not about trying to destroy him, it is about destroying him" - CHVNGE

8 years ago

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If women didn't keep pushing for votes they never would have got them.
If slaves didn't keep pushing to be treated human, they never would have been.

This person made a "giveaway", then his wife won it.
He harassed women to go sit in his groups chat.
He harassed developers for free keys.
He spams the crap out of people with information they do not need.
He calls himself charitable yet I don't see him giving money to charity.
He won't admit he made mistakes, instead calls anyone who points them out "trolls".
The list goes on.

If someone believes in a cause that is why they continue.

Just like if you truly believe a liar and a cheat is worthy of praise you will continue.
But I have to ask why are you defending this manchild?

8 years ago

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You are in at least 3 of his groups...

8 years ago

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And also friends with SalzDouche. Guess why he's even commenting. ;)

8 years ago

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cause this thread is not a big deal. i know salz hes a good friend and he already apologized about what he did it was a stupid move but he wont do it again :) shit is over so yall gotta stop whining about it

8 years ago

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Apologized ? He denied it all along and still is.. This Thread is not a Bid Deal to you but you're working hard to steer it the other way around for some reason. He's a good friend to you ? Well your good friend acted like an ass and made the whole community look bad and just now is calling people stupid for not liking what he did just a few posts under here..

Also he clearly doesn't understand what charity is since he's calling his groups the 'most active charity groups'.. denial and delusion.

8 years ago*

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all i read is bla bla bla why butthurt much ?

8 years ago

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lol .. just pictured you with your fingers in your ears and swinging the head like Ray Charles.. that's exactly what credibility you have with a childish answer like that. Be a sheep if you want..

8 years ago

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5 groups *

8 years ago

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I just learned about this group the other day. I'm a dev, and I'm not ok with any of this crap. I removed myself from all the groups, and even tweeted this thread out too.

8 years ago

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If only more devs would stop supporting him :(

8 years ago

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This seems to be a pretty egregious example but it represents a common trend. These promotional groups are mostly a joke. Somebody is usually getting screwed. Whether it be the dev/publishers giving the stuff for free with no guarantee of what is done with it. The group members who actually believe they''ve got a fair shot at stuff. Or the mods of the group who are expected to do a job for free.

8 years ago

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yo, just leave these trolls alone. (I'm not saying that all in these threads are tolls and i know that some people follow (believe?) our 7-9 old trolls. ) They are now active since they are seeing some big giveaways of our people. They need the attention and they are happy that some people blindly trust them. He made this thread not just on steamgifts, lol. And if he want to make other people bad to feel betther.. okay. Who cares? We won't lose our position as one of the most active charity groups, we got 1500 new followers and 6000-7000 new people after we uploaded our statement, and i made so much giveaways (since a very long time and much longer since I had this curation group or our giveaway group) and every smart guy knows that these accusing against my person are just stupid. Our people know that i am sometimes just drop 100-200 or 300 bundle or non keys into our chat. And no.. I mostly giveaway bundlekeys and they are not for free. Or that i giveaway since a long time christmas presents (steamgifts) to poor steam users. The trolls are not just not logical. They are simply stupid and you just need to watch their "screenshots" that says all. The most people give a **** of cutted or fake screenshots.

Do not send me the links to this thread. And do not waste your time at these people. It's nice that some people risk somethign and want to defend me but just delete your comments and let them play their lonly troll game. And it's not the first time that they troll around and it's not their first thread and I am not their first target. Do not get a target of some hobbyless people. Let them talk to themself like they did hounderds of times! And laugh about it. It shows their hate and lone life. Some of us us know "why they are angry" and.. why we shoudl feed them? They do it to get attention and if we give them our attention. They will feel betther and we won't help them with this step. So i will repeat me: laugh about them if you see them spamming, harassing, flaming or something like that but do not give them your attention.

@trolls, I know, you won't understand it, and you will still post something (it's your nature), but I won't response to you.
I have something betther to do with my life.

And another step to make our trolls happy:
I just decided to giveaway much more keys in the next 3 months in all our steam groups ! Congratz ^.^

Haters gonna hate, and potatos gonna potate;)
Have a great summer

8 years ago*

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And idiotic ducks who should just leave the community are going to keep spamming useless GA's and make more people blacklist him every single time he posts a stupid comment like this.

Go away Duckhead, or better's almost hunting season here and I have a break action 12 gauge I would love to try out on you and your flock this season.

8 years ago

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hey i like ducks but not scammer ducks so ill go get a shotgun and my rifles xD can i join you

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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will definitely join all your GA duck thanks a lot :))

and i will stop commenting in this pointless thread and make it dead ;)

8 years ago

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How does his dick taste? Salty?

8 years ago

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idk u know better

8 years ago

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Oh, what a burn. ;)

8 years ago

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Bumping because of this comment. XD

8 years ago

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Thanks for bumping : )

8 years ago

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Why do commenting in a pointless thread ? We will ensure that this Topic remains for a very very long time up to date and more members are informed about the machinations of the OxG Network and his admin "AngryErpel"

...and thank you for your Bumps.You sure know the Streisand effect :-)

8 years ago

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at least leave shooties when you go up his a*s, so maybe someone can pull you out

8 years ago

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You do realize that by editing your comment and making an @trolls comment, you are in fact making a "response to you" as you so put it.

When you do decide to do your Giveaways could you please only include your group? I am sick of seeing your stupid games because you decided to lump in the biggest steam groups you are a member in just to have your game spammed across more screens.

You are a cancer on this community, on the steam community and to gamers in general. The way you still act like nothing was done wrong by you and that this is all just because of "trolls and haters" is the biggest reason why I cannot stand to see your name or avatar period.

8 years ago

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Shouldn't worry too much about this twit, yes he is a blight but he also incredibly dumb and the only people who care about his existence are people who want free shit.

He only does giveaways outside his group because he needs members in his group for his e-peen. I too would like him gone from my feed but that won't happen any time soon I'm gathering.

You can also tell he's kinda distressed by these posts by the way he types now. Acting all blasé with the haters gonna hate. Only time I've ever seen people use that is when they don't like what they're reading.

Bumping is good.

8 years ago

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Time for another bump, because I <3 you so deeply : )

8 years ago

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Wow. What a dirt bag. Good thing I left the groups a while ago.

8 years ago

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What if we made a group on Steam, like "Original groups by AngryErpel are all a huge scam"? Maybe we would've become the "most charitable group on Steam"? ;o

8 years ago*

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wow xD

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Khalaq.