Thanks everybody!

1 decade ago*

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Sometimes, if I stay up past 4 or 5AM. For some reason it never really seems to happen until then, even if I've already spent all day pretty much to myself.

Don't go in for online friendships any more, in fact I don't really like talking to people online at all but would much rather talk with someone face to face. It feels rather socially unsatisfying otherwise.

Having said that, feeling lonely is a horrible feeling that I wouldn't wish on anyone so feel free to add me on Steam if you want and maybe we can play co-op sometime or whatever. I'm not massively chatty but I'm fairly harmless and try to be friendly. :)

1 decade ago

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i would join ya in co-op cuz you seem like a nice guy, but my laptop started a revolucion and it makes my wifi internet really slow even though its normal in my other 2 computers and my mom´s tablet and our cellphones, triying to fix this rigth away.

also i feel like talking to people form other countries online because the people between my age in this area dont know shit about what i talk about or sometimes act too stupid so i dont ejoy their company some times.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, most of the time I guess :|

1 decade ago

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no, quite the opposite in fact. my (irl(internet friends are different))friends make me wish to be lonely. even the most social person would tire of them quickly. :P

1 decade ago

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If you want to be lonely, go do so...

1 decade ago

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can't. they're the sort of friends who accidentally stalk you.... >_>

especially if they feel you've been ducking them. so you eventually end up against a wall to either terminate the friendship or spend a mandatory minimum time together whether its convenient that week/month or not.

1 decade ago

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If you want space, tell them that.

1 decade ago

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nah, mostly i think its funny if annoying(besides if I had my space I'd end up drifting away for a year+ before remembering them which is half of why they stalk(the other half being an unfortunate personality quirk of one of them(basically me but opposite(but its the sort of opposite like facism and communism where they're basically the same anyway))))

1 decade ago

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I never feel lonely even w/o friends. Coolie + hand 4ever

1 decade ago

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Is not like feeling lonely, most like nostalgic in my case, I remember playing WoW with 9 of my rl friends, with our own guild , doing raids, pvp and stuff, now i hardly have luck if one of the friends that have steam want to play something together, I don't know probably the age makes me want to go back to those days.

1 decade ago

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I know the feeling, good old WoW time.

1 decade ago

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Well, I prefer to stay alone.

1 decade ago

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If I had the chance, I would hug you.

1 decade ago

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I like my alone time AND I like the time I spend with others. So no, I don't get lonely (despite having just a few good friends).

1 decade ago

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You oughtta look for other friends and reconsider how much your current ones are really "friends" if you feel like this. And boy, do I know this feeling.

1 decade ago

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Sometimes when I don't have anyone to talk to or barely. It's like people come in my list, talk a bit and then we never talk again.. And I'm not a one that can start a conversations easily with people I barely talk to. But sometimes it is nice to have an alone time. But mostly I don't want that. ah.. the quest to find nice people.

1 decade ago

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To be honest, I never had any friends, not even good neither close ones, except for ones online who rarely talk to me, I mostly play single player games and multiplayer by myself without even being on a party chat or something like that. And yes I do feel lonely, but I have no other choice but to live like this.

1 decade ago

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No. I am "normal".

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by KokoSabre.