So a while back I started making giveaways. And the first batch I made were public giveaways with no level requirements. And certainly some of the games went to people who seemed nice. But I couldn't help but notice that some got regifted or simply vanished without trace. And I had to chase some people who didn't mark the games as received and it turned out they didn't want the games because they thought they were bad games or because it as a waste of time activating them because of their VAC ban and so on.

And for a while I maybe felt like a dick for going to the trouble of giving games away to people who didn't even want them. And I resolved to start experimenting with ways to maybe focus my gifting towards people who weren't such assholes. And I have experimented with various kinds of giveaways with varying degrees of success. And I have experimented with whitelists and group giveaways but I would feel a little guiltY about entering public giveaways if I made no public giveaways myself.

And I have experimented with blacklisting. Which I felt in theory was a great way of gradually focusing gifting towards the more lovable members of the community.

It's fair to say that that my first blacklistings were fairly haphazard and I'm not a perfect person and I'll even admit that I blacklisted a few people for quite petty reasons while druNk - but all of those have been reversed and I'm now quite consistent about why I blacklist people and keep a list of why I have done it.

I'm blacklist people for badly breaking the rules or abusing the system (like multiple regifters). I'm blacklisting people for having a bad ratio plus something else naughty, because I wouldn't want to discriminate against people who just can't afford stuff (like people who have a really bad ratio and moan about only winning crap games in discussions). And I'm blacklisting people who I felt were rude or abusive or entirely unreasonable (because it would stick in my throat to give a game to somebody who had told me to kill myself). This seems reasonable to me.

But to me things began to seem unreasonable when I made a giveaway for 3 copies of Skullgirls and woke up the next morning to find that despite a large number of entries more people were moaning about being blacklisted than had actually said 'thank you'. And I spent half the next day Being harassed by and arguing with various people despite also being really busy in real life.

If somebody asks why they are blacklisted I don't mind checking if I have made a mistake or looking if they have mended their ways - but when I commit to giving a game away I don't also want to commit to wasting a bunch of time arguing with people.

More recently somebody took the trouble of contacting me after noticing they were blacklisted to tell me what a good user they were, to express their surprise and upset and to issue some vague but malevolent threats. I checked my list and saw they were blackListed for several things ranging from having a terrible ratio to scamming people in trades. And I also noticed that this user had never made a giveaway that I had been able to enter.

I had been excluded from every private group giveaway this user had made and apparently now this user had discovered that I had made a giveaway that he was excluded from he found this entirely unreasonable. Is it wrong to be pissed off about that?

In conclusion I'm now about bored of this shit. I'm considering how to move forwards on the matter and thought it would be interesting to have a discussion and hear peoples opinions.

But before replying I would like people to consider that whenever I have previously posted a rambling wall of text in 'puzzles' there has been something far more important going on than the topic that appears to be the issue.

EDIT - I literally have several hundred new messages. I hadn't quite expected that response. Clearly blacklisting is CONTROVERSIAL or else folks are just really excited about the other thing. I'll reply to as much stuff as I can but it may take a while.

To clarify a few things at the risk of making a wall of text even bigger;

I'll always check why I blacklisted people as clearly I'm not infallible. Although in the past I have had several productive discussions with people I blacklisted I don't feel able to commit to that in the future due to a recent onslaught of bullshit. At this stage I'm reluctant to even get involved in discussions when so many of them end up wasting so much time.

I'm pretty sure I know what caused the onslaught of bullshit. Participating in the 'midsummer madness' event clearly brought me to the attention of some people who hadn't previously noticed my more subtle giveaways. And also I added 'really bad ratio + only making private group giveaways while raking it in from public giveaways' to the list of things I blacklist for which upset a number of especially argumentative and entitled individuals.

I'm not upset or else I wouldn't still be making giveaways. I have vented. I have put my point of view across. I will honestly consider the feedback. I will move forwards.

EDIT2 - 890 messages since I made this. I have read them all but it is unlikely that I will be able to reply to them all. The main lesson so far appears to be that the people who have contributed the least to this community are the ones most likely to get outraged about what other people are doing with their giveaways.

8 years ago*

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To blacklist or to not blacklist...

8 years ago

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My view on blacklists: People are giving away games, I think it's only fair they get to decide who they don't want to give them to.

And for complaining about being blacklisted... so what if some random stranger on the internet blocks you from entering their giveaways; there are plenty of other giveaways to enter!

Personally I ignore people who complain about it. If I blacklisted them they deserved to be blacklisted. Unlike you I am actually infallible (at least when it comes to blacklisting people) ;)

8 years ago

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In seems like a good attitude to have. In future I'm maybe tempted to not just be infallible but also ineffable. That would be fun...

8 years ago

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Hmm. I never blacklist anyone.
I wanted to write that but I checked my profile and have a single fella there. So I have one rule that is about behaviour. As far I remember he was contemptuously (is it a good word?) talking about gifts he won. You know, game(s) I won is(are) some bundle shit! i don't give a fcuk about it, i want gta v and gtfo with this crap!, apologies for language, no respect for an user who created giveaway and for joyful idea of the site.
Still I don't want to ban from my raffles anyone (even those who blacklisted me) because of exactly it. I think it's like sending negative vibes around. I don't want to do this :). Maybe I don't like a little when people sometimes overreacting and overusing (imho) this option but it's their choice. But I don't want to tell anyone what to do, absolutely not! I just wanted to change the world into slightly better place starting from myself :p.
Have a great day, Mr. GameGod! ^^

8 years ago

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I'm late to the conversation, but they are your giveaways. I have zero people on my blacklist, but it's part of Steam Gifts now. You can use it however you want. I personally don't care enough anymore to report or blacklist someone. I hope my giveaways go to people who want them, but if not, that's okay too. I'm not wasting any of my time because of it. And thank you for the giveaways :)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Here have another bump.

8 years ago

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Eh, I strongly believe that people should use their blacklists however they see fit.
I sure liked the feature.

Also, bump.

8 years ago

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Users can blacklist other users for reasons like for example being rude, ungratefull, leeching, trade scamming etc.... Anything goes because placing users on a blacklist isn't against SG rules and it's a users prerogative...

8 years ago*

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I'm too new to take part in the discussion so I'm just gonna bump

8 years ago

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late bump. appreciate the giveaways. :D

Never found a giveaway that i'm blacklisted on yet, but it would be troublesome to deal with messages asking about it.

I always treat blacklist as another option of doing group/invite only giveaway (never did it, just see it that way). But instead of opening it to certain people, you just exclude certain people. lol nvm me. :P

8 years ago

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I would really like to see improvements to the blacklist feature like automatic blacklisting of the person who blacklisted you and several other things that I've seen in other threads created. If someone blacklists you, I don't really think they should be able to enter your giveaways or interact with you. I also think that blacklist should have options to hide their comments and threads made by them, etc. Other than that, I think people should have the right to blacklist whoever they want.

8 years ago

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So far the only way to get on my blacklist is regifting.

8 years ago

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Awesome giveaways bump!

Relatively new to the site and already encountered some rule-breaking. I don't mind using the blacklist if people are trying to subvert the intentions of the site.

8 years ago*

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Bump. We should blacklist everyone.

Or is it no one?

I can never remember.

8 years ago

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I think we just blacklist that guy. You know. That guy.

8 years ago

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how do you determine regifting?

i ask because i have lots of games in my inventory and humble bundle library un-redeemed that i actively enter giveaways for. and if i win i would add one of the now duplicate copies of the game to my library and then create a giveaway for the same game i just won.

in the case of skyrim, i have the legendary edition or whatever and if i were to win the regular i would redeem the legendary and giveaway the regular that i won. this is technically regifting but in a pay it forward i won this and will now enjoy it and i want to share that with others sort of way.

have i just added myself to all your blacklists for regifting?

i have never yet added anyone to my black list because i have not seen any one break rules. i do not go in and check up on winners of my giveaways afterward.

i figure the temp ban for not redeeming a gift after winning it is sufficient and likely an account that does this enough will get perma-banned. is this feature not still in place? i only know about it because i got a 3 day ban after not redeeming a gift i had won. i was not regifting it, i had simply yet to redeem it as my black log is very long.

8 years ago

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Redeem as soon as you receive it. Don't try to make loopholes. Who gives a fuck about your backlog.

8 years ago

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i care about my backlog and i do redeem as soon as i receive. and then i create a new giveaway of the same game.

8 years ago

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I had simply yet to redeem is what you said.

Means you already accepted the game but didn't redeem it as soon as you received it.

8 years ago

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that time, but i have learned what happens if i do not immediately redeem. so now i do.

8 years ago

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When I am looking at giveaway winners, etc I check for unactivated wins. If you are activating the games that you win then I would have no problem with you. I have no problem with people gifting games they have previously won as long as they activated their win. I have done it myself once when I got a key in a bundle for a game I previously won.

I think it is odd that you are entering giveaways for games you have in your inventory, etc and it isn't something I would generally do myself. But it isn't anything that I would blacklist somebody for. And certainly it would be more than slightly hypocritical as I have recently entered giveaways for Alien: Isolation while having a copy in my inventory that is intended as a prize in a giveaway I currently have open.

I often don't additionally blacklist rule breakers and just leave it up the mods and admins to sort out. But due to bad experiences in the past with users not activating games is something that especially annoys me. I will always unblacklist people who activate their missing games though, which is how I think the rules should work also.

8 years ago*

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Ok big proviso to start - I am bone-tired. My dog is sick and my hubby is traveling and can't spell me with care and my job demands asses in seats.

On to the point - I have given over 700 games as gifts (more if you count individual games in bundles gifted but that isn't the real point). I gift because 1) the mostly bundle games are stuff I'm never going to play and it feels wasteful to not give them to someone that will, 2) I gift cause not everyone is as fortunate/flush as me (well my pay range at my age sucks...but let's not go there). But I recognize that maybe 75-90% of the population on earth is far worse off than me so gifting extra bundle keys to those for whom $1 US means getting through the month with enough food, matters to me. Games truly are a diversion that takes my mind off irl crap - if I can do for others, I feel a small sense of victory over the human condition. 3) Gifting has shown me that there are plenty of crappy jerks but there are also plenty of amazing people too :-) I am lucky to have made some real friends - not so much as a result of gifting but as a direct result of being willing to connect on a real level. 4) I will never do public GA's after the absolutely horrible experience at the beginning of my tenure here - one was a total jerk and the second was probably a scammer that reported me for gifting him a "used" key and then demanded that I buy it at full price... yeah :-( 5) in my pov, groups that have some semblance of order are the only real way to a) gift in a safe and controlled environment and b) actually have some chance to connect with other gamers.

anywho, I am too tired to puzzle tonight but thanks all the same :-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Internet tough guys and asinine posters will find themselves on my blacklist. I don't want to give these people games.

I add regifters too when I encounter them, but I generally don't check up on this.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thank you for the train.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I wish the blacklist was reciprocal.

8 years ago

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That would be ideal for me also...

8 years ago

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I don't see why they should be able to enter my giveaways when they don't want me to enter one of theirs.

8 years ago

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Bump! Really thank you for the train

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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