What. The. Fuck. I'm pretty sure this is illegal.


Pulling a 'DayZ', is kinda shitty, imo. For the ones who don't know, DayZ last year raised its price to go on sale, the sale being, dropping to the price before the raise.



Enhanced Steam extension from Google Chrome store

For checking, dropping and raises of game's prices.


9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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You sir/lady, are clearly missing the point.

Raising a price just before sale so companies can fool costumers into 'fake promotions' is not as you say 'totally legit'.

9 years ago

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Nice bait. 10/10

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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It's not all about the price in itself, its about the fake promotions.

9 years ago

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BEAR! Fetch me my tank........

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9 years ago

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With fucking pleasure!

9 years ago

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Thanks bear, you have my vote

9 years ago

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I've noticed that gasoline prices have also increased as Summer approaches. They do it every year because they know that with the nicer weather more people will be taking their vacations during that time. Compare prices of goods around the holidays to what they are now. You will probably be surprised at how you've been mislead into believing that the prices are the lowest during the holiday shopping time. Nothing illegal about it. It's called marketing. You'd better get used to it. It happens everywhere.

9 years ago

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Just boycottage those publishers who are clever enough to play with our wallets!

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9 years ago

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It's in times like these i really appreciate Steam Enhanced among other things.
Lowest price ever shows the exact absolute price, so those tricks wouldn't work with me either way.

That said, what this might actually result is some companies ending up on my shitlist and me boycotting their products even if i did want them and even if the discount were to be so huge that it would make up for the gimmick of raising the retail price beforehand.
Just as a matter of principle.

9 years ago

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Fuck DayZ.

Fuck War Thunder.

Fuck every single cheating Publisher out there!

9 years ago*

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War thunder sucked since the beggining.

9 years ago

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Meh, I played it for about 1-2h and forgot about it completely. This anti-consumer practices should be dealt with by Valve, but they aren't doing anything!

PS: on a second thought they are, they are getting richer by the second without a care in the world

9 years ago

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Thanks for the warning. So is there a list yet?

9 years ago

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Yay, more Valve/Steam-related drama!
Steam sucks lately... :(

9 years ago

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that is not "a steam thing"...

9 years ago

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How so?

9 years ago

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Devs can change their games' prices on their own.

9 years ago

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Again, so?
Steam is the DRM, what I was saying was that anything related to it which sucks makes it suck. :P

9 years ago

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DayZ doesn't deserve 1$.

9 years ago

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Do you think Gabe is in on this?

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9 years ago

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...that's a common tactic everywhere and in real life when you buy clothes, food, technology, travel agency ... - I speak for my country primarily ...We need a list of developers who doing this so I/We could avoid purchasing their games, that would be great

also this http://boingboing.net/2015/03/26/tpp-leak-states-give-companie.html 10/10 would buy again...

9 years ago

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Bunch of scumbags.

9 years ago

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Welp, now we know what NOT to buy.

9 years ago

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bear is going grizzly

9 years ago

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no more Mr. Good Panda

9 years ago

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Is it like with policemen? Good Bear and Bad Bear?

9 years ago

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you'll never know

9 years ago

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XCom did this EVERY time the game went on sale

9 years ago

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It's because complete package is cheaper than DLC, so it show it's price during sales.

9 years ago

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Yep, kind of idiotic DLC discount policy where complete package/goty package is cheaper than individual DLCs.

But that seems to be standard practice for 2K games (not the Rockstar label, see below), Bethesda & probably other publishers.

9 years ago

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Dayz sucks anyway. It's not worth even if it would be 10$.
GTAV price increased.
Also project cars DLC has increased in price since the sale started.

9 years ago

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The price of GTAV did not change, it's the price for the game + some moneh DLC ( $1.250.000)

9 years ago

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And if you want GTAV without any extras (because fuck microtransactions for in-game money and all that), you're out of luck.
Because the basic game got the price jacked up to 75 euros for good measure (from either 60 euros or 55 I believe). So with the 25% discount on that's still a a worse deal than the package deals.

See also http://siliconangle.com/blog/2015/06/11/how-rockstar-games-weasled-its-way-out-of-discounting-gta-v-on-steam/

9 years ago

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So, in short, the game simply is not on sale, that's all people can complain about. Its price did not increase.

No sale, no buy, problem solved, either buy it later or from somewhere else, as we do with other games we're interested in.

To me it looks like people complaining that The Witcher 3 isn't -66%. Rockstar is greedy, simple as that, but there's no scam, only a test for people's will.

edit : don't get me wrong, I think this is a massive dick move from Rockstar, but to say the price was increased is simply not exact.

I'm not discussing the quality of the DLC, either. Real moneh for in-game moneh ? Nah, thank you Rockstar :

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9 years ago*

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The thing is, the game simply is not on sale but it is advertised as being on sale.

So that's almost false advertising. Almost, because they slip in a product that's near-zero cost for them anyway so they can legally claim they're providing more product for the same price.
But then this would still be less misleading if it were advertised as a Limited time offer , as in: Anyone buying this during sales period gets extra crap for free -> same result, but presented without the number-fucking.

Of course, that doesn't get you on the Steam store front page, because the steam store doesn't present any type of special offer except discounts.

9 years ago

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I agree.

But I like nitpicking whenever I see a loophole.

9 years ago

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's Ok. Being someone who mostly deals with the Information in Information Technology for a living, I just tend to rant and vent when things are presented in an ambiguous or deliberately obfuscated way.

9 years ago

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I don't really care about that DLC crap, i wanted the game.

9 years ago

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Hmm if I'm not seeing things wrong there are some mistakes on the steamprices tracker. For instance Blackguards 2 apparently had a price increase from $35 to $54? But according to the steam page $35 is for strictly Blackguards 2 while $54 is the Blackguards franchise. steamprices lists Blackguads 2 ALONE as having a spike from $35 to $54.

9 years ago

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you guys need to blow this thing up & pass it around all over the place. the more that people talk about it & make this news worthy or at least get a news article on a gaming website so others can see & pass around; the more it gets people pissed off about it , the more it will make them accountable. if only a few people care, then nothing will happen.

they wont change unless you guys make a big deal about it. if its illegal then the only way to get people to notice is to post evidence everywhere, to help change it. in the past 2-3 years Valve sales have gone waaaay downhill. its almost pointless to be excited about the huge sale when all i see is the same prices on any given regular sale. you are better off purchasing games elsewhere for good sale prices

9 years ago

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Reddit is on it, they are also reporting it to steam.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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They did! Thank you

9 years ago

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It's hard to understand these people sometimes. The game is utter shit. Why would they even raise its price to cheat their potential customers? They should in fact lower it to achieve as many sales as possible. They fail at development and then fail again in business. Some people are destined to be losers I guess.

9 years ago

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because when the price is 95 % off it's way more appealing than 80 % even if the final price is the same

9 years ago

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These games are the company's products and they have every right to sell them for whatever price they wish.

Of course, this looks bad in the eyes of the consumer (US) but there's nothing wrong with it.

I work in Hotel Revenue Management. Raising and lowering prices is my job. Yes, I have even raised prices before a sale to reduce the discount. These things happen and I am sure that Steam already knows about it.

The best thing we can do is not buy their product during the price increase. If you still really want the game, then wait until the price drops to a level you feel comfortable with.

9 years ago*

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Someone is severely wrong.

Read this dear sir/lady.


9 years ago

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I apologize for bringing this up since you're obviously the expert here.

9 years ago

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I just linked you with proof and you are avoiding it ._.

Just because it's your job and whatnot doesn't make you right.

9 years ago

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to restore some small faith.

Developer of the War for the Overworld have given us heads up that the game
will be most discounted on the 16th when there will be special sale.

9 years ago

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The only real disappointment IMHO is Kerbal...

The rest... expected moves from crappy companies with mostly crappy games... =/

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by JoaoWho.