I am a brony and im proud if you dont like MLP then go to another thread SOme other bronies :D ?



love xord

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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Super srs question:

Do bronies 'clop'?

1 decade ago

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Some do, but it's pretty much just a fetish, and the ones who don't like clop tend not to get along with the ones that do.

OP can go feed the Changelings, though, people like him give the fanbase a bad name.

1 decade ago

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Quick! Think of 3 word that start with "Bro"

1 decade ago

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Broken, Bronco, Bronchitis.

1 decade ago

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Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

1 decade ago

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Absolutely disgusting

1 decade ago

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I dislike "bro"nies

1 decade ago

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Do we have to HAVE pony threads in every single goddamn area?

This is why people hate us

1 decade ago

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Omg, why so more people love these ponies? Okay, if they just watched this cartoon, there was no problem, but they are bring damn ponies to the internet, where nobody wants them, and nobody likes them, and somebody hates them. Wtf, why? I cant understand them. Ok, you saw all MLP episodes. No problem if you gonna spend the rest of the day by playing CS or helping your mom or digging a hole to the earth's center. BUT NO, YOU MUST TO CREATE FREAKING PONY THREADS ON EVERY FORUMS YOU HAVE ACCOUNTS. PEOPLE, WTF? I love watermelons, but i will not create a plenty of WATERMELON THREADS on EVERY FORUM

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I like trains. Shouls I make trains lovers thread?

1 decade ago

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And the shitstorm starts all over again! Pick a colour it's time for another cycle!

1 decade ago

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Oh fuck me. Just when i thought i was safe...

(also, some of the best breakdowns on exactly why people hate bronies that i've ever seen in this thread. Pay attention you spastic aspergers having sexual deviants. This is how the rest of the world feels about you.)

1 decade ago

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I'm not very keyed in on gamer culture, so can somebody tell me why there is such an overlap between Steam users and Bronies? I have witnessed this type of off-topic tv discussion in real life and on other boards, but it normally relates to fans of shows like Breaking Bad or Mad Men, not cartoon pony enthusiasts.

Also, I never see the Bronies actually discuss details like fans would, or even make the unprovoked "This unrelated topic reminds me of the time this pony did that..." comments one would expect from obsessive Aspergery types. Are the self-declared "Bronies" just trolls who've never actually seen MLP?

1 decade ago

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Overlap situation: It's simply because they have proliferated across every source of creative inspiration the internet has. They're fucking everywhere. Just so happens most Steam users are also on the internet.

Discuss details? Na, usually they get their threads flamed out with people who just stare and see the situation for what it is. A bunch of sick (as in sick in the head) adults sitting around talking about "sexy pony clopping" and how their day was MAGICAL. I understand otaku love for niche fan bases but these guys are just wrong.

Remember back in the 80's when anime nerds were getting this type of wrap? Envision that, but magnified 1000x by the fires of the burning internet hate machine. This is why we don't ever see constructive "brony" threads.

/me walks away disgusted.

1 decade ago

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Constructive MLP threads are like constructive Windows 8 threads. Aint gonna happen.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I will never give a gift to a brony.

1 decade ago

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i guess, you do want the attention that badly

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by XorD.