Im looking for games with mecha (giant robots)(alien or human,doesnt matter). Kind of like Neon Genesis Evangelion/Mobile Suit Gundam,but in game form. Please recommend me some( games that arent on steam are fine too). Played Universe at War earth assault and C&C. Please help.

9 years ago*

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If you're into Strategy RPG, go for Super Robot Wars J on GBA (It's Japan Only, but there's a translation patch on the Internet). Actually, most of the Super Robot Wars franchise is great (And Japan Only, as I said, there are some translation patches online), featuring many mecha anime storylines (Super Robot Wars Alpha has Macross, Evangelion, Gunbuster, Gundam, among others)

Also, the Front Mission series is great.

9 years ago

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Some games from SRW series were fan-translated, but only games on NES/early SNES. They doesn't look as great as those on PS1/2.

9 years ago

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Supreme Commander

Mechwarrior (except MWO, quite a hated game now)

Oh and Heavy Gear


9 years ago

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I came here to suggest M.A.V., kinda surprised only one person mentioned it so far.

9 years ago

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Mechwarrior 4 + Mercenaries are free. The same goes for Mechcommander 1+2

9 years ago

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Actually the only one there that is legally free is Mechcommander 2 I believe (and that is due to Microsoft releasing the source code and game assets for their XNA whatever thing that died and milked to oblivion).

MW4 Mercs with Mekpak 3.1 was released legally for free for a limited time however the license to distribute the game was revoked(or not renewed, I cannot remember which). Bottom line however, Mektek no longer holds the legal right to distribute that game for free.

9 years ago

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"Metal fatigue" - you gota do some patching to make it work on new operating systems. RTS building giant robots (combots) with diferent parts, 3 races for each separate campaings ... good old times :) i think you can download it for free since its an abandonware now.

9 years ago

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Transformers fall of cyberton is pretty cool.

9 years ago

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One word, my friend: Hawken. Not sure if it's the best ever(probably not), but it is the most convenient: on Steam and free2play(also not with an annoying, crass pay2win system)

9 years ago

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Sounds good,but my internet SUCKS. Cant even watch video,let alone play online.

9 years ago

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If you don't have anything against turn-based combat, Front Mission series is for you. The series makes a strong emphasis on mech customisation, which is a must for a mecha game - you can spend more time in hangar than on battlefield. The games have strong plots and big casts of characters.

Front Mission 1 was released close to the end of SNES lifespan, so it has top notch 2d graphics (I liked it more than low-poly 3d of ps1 era). FM3 has an official English translation and it is also highly recommended. Newer games from the series were released on PS2 and are hard/impossible to emulate.

9 years ago

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