Greetings community,

Due to The Ship being in the Indie Royal Graduation bundle, please do not submit these as giveaways until further notice. Per our policy, we do state that you may not submit individual "keys" from indie bundles, but this is not a loophole to submit the additional giftable copies received from the bundle. Each giftable copy of The Ship unlocks one more giftable copy, meaning that each bundle will give you a total of five.

These giveaways that started after the Indie Royal Graduation bundle went live are subject to immediate removal. Thank you for your cooperation.

-best regards


The Ship has been removed from the choices of available giveaways until after the sale is over. After that point, giveaways may resume for The Ship.

1 decade ago*

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Hi, I may have missed the information (if so, I am sorry), but I'd just like to make sure - am I allowed to create a giveaway of the two extra copies from IR bundle? Or is it against the rules? I don't want any trouble ;)

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by lokonopa.