Hello. In the Steam's last Winter Sale i bought at half of it's normal price the famously acclaimed Castle Crashers, and hey, thats a good Thing.

I had so much time looking to own the game and play it. so, everything was all right. Started the game with my girlfriend with an Xbox 360 Controller and me with keyboard and mouse. Then we noticed (and investigated) that, by some strange bug, you can't play local multiplayer (in the PC version) with a keyboard and a 360 controller. I was dissapointed, but whatever. I sent that night a Support Request to The Behemoth team to see if they can fix this issue. After about a week or 2, i finally got the response, and i was probably more dissapointed than before.

They answered this:

"We are looking into this design change and considering the different ways to improve gameplay. Since we're a small company, we can only do a few things with the limited resources and time that we have."

For me this is a very cheap excuse, they're arguing thaty they cant/afford to FIX a BUG (it's not a content update or extra's in the game) because ''they are a small company''. I think that it's their duty to have a playeable and mostly bug-free game in the store, because they are charging for the game (isn't free. a lot of people have paid for the game and i've seen a lot of posts of this issue on internet, its fixed by playing with 2 controllers, but i dont have another).

Its a shame that they answer something like this. I hope they fix the annoying bug so i can play with my friends, girfriends, family or whatever.

Thanks for reading. I hope you dont have this issue too.

Edit: By the way, my english isn't my navite language. So i hope you can forgive me if you dont understand this at all.

Edit 2: Changed title so you dont think i hate life, videogames and everything.

1 decade ago*

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another girlfriend post

1 decade ago

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today when you buy a game you can only just act as a thankful guy just like if the sellers/devs were saints giving their games for free and you can't complain about bugs and stuffs or you would be a bad one, and your money doesnt changes anything at this

1 decade ago

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This appears to be a gamepad emulator. Virtual Joystick. Scroll to the bottom of the page for download links. This page is full of documentation that should help you get it running.

For those of you who have used console emulators on your computer before, the way this works will be familiar to you all. You've already been emulating console controllers.

1 decade ago

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I dont really see any problem with his complain.

Plus I find really good he is complaining because otherwise I would have never known about that issue.

They can be small all you want, but come on, making pad and keyb separated inputs, should not be that difficult, plus as he said he paid for it.

Is not a feature included? ok but is not state otherwise either.

Imagine to buy an FPS game on PC and then realize is Gamepad only.

1 decade ago

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I'm dissapointed from that too...and its not a bug...this is just how they made the game...a real dissapointment :/ I have only 1 xbox controller...well 1 of my friends has one to so when we visit each other we can play such games(castle crashers,dead block etc.)

1 decade ago

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that sucks man

1 decade ago

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Please don't hate me but...

They didn't tell you that they weren't going to fix the issue just that they are a small company with limited resources, it sounded to me like they were telling you that a fix just might take some time. It is really hard for independent game companies out there, I tend to cut them a bit of slack :)

1 decade ago

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You're an idiot, he didn't say money. By resources he probably means people. They probably have just 1 programmer. There's not a lot of people with this issue. That one programmer is going to spend his time fixing things that effect the most people, or keep busy making their next game. So, yes this would be a nice feature, but they're not going to do it anytime soon if ever at all. That's what he means, but he was trying to be nice to you about it.

If you want something to happen try instead to get a list of people who support your idea and email that to the developers. If it's a big enough issue they'll get on it.

1 decade ago

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I'd cool it on the "idiot" comment, though you're definitely right in that "resources" does not necessarily mean "money".

I think the developer meant that it's not worth their time and resources to bother unless there's broader demand for a fix. Hence, Genqi's comment about getting a list of people to support the idea holds the most weight.

I don't blame any developer for not wanting to bother, but it does seem like a pretty lazy bit of programming. And indie developers do need some of the community's good will.

1 decade ago

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The developer didn't say anything to deserve his outburst. He should feel bad for not understanding and trying to get people to think bad about this developer.

1 decade ago

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Fair enough. Let him have it. Btw, I love your avatar. You have great taste.

1 decade ago

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you sly dog

1 decade ago

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Did you try to plug in the xbox controller after having set up your own character? my friend and I had that problem at his house when we were hanging out, but we decided to first use the keyboard for his char, and then plug in the controller before the game switch to start and it worked

1 decade ago

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the problem is that im using ps3 controller + ds3 so i cant do that

1 decade ago

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Ahh, I rock a 360 controller so it's just plug and play, sorry then for your problems mate.

1 decade ago

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thanks you sir :D

1 decade ago

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You know, when they say there a small company what they man is they're 3 guys, one of which spends most of his time being the owner of Newgrounds, and are currently in the process of getting their next game ready for release, so you know, I think they're justified in saying that this extremely minor bug that virtually no one is going to be affected by is a low priority.

1 decade ago

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I see what you mean. But I am not disappointed

1 decade ago

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That is kind of a bad cop out considering the fact that they must have made a lot of money of off Castle Crashers on all the different platforms. This bug may become an issue for me, but from what I see here solutions can be found on google easily. Regarding the PC as a gaming platform the one advantage that it has over many platforms is the ability to mod, specifically community patches. Games that are abandoned for whatever reason (be it bankruptcy, time since release, budget, lazy) by the developers can be fixed or substantially improved.

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Miguedeth.