Pay what you want... using Bitcoins.

And Yet It Moves
World of Goo

All Steam keys.

1 decade ago*

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It's very nice bundle, sadly my 0.0001 bitcoins aren't enough to even pay the transaction fees (let alone getting a steam keys) and I'm not going to buy more coins just for the bundle. Well maybe this is good thing, as I don't want to be too cheapskate. Those games are worth more than the 0.0001 I'm willing to buy them for.

1 decade ago

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Wish I had a few coins :(

1 decade ago

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Waiting for my 0.03 bitcoins to transfer to my wallet. Awesome bundle.

1 decade ago

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someone knows how purchase a small amount of bitcoin with paypal or credit card?

1 decade ago

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There is no easy way to do this because of credit card chargeback issues. you'll have to use other ways like bank deposit, pre-paid cards, exchanging other virtual currency, etc.

1 decade ago

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Indeed. If someone with a brave a pure hearth will buy one in Bitcoin i will pay for the url in paypal, otherwise ... i can live without this bundle. I don't want deal with "bank deposit, pre-paid cards, exchanging other virtual currency, etc." it's not worthing

1 decade ago

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I'd buy it with my next mining payout if not for the fact that I already own every single game in this bundle. I'd rather buy more TF2 keys for trading.

1 decade ago

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I'm too old for this Bitcoin stuff...

1 decade ago

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Dumb move to only use Bitcoins.

1 decade ago

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While the concept of crypto-anarchic virtual currencies like bitcoin does have plenty of appeal (especially since western economies are rushing towards economic meltdown due to shit monetary/fiscal policies in the last decade/century and abuse of the fractional reserve system*), I would strongly recommend not jumping into at at the moment since it's an obvious speculative bubble. And once people start to catch on that it's a speculative bubble, that's exactly when it'll pop. Happened with dotcom, happened with housing, happened with tulips.

I can see bitcoin and the like becoming mainstream in ten years time, and this bubble may turn out to be beneficial in the long run for those who didn't jump on early, much like how the dotcom bubble basically kicked IT development forward several years. So when the bubble pops, it may be wise then to invest in bitcoin. You won't get the meteoric returns as you would have during the bubble, but an infrastructure and culture will already be in place to build solid investments on.

*I should probably expand a bit here. Long story short, the vast proportion of money supplies in the western world were not created by government fiat but by legalized counterfeiting by private banks, created when people take out loans at said banks. See, the bank does not give you money they have on deposit, they merely issue a redeemable-on-demand loan in return for a promise to pay back principal+interest by the lendee, so no real money is transferred, just an exchange of promises. But the credit is treated as good as real money in the market and in the courts. The system institutionalizes social class discrepancy, constant inflation, economic boom and bust cycles, domination of governments by business entities, basically a whole host of high-level problems endemic to the modern world. The succession of economic crises in the last decade or so (dotcom, the housing bubble, eurozone, etc.) can be traced to this idiotic system, and unfortunately the application of Keynesian economics has only served to delay the inevitable crash. Adjusting interest rates won't go far any more, and so the only options to satisfy the debts or stimulate the economy will result in either hyperinflation or defaulting, either way nuking economies worldwide into the mother of all depressions. The only respite will be to fall back on other commodities as mediums of exchange, either the traditional metals or newer stuff like bitcoin if it evolves into a currency people use because one can get goods and services with it, not because it can be converted back to 'real' money.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Bought one.

1 decade ago

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Did you see an option to buy the bundle as a gift?

1 decade ago

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Am I blind or a bitcoin is about 85€?

1 decade ago

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you are right. The minimum price for the steam key is 0.01 BTC so ... 0,85 €

1 decade ago

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they were roughly double that at one point

1 decade ago

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I remember when it was $260 for 1 BTC.

Edit: bam!

1 decade ago

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Yeah, but four months before that they were $40. each.

1 decade ago

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What makes me laugh is that the currency is called bitCOIN but you can have 0,001 of a COIN :)

1 decade ago

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never hear of pieces of 8?

1 decade ago

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I'm Canadian. We have a coin. We call it the loonie. It represents one dollar. And yet I can pay in 0.01 of that coin.

So what's the problem? Coin ~= the smallest division of a currency.

1 decade ago

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Eurocent is a 0.01 euro

1 decade ago

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It takes too much effort to be worth it.

1 decade ago

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I like how this bundle doesn't have a number bought counter. Probably because it's still in the single digits.

1 decade ago

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not worth the effort even if i didnt already have two of the games

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Ronik.