Notice: From now on, making multiple join request posts will (temporarily) cause your request to be denied, as they slow down my ability to process requests and can lead to errors in processing.
If you can access my giveaways (and thus aren't blacklisted) and I've left a response to the requests following yours, but skipped yours, then you may freely make a new join request.
Otherwise, please be patient, I'll get to requests as soon as I'm capable of doing so!

Positive Thoughts

This group is really just a way for me to avoid having to toss keys out into the general public (which constantly disappoints me) or having to make elaborate private giveaways [which I'm totally still going to do anyway, though :P].

As such, the only time you'll receive announcements is when a giveaway is posted;
There'll be no other obligations or spam or anything of the sort, other than members of the group needing to adhere to basic respectfulness toward others.

Requirements to join are as follows

  • Contribution level 4+ and at least a 1:1 sent-won ratio.
    Contribution level 2+ and at least a 2:1 sent-won ratio.

  • No history of regifting

  • No SteamRep issues

  • Respectful attitude

  • You must be known for dancing on rainbows
    Don't know how to start? See here! and here!


Free time is always hard to come by- I'll get to your applications in the order they're posted: Stay patient! :)

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8 years ago*

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Hard to believe, but i somehow fulfill all the requirements :D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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It's sent:won games ratio, not real CV ratio :D

So sadly you don't qualify Bron :<

8 years ago

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Close enough, someday in future i will fulfill the requirements

8 years ago

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Of course! I believe in you :D

8 years ago

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I'm not good at dancing though.

8 years ago

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can i join your group? with a 2:1 ratio at lv4, I believe I have met the requirements that u posted.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Sooth.