The Draw Results are in!
The new Draw Results are in! :)

Hello everyone! My cakeday is on the 22nd, and I was thinking about doing something different. I'm a little broke at the moment, so I couldn't make a gazillion games train or something. So... I remembered a really nice idea that Xarabas had that I really liked it, and thought I would give continuity to it! :) Maybe this will become a thing and we'll see more of it in the future. Who knows? :) So, if you enter, you'll be the owner of this really nice customized thermal mug! :D

So, first of all, the mug ended up not hiding the logo completely when it's cold like I expected, but it's still a nice mug.

So, here's the mug when it's cold: Dark and generic

After you pour it with some hot liquid, be it coffee, chocolate, tea or anything hot really,

it reveals something: Custom SG logo! (thanks Xarabas for providing it! :))

So, if you want to enter for the chance of winning this, just reply below with the word ENTERING in your reply. I'll assign a number in a spreadsheet for everybody and then record a random.org drawing to pick the winner.

A FEW THINGS TO NOTE BEFORE YOU ENTER (yeah, some rules and guidelines)

  • I'll only consider your entry if the word ENTERING is in your reply. You can, of course, comment as much as you want in this thread, but I'll only consider ONE entry for each person and ignore the others.
  • If you win, you'll have to provide me with your real life information (name and address) so I can send this mug to you. If you're not willing to do so, DO NOT ENTER.
  • I will, of course, pay for the shipping, and I'll declare it as a gift. But if there's any fee, such as duty, or any other fee outside my control, I won't be able to pay for it. So, if there's a possibility for it to happen, be prepared or consider it before entering. It would be sad to have the mug get stuck in the customs out there. :( It'll be sent either from Brazil or from Germany.
  • The giveaway for the mug will close somewhere right after the new year is born (after the L.A. Noire GA below has ended, I'll reply to this thread closing the entries and draw the winner).

If you're not ok with the rules, but still want a chance on something, there's this GA (no level required, don't make me regret it. :P):
L.A. Noire Complete Edition (do not enter if you own the base game, please, and of course, you can enter this if you're entering for the mug as well)

That's all. Good luck, and have happy holidays! :D

Entries - Tell me if you don't find yourself here or if there's anything wrong. Thank you.

PS: If you're on my blacklist here, I'll ignore your entry at my discretion.

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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I ordered it from a place here. There's probably someone around there (wherever you are) that can make it! :) You can try looking for "magic mug" if you're not finding anything with "thermal mug".

And, yeah, I'll declare everything as it should be. There should be no problems or surprises for the person receiving it... Or so I hope!

Thank you, and thank Xarabas. I just copied his idea! :)

8 years ago

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Everyone, you have around 5 hours to enter! :)

8 years ago

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Very cool idea.
Happy new year !!:)

8 years ago

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Thank you! :D

8 years ago

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla hendrerit metus at velit dignissim convallis. In ut nisi porttitor, dapibus diam eget, rutrum mi. Sed venenatis euismod nunc, id tempor orci commodo nec. Suspendisse mattis justo ac est tincidunt, non consequat eros fringilla. Donec lobortis id ex ac porttitor. Aliquam elementum pretium purus, quis finibus massa commodo id. Donec lacinia sit amet metus non malesuada. Aliquam ornare nunc vitae lobortis elementum. Nunc rhoncus mi vitae viverra fermentum. Cras dignissim, velit varius euismod pellentesque, velit ligula tincidunt lorem, et porta nulla tortor vitae nibh. Ut vitae molestie diam.

Quisque sodales convallis leo sed dignissim. Donec nisi orci, tempor vitae purus at, facilisis ornare neque. Integer quis aliquam ligula. Etiam feugiat turpis nec convallis maximus. Phasellus commodo, dolor at pretium porttitor, magna mi consectetur lacus, sed tincidunt lacus tortor maximus orci. Cras convallis sed nisl sit amet auctor. Nullam lacinia dolor id tellus venenatis, non maximus dui gravida. Proin malesuada interdum elit sed tempus.

Aliquam volutpat molestie sem ac condimentum. Maecenas magna velit, dictum lobortis nulla et, semper commodo augue. Donec porta consequat est et porta. Cras blandit nisi at iaculis faucibus. Sed leo urna, molestie vel turpis nec, eleifend commodo ligula. Proin eu tortor eu sapien consectetur pretium sollicitudin in quam. Etiam mattis laoreet entering, non tristique mi lobortis quis. Phasellus viverra tortor sed dui tincidunt, quis consequat enim vestibulum. Nulla accumsan elit eget facilisis laoreet. Nullam vitae cursus magna, eu egestas ipsum. Nulla ac augue nec odio venenatis ornare. Curabitur consequat, leo non tempor condimentum, diam arcu molestie massa, ut feugiat lectus magna ac mi. Mauris vel sapien justo. Vestibulum lacinia sodales nisl, a aliquam nisl condimentum sed. In rhoncus tempus turpis, id efficitur nulla feugiat a. Maecenas consectetur fermentum convallis. Mauris rutrum enim id massa vestibulum hendrerit.

Suspendisse eget interdum lacus. Ut nec convallis erat. Integer cursus est lorem, id interdum urna euismod nec. Ut facilisis urna quis metus finibus mattis. In pellentesque diam non mi semper tempor. Proin feugiat, massa eget pulvinar varius, velit felis eleifend tortor, eu varius velit lacus et diam. Fusce blandit bibendum ipsum, eget hendrerit ex. Ut at nisl magna. Morbi iaculis quam et posuere pellentesque. Curabitur sodales ex lorem, at sodales ligula sagittis pretium.

Aliquam posuere sit amet ex sed varius. Nulla interdum ut massa ut malesuada. Morbi id diam dapibus est pharetra accumsan. Quisque in neque congue justo viverra sodales. Ut at tempor turpis. Ut rhoncus, magna id pretium feugiat, mauris ipsum tincidunt sapien, et suscipit dui felis ut orci. Fusce erat risus, hendrerit ut tortor quis, auctor sagittis nisi. Integer pulvinar lorem in velit rhoncus hendrerit. Nunc quis congue est, sed laoreet tortor. Sed laoreet, mauris id molestie rhoncus, justo nibh lacinia ligula, sed mattis est est eget tortor. Quisque vulputate suscipit sapien. Donec et lorem ut ante varius dignissim. Duis et lectus rhoncus, convallis metus ac, dignissim tellus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin sodales egestas arcu, non commodo nibh varius ac. Suspendisse vehicula lacinia sem. Donec id purus a leo aliquet aliquet. Maecenas ac tortor condimentum, congue velit eget, dapibus turpis. Integer quis lacus in ipsum fringilla placerat. Maecenas accumsan diam purus, quis feugiat ipsum suscipit sed.

8 years ago

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Entered! :P

I have mentioned somewhere else. There's no automation in this. So, I don't know why you'd risk a misunderstanding when the idea is make the entry clear to both of us. Anyway... :P Hope there's no mistake! :)

8 years ago

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Without risk, there is no joy ;D

8 years ago

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Time's up, everyone! Entries are closed I'll have the results up in a few moments! :)

8 years ago

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The results are in! :) Congratulations, BrianFarnet, you won! :D I'll contact you to get your information, so I can send it to you! :)

Thank you everyone for participating in this. I wish I could just give a mug to each of you! Maybe there'll be more of this in the future, though... ;) Have a wonderful 2016 and let's keep this community rocking! :D

Draw Results

8 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Alright, thanks for this update, and I hope you'll be able to settle down soon. :) Sorry it didn't work out for you.

I'll proceed with the reroll and post an update soon.

8 years ago

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Ok, I have rerolled it, and the winner is honglong17! I'm contacting you to get the information I need. :)

Draw Results

8 years ago

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