I've made a group for some "unluckies" - hoping to spark some love in the community
So far, it has been quite successful, currently 35 members, and we are still welcoming more unlucky people - is there going to be a limit on people in the future? we don't know yet

And thanks to myself, DupeTank,
Ylt3r1or, Nova4, Bifes and others we have already had 9-10 successful giveaways!

So this time, i bought an extra weekly humble bundle to share with you guys!

Kings Bounty: The Legend
Kings Bounty: Armored Princess
Men of War
Men of War: Red Tide

Giveaways will run until monday - ENJOY!

Plus a Humble DeepSilver Bundle that's up from now until next monday!

To enter you must:

  • Have 5 or less giveaways won
  • Contributed $30.01 or more
  • Give me a good reason why you want to win this specific game/want to join the group

Once in the group, you are not required to make giveaways for the group, but feel free to do so

1 decade ago*

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Closed 1 decade ago by Torai.