Sequels are never better than the original somehow, nor do they win academy awards. However, there is one sequel that did win an academy award, just one.
Does that say something about sequels being worse or something about our expectations? What do you guys think?

Personally I don't count trilogies by the way, those aren't really "sequels" in my opinion..

Now back to business,

I shall be giving away Orcs must die 2 :D

Some day, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me, but until that day, consider this a gift.

Don't tell anyone or hint anyone etc etc, but by all means,
post what questions you can't figure out. If a question is too hard, I will post hints. If these don't suffice,
why don't you try sticking your head up your ass. See if it fits.

I hope the ones of you who already own the game will still try for the fun of it and don't give up! After all, tomorrow is another day!

Furthermore, I tried googling the pictures this time and I couldn't find most (!) of them, so it'll be a bit harder this time around ;)
Not all of them are difficult to guess, to keep things fun..

Anyway, I'm sure these are way too hard so more hints will follow on the questions your having the most trouble with.
So go ahead, make my day! Because frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. :)

My search part II: The Sequel

Now you are ready to take on the test, except for one thing:
There are some movie quotes hidden in all the text above, can anyone guess which ones they are ?
Here's another one:
You can't handle the truth!

Giveaway will end in one week.

Part 1

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by Bl00DSpilleD.