In October, some people celebrate All Hallows Eve. In November, Thanksgiving. In December, Christmas. And as part of the celebrations, they give each other gifts. Well, I don't celebrate any of those holidays, but I enjoy giving gifts, too. For that reason, and so as to not get lost in all of the rampant gift-giving which is to come, I thought I would do my giving in September. This evening seems like a good time to start.

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Let it be known throughout the lands that the Twelve Days of Thankfest have begun!

For each day, a new giveaway will be revealed. All giveaways will be public and open to anyone who has contributed to SteamGifts. Giveaways will stay open through October 1st, 2014, closing at 1200am October 2nd, Mountain time. All winners will be contacted through Steam chat to be given their prizes. Additional, private giveaways may possibly be given either during or after the main event.

The Twelve Days of Thankfest

(Feel free to sing along with me.)

On the twelfth day of Thankfest, Khalaq gave for free...

...twelve drivers racing,
...eleven times evolving,
...ten countries warring,
...nine dimensions spinning,
...eight Sisters farming, portals glowing,
...six colors missing,
...four fallen tears,
...three Fallout games,
...two twisted girls,
...and a Skyrim Legendary.

[Note: Due to the expected large volume of comments for all these giveaways, I may not be able to respond to every one of them as is my want. Please accept my apologies.]


Thankfest is winding down....

While there is still the option of adding onto the giftpile, the main giveaways have all been posted and the clock is ticking down. I hope you all have had an enjoyable Thankfest---I know I have---and are feeling noticeably more cheerful as a result. Songs were sung, milkshakes were drunk, and gifts were given away. We certainly had plenty for which to be thankful, and it is hoped that the good cheer will linger on, even after the event is over.

Thank you to all who participated, and I look forward to doing this again, sometime.


9 years ago*

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