
This is Schöneberg Station.
You can transfer to S1, S41 and S42.

This is the S46 line toward Königs Wusterhausen. The Next Station is Südkreuz heading toward Königs Wusterhausen Station.
This is the S46 line toward Westend. The Next Station is Innsbrucker Platz heading toward Westend Station.

The village was first documented in a 1264 deed issued by Margrave Otto III of Brandenburg. In 1751 Bohemian weavers founded Neu-Schöneberg also known as Böhmisch-Schöneberg along northern Hauptstraße. During the Seven Years' War on 7 October 1760 Schöneberg and its village church were completely destroyed by a fire due to the joint attack on Berlin by Habsburg and Russian troops.
Both Alt-Schöneberg and Neu-Schöneberg were in an area developed in the course of industrialization and incorporated in a street network laid out in the Hobrecht-Plan in an area that came to be known architecturally as the Wilhelmine Ring. The two villages were not combined as one entity until 1874 and received town privileges in 1898. In the following year it was disentangled from the Kreis Teltow and became a Prussian Stadtkreis (independent city). Many of the former peasants gained wealth by selling their acres to the settlement companies of growing Berlin and built luxurious mansions on Hauptstraße. The large town hall Rathaus Schöneberg was completed in 1914. In 1920 Schöneberg became a part of Greater Berlin. Subsequent to World War II the Rathaus served as the city hall of West Berlin until 1991 when the administration of the reunited City of Berlin moved back to the Rotes Rathaus in Mitte.
The area around Nollendorfplatz has been a centre of gay life in Berlin since the 1920s and early 1930s during the Weimar Republic. The Eldorado Night Club on Motzstraße was closed down by the Nazis on coming to power in 1933. The painter and printmaker Otto Dix used patrons of this establishment as subjects for some of his famous works. Christopher Isherwood lived just around the corner on Nollendorfstraße. This apartment was the basis for his book Goodbye to Berlin (1939) and later the musical Cabaret (1966) and the film Cabaret (1972) and is commemorated by a historic plaque on the building.

Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
In 2012, magic returned to our world, awakening powerful creatures of myth and legend. Among them was the Great Dragon Feuerschwinge, who emerged without warning from the mountains of Germany, unleashing fire, death, and untold destruction across the countryside. It took German forces nearly four months to finally shoot her down - and when they did, their victory became known as The Dragonfall.
It’s 42 years later - 2054 - and the world has changed. Unchecked advances in technology have blurred the line between man and machine. Elves and trolls walk among us, ruthless corporations bleed the world dry, and Feuerschwinge’s reign of terror is just a distant memory. Germany is splintered - a stable anarchy known as the “Flux State” controls the city of Berlin. It’s a place where power is ephemeral, almost anything goes, and the right connections can be the difference between success and starvation. For you and your team of battle-scarred shadowrunners, there’s no better place to earn a quick payday.
Now, a new threat is rising, one that could mean untold chaos and devastation. One that soon has you and your team caught on the wrong side of a deadly conspiracy. The only clue: whispers of the Dragonfall. Rumors that the Great Dragon Feuerschwinge may still be alive, waiting for the right moment to return…

There shouldn't be a Berlin U+S-Bahn train without this game (I hope I'm not the only one who thought this, 'cause Dragonfall is awesome and the more giveaways of it the better). This cyberpunk cRPG takes place in Berlin and you travel by train a lot :)
And there is little LGBT accent, which is why I chose the game for this station

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I see a golden deer! =D
I wonder what he symbolizes... =)

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8 years ago

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I guess it's somehow related to Schöneberg's coat of arms having deer on it :D According to this site deer symbolises "the former Imperial hunting estate in the forests" :D

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8 years ago

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Oh, it makes sense =)
I see that it was a pretty common animal in heraldry.
But Game of Thrones taught us that deer doesn't bring much luck to its bearer =D

8 years ago

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Game of Thrones taught us that no Coat of Arms brings much luck to its bearer :D

8 years ago

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I see it, too and it's preettttyyy <3

8 years ago

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Cool, I didn't know this game takes place in Berlin. I already have it but nice to know (since I own it, I plan on playing it of course!)

8 years ago

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Play it as soon as you can, it's awesome :D

8 years ago

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I like the flags!

8 years ago

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So do I! :D

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8 years ago

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I don't quite remember the accent you mentioned in Dragonfall. Is my memory failing me?

8 years ago

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Well, it's missable thing - I was talking about Glory's backstory and her relationship with Marta.

8 years ago

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Ah, yep, thought about Glory in the first place, but could only remember her relations with the Adversary. My second thought was Eiger, but I cold remember nothing from her story.

8 years ago

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Finally a chance to link this Marmion - Schöneberg (Original Mix)..

8 years ago

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Wow the second picture is impressive.
It looks like a fine CG.

8 years ago

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Dziękuję za grę:D

8 years ago

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Nie ma za co :D

8 years ago

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