
Celebrating my 3000th game, four years on SteamGifts, and my journey to Level 7!

Every doctor in the world has had intensive training on this sophisticated surgery simulator.

Ends August 13th @ 10:21am Pacific

how many of them you actually played :-)

8 years ago

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Well... how important is that really...?
Kidding... I've played many of them, although not so much of the bundle cruft (of which there's a lot), but there are also quite a few true gems that I still need to get to. Part of the problem though is that I take my time in games -- exploring every nook and cranny. If I could switch my brain to "just-the-story!" mode, it might not be so bad. :)

8 years ago

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yea i know, i do that as well, takes me 2X time from my friends to finish a game...i also usually play on the more challenging difficulties so thats make it even more time :-P

but still 3K games i have around the 400 games (including out of steam) add it probably 200 or so of games from my old pc's, and i still haven't played/finished them all (especially my library on steam - about 45% finished or played)... and thats not even 1k :-D

3k... you have quite a challenge on your hand to get them all :-P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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So, what's next after 3000? I'm still trying to get to 300 :D

8 years ago

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3001 of course! :D
Maybe I should make a forum thread for that one too... hmm....

8 years ago

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I say go for 5k, than you can brag you've completed the 5k' :D

8 years ago

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I've actually done both a 5 and a 10k, so I'm covered there!
And apparently the newest free game on Steam adds to the game count, so I'm already at that next goal of 3001 too! :)
3002 is next though -- I can feel it!

8 years ago

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Thanks ! =D

8 years ago

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In Japan there was a test for a surgical internship which partly consisted of folding origami with a scalpel. This game might have been the harder test. :>

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8 years ago

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