
Yet Another Fortix Giveaway

The very useless giant wall of text

This, is the story of this giveaway. Here we go...

Once upon a time, there was a website.
The website was called "Tremor Games". Many suckers spent countless hours, looking at a screen and earning Tremor Coins. One day, a random guy stumbled upon the website. His name was jbondguy007.
He came, he saw... He became a sucker. Being unsure about the safety and legibility of Tremor Games, he started trying to earn coins by playing free flash games, earning achievements for coins. But soon enough, he realized that earning five or ten coins per achievements was very slow. It would take months, if not years to accumulate the required coins to redeem a single game...
After a while, he had completed almost all of the offers which did not required downloading malwares or giving his whole life information to the FBI or the NASA, and had earned a thousand coins.
Then, tired and exhausted, he redeemed the only game which was this price.
He redeemed Antichamber, and added it to his Steam account. He played it a bit, but was very disappointed in the price he had paid, the work he had accomplished, for the measly game he now owned...
Full of hatred, he swore to leave Tremor Games forever, and leave the suckers be.

A few weeks later, an event changed everything.
It was DeltaBlade's Fourth Ultimate Fortix Event.

Oh, how he had waited this moment!
Obviously, he had already won Fortix at the last event, and he also had ninja'd a Fortix 2 key.
But winning was not the first thing in his mind. What he really wanted, was to share the wonderful Fortix with gamers from around the world...
He quickly navigated to his Steam account, his heart pounding, his mind full of thoughts about the happiness of giving.
Then he saw it.

Steam Wallet: $1.21.

Barely enough for one copy.
One measly copy.

His smile dropped. He felt sorrow.
He wanted to give MANY copies of Fortix. He wanted MANY gamers to experience the true magic of Fortix.
Alas, he had no funds.
Then, he saw a comment on the event's thread. A user claimed that Fortix was very cheap on Tremor Games. Jbondguy007 didn't expect that he would find it worthy, but he checked, by curiosity.
Fortix was 180 Tremor Coins. 180? That sounded too good to be true. Then he noticed that he had a few Tremor coins leftovers. Just enough to redeem a copy of Fortix. And so he did...
Surely enough, the next morning, he had received his key. Then, he had a sudden inspiration. He would earn coins, and spend them ALL on Fortixes! He got to work immediately, earning his coins, one by one, and redeeming Fortixes. A few days before the end of the event, he had accumulated FIVE copies of Fortix.

Thus is the story of this giveaway for two copies of the legendary game of Fortix.

And here's where my story ends...

TL;DR, here are two more copies of Fortix, exclusively for DeltaBlade's Fourth Ultimate Fortix Event.
I hope you won't be hatin' me for typing this looooong wall of text. Sorry. ;_;
Oh, and also, $7.77 CV because you just have to believe in luck. :D
Good luck and enjoy!


This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

1 decade ago

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Awww very touching story,missing a cake though.

1 decade ago

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I left my cake in another giveaway, I think... :(

1 decade ago

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Tanks. :)

1 decade ago

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wut a sucker :3

1 decade ago

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I know, right??? >_>

1 decade ago

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Haha, what a story, Mark.


1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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you didn't like antichamber? ;_;

1 decade ago

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I did, but I felt ripped off by Tremor Games... 1000 coins is a lot! Just think about it... I could have redeemed about... FIVE COPIES OF FORTIX! :D

1 decade ago

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the answer is always fortix

1 decade ago

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Fortix. Fortix-Fortix-Something-Fortix. :D

1 decade ago

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TL;DR,thanks :)

1 decade ago

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Thanks m8 :)

1 decade ago

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Thank you.

1 decade ago

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Thanks, may the Fortix be with you! Haha loved the story.

1 decade ago

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Yeah, I planned on hiding a Fortix giveaway in the text, but I'm out of Tremor coins. ;_;
Ah well. At least some people enjoy reading... Like you! :D

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Thank you:)

1 decade ago

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