
What makes a curse word, a curse word?
Someone just one day says/said something and it sticks as being vulgar and boom.
Furthermore, a lot of curse words were just normal parts of speech if you go back far enough.

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I'm Dutch, so pretty much any not-common/somewhat serious disease, bodypart, genitalia etc. seems to be a curse word. =p.

Together with the basic implication someone is not to hygienic and/or has a lot of certain interaction. ;)

8 years ago

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I thought the Dutch weren't very expressive (in terms of showing too much emotion), so it would make sense what you said. :)

8 years ago

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Hahahahaha, I suppose that might be true, though apparently it's more a case of not bothering with all the fake 'Hi, how's it going?'
On the other hand, I've got Aspergers so even for a Dutchie I get comments that I'm not expressive enough ;)

Also: Pretty much any body fluid can also be combined into a curse ;)

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear that.
But you're out and about on the WWW, so that's something, right?
Thanks for sharing.

8 years ago

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Don't get me wrong: It doesn't really bother me, seeing I don't know any better ;)

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8 years ago

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Nice comparison.
Not knowing better is perhaps better in this circumstance...unless you're continually being harassed by others to fit the norm.
I'm not saying that I'm on the same level as you, but I definitely don't fit the norm, and most people I'd think here on SG don't either.

8 years ago

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Shrugs What's normal, anyway? ;)

I can get extremely annoyed with people pretending to be specialists and know what's best for me, or tell me how to act, or whatever, or feel bad about not being normal.

But most often I simply don't care; guess that's the best part of being over 25, no annoying classmates to tell you off ^^

8 years ago

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I enjoyed leaving varsity and on my own...teaches you a lot about yourself.
But I found that often when I spend time alone for a day or two, it takes a little adjusting to people again, and often spend a few hours alone at work before mingling again.
It used to be worse for me a few years back, but had to force myself to interact more regularly these days.
But thankfully for me, my fiance isn't much of a social butterfly either. So we can spend days away from anyone else with no care.

8 years ago

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A curse word sometimes is made so by religious influence.
The Finnish curse "Perkele" actually used to be the name of their ancient thunder god, before the Christians came around and claimed it was evil and an incarnation of Satan, turning the word into a swear.

8 years ago

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Most times being uptight isn't helpful to anyone.
Randomly making up curse words on a religious bases, which may impose on another religion is also just not cool.

8 years ago

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a question like this is not complete without a shakespearian (spelling?) curse generator. :p

8 years ago

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Bookmarked for awesomeness. Thanks.

Shakespearean - Googled :)

8 years ago

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It's even worse when curse world for many people stopped to be curse world.
For example in Polish word "zajebisty" . You can find even discussion on the internet where some people are arguing if this is or not a curse word. There exist many idiots who thinks that this is just a normal word or is "too soft" to be a curse >.>

8 years ago

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But that's my whole does one classify a word that wasn't a curse before and all of a sudden it's a curse word, and then also having a scale of vulgarity? :)
Some people would say "ass" is a curse word, depending on their upbringing, but others use the F-bomb in normal sentence.
I think, then it's personal as well to some extent.

8 years ago

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Thank you :)

8 years ago

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Cool, enjoy!
Thanks for participating.

8 years ago

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