Yeah. :P I would try it myself, but staying locked into an username for a year would be terrible.
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i think you can take any username that isn't CURRENTLY used! :D
i distinctly remember some user hunting down another user who left SG to he can take his name...
too lazy to search for it, sorry. but he posted something about it in the discussions
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There are some old threads that point to that though, because some users said they asked some inactive users to change their username so they could have it, but they were still unable to use it afterwards. And I think that's what would make the most sense, because if someone else started using an user's old username it would be too confusing. Well, I guess I'll make it with the assumption that they're locked and add an option to perform an username sync just to be safe.
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hmm.. they maybe then.. i'd just wonder if that lock is temporary or permanent though. it could just be locked for 30days till it releases back into 'usable' territory.
idk though, if there is a lock (which looks that way).. it's probably just perm anyways.
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yeah, like i said down here as you typed this up, i have no idea which way it really is. just the way i'd do it. but you're absolutely right, it's a very high chance it's indefinite. (with the exception of getting CG to change/release it for you ofc)
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hahah. i even replied there.
so i remember he wanted to change not the final outcome... that is memory for you ;)
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For the record, it's still locked. I'm waiting for cg's official view on this: since my ticket about that will be 2 years old this month, I guess it will come soon. Or not :)
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SteamID64 is unique though. And how would that help, when SteamID3 isn't used anywhere on SG?
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You got me confused here
if you try to edit notes / tags for an user that already exists with the same SteamID64, but I would like to know if an username is always locked to an user,
Even if multiple users do use the same name you can still identify them by the unique id. If you want to find out who is faking it (in other words find the original user that first picked the name) you can parse additional information for identification like registration date for how old the account is and the value of sent&won giveaways. Logically a user with many sent giveaways would not impersonate someone else in fear of getting his/her account suspended. :)
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Sorry, I explained it badly. Since SteamID64s are not present in any other page other than /user/
, to identify an user in the current page, I use the last saved username associated with their SteamID64. So, for example, if user A was saved to the storage with the SteamID64 12345, the script will now recognize any user with the username "A" in the current page as the same user with the SteamID64 12345. But, if user A changed their username to "B" and user C took the username "A", the script will still recognize the user with the username "A" as user A, but this is now user C, so their data would be stored wrongly. I hope I didn't confuse you even more. :P
But anyway, it looks like the usernames are really locked, so it's not an issue anymore.
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SG usernames can be changed and someone else can take the same name afterwards, so there can't be any duplicates, that's right^^ But you would still errors if I for example change my name to Silent61 and you take the name Silent62.
The only thing I stumbled upon are profile IDs that unfortunately can't be seen anywhere else except on the SG profile, but hey maybe it's a lead ;) (search sourcecode of another users profile for "child_user_id". It's connected to white- or blacklisting them)
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And that's why you do not implement it in permanent storage, but temporary cache.
For example, ArchiBoT performs the conversion and stores the result only for it's own runtime, which is usually a few days long. With javascript you can quite easily specify that cache should be invalidated e.g. in 7 days from now. If you have ambitions and skills, it'd be best to implement it like I did, and store date of refresh for each user, then you can "refresh" given steamID when timeout passes, successfully load-balancing requests for only several users you need to check instead of invalidating everything.
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They are locked to the user unless cg manually allows it. For example, EvilBudgie used to be SexyBudgie, you can't change your username to SexyBudgie still.
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It's not locked.
Several people in the trade community have had their past identities stolen.
It's a problem that will eventually have to be addressed like the fake update sites (microsoft spelled using non-english letters).
(luckily I've never changed my steam nick but many people have only to have their previous nick stolen by some scammer)
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I'm actually talking about SG usernames and it has already been confirmed that they're locked. :)
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Yeah, the SG usernames are "locked" in terms of there can't be any duplicate names. However one could spell revilheart's name with an capital i instead of a small L which leads to confusion. Additionally if you (revilheart) would change your name to "revilheart1" someone else could change their name into "revilheart" and impersonate you. :P
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That's not what other people have suggested, so I'm even more confused now. :P Just above this comment someone said they can't change their username to SexyBudgie, which is EvilBudgie's old username.
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you meant to reply to the other one from silent62.. this comment about and lowercase l and uppercase i looking the same won't effect what you're doing.. the other comment is a contradiction to what you've been told though.
just fyi to silent62 too ^^
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I'll just go back to using usernames and spare any issues. ^^
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i have no idea which way it really is, but if i were doing it i would eventually release the names. probably something like 380days after someone changes away from a name it can be used again. that way the user that changes away from a name won't have it stolen immediately afterwards to confuse people, but then if a little over a year later they decided they wanted to use it again they could.
but who knows how it actually is here. idk if people have tried over a year later to take on someone elses old name.
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Mullinx->MuIIins->Mully. Each name change takes a year, so at least two years have elapsed. I would try changing my name to "Mullinx" but not sure how it was spelled (two ii or two ll).
Edit: I did try with another user's old username, JasmineMcCoy->sexybudgie->evilbudgie and it didn't work.
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a bunch of my steam friends are always constantly giving username changes. so most of them i've nicknamed appropriately.. like their IRL names or who i knew them as when we first met etc.
and like everyone else said. username changes aren't locked to your account so long as they aren't used.
and sides. when ya click their usernames you can see their previous name changes too
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I'm currently implementing a feature to my script that detects username changes if you try to edit notes / tags for an user that already exists with the same SteamID64, but I would like to know if an username is always locked to an user, because then I wouldn't need to worry about a completely different user replacing an old one. So does anyone know this for a fact? If you change your username, are your previous usernames always locked to your account so you can go back to them any time you want?
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