i bought some random keys and some of them i wanted to giveaway here. the winner told me, the key is used so i checked it out: yes, there appears a message, that the key is already used (and the winner dont have the game in his libary).
i checked the key in the shop and its the right key (and its not activated in my libary as well).

so i see three possible options:

  • the key was sold at least twice (but the other keys, i checked where ok. so dont know)
  • someone had got the key (are there activation key generators?)
  • the winner has given the key to an other guy and wants now an second. (i hope not, that he is some of this guy)

i created an supportticket on the store (www.hotrandomkeys.com). but can i proof, if an key is ok or not?

sry for my bad english^^
thanks in advance



9 years ago

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That's the problem, you bought a key from a unauthorized seller.

9 years ago

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Not always,i have bought some keys from there and it was fine.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

9 years ago

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Just because it worked once, twice or 1287127 times, you'll never know when it fails on you.
Rather be safe than sorry, no?

9 years ago

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I was talking only for my experience i didnt suggest to other users buy from them.But you are right.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Nothing much we can do, you just gotta wait for support.

9 years ago

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unauthorized? from steamgift or steam? where can i check, if the shop is authorized?

(sry, i´m new here^^)

9 years ago*

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though the list is not 100% complete, they are missing http://www.getgamesgo.com/ for example

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Hi NerdHouse. Thank you for the hint. I just replaced all hilights with highlights! :D

9 years ago

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Wait for HRK's support. Always check before you buy, some resellers like HKR, g2a and kinguin don't exactly have a clean business.

9 years ago

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Some online stores buy keys direct from the publishers and are authorised sellers - GMG, Humble Bundle, etc.

Hotrandomkeys simply scoops up keys from cheap bundles, promotional giveaways, etc and then resells them semi-legitimately. Usually they will be fine (although you probably won't be getting good value). But there also appear to have been plenty of occasions where they have given out keys that have expired, been revoked by the publishers, etc...

No way to be sure in this case - but it is hard to blame the winner when hotrandomkeys have been known to give out crap.

9 years ago

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unfortunately, you don't know if a key is used until you attempt to use it.

if you had bough the key on a big site like Humble Bundle they might be able to invalidate the key you received (so the game would disappear from the library of whoever used it) and they could give you a new key (they sometimes do that, but not all the time).

but I doubt that hotrandomkeys.com can/will do that

9 years ago

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Never heard of the site.. don't trust it before.. not gonna trust it ever...

9 years ago

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I had a similar situation. I then bought another key and gave the winner, the benefit of this was not expensive (thief gold). The problem with this situation is that you can not prove anything, winner can not prove anything. Store always say 100% worked.

9 years ago

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Just report the site to us and tell us which website you brought your keys and it's not working. So if everyone avoid it and it will go down dead. Then the rest site/company will be more honest.

9 years ago

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as i told in the first post: it was www.hotrandomkeys.com and other keys i used by my self where fine (also an other winner got his key).

9 years ago

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Meine persönliche Empfehlung ist, dass man niemals bei irgendwelchen Anbietern "zufällige" keys kauft. Du gibt dabei in der Regel mehr aus als nötig.
Aber das ist selbstverständlich deine eigene Entscheidung was du tust und lässt. Jedoch bei einem nicht offiziellen Verkäufer Steam Spiele zu kaufen ist immer ein etwas größeres Risiko.
Ich gehe stark davon aus, dass die Seite dir nicht dein Geld/Key erstatten wird. Versuchen solltest du es aber dennoch.
Das einzige was du tun kannst, wenn du keinen Ersatz bekommst, das Spiel erneut kaufen um es dem Giveaway-Gewinner zu übermitteln.
Ob man nach deutschem Recht etwas tun kann, ist schwer zu sagen. Aber vermutlich ist es unmöglich nachzuweisen, dass du den Code nicht weitergegeben/weiterverkauft/selbst benutzt hast.
Daher wird auch da nicht viel zu machen sein.

Trotzdem viel Glück.

9 years ago

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ich hab es zum ersten mal gemacht und wollte es einfach mal testen. dass da vieles bei rauskommt, was ich nicht unbedingt haben will, ist mir schon klar. und den rest hätte ich ja verschenken können. von daher hab ich da erstmal kein so großes problem gesehen... und in anbgetracht dessen, was ich rausbekommen habe, war es jetzt auch nicht so schlecht.
vermutlich wird es darauf hinaus laufen, dass ich das spiel nochmal kaufen muss...
ich weiß nicht, wie oft sowas hier der fall ist, aber wenn ich ein überzähliges spiel verschenken will und deswegen gefahr laufe, sie noch weitere male kaufen zu müssen, gefällt mir das nicht sonderlich... schade

9 years ago

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Ja so läuft das leider. Du hast hier nicht einmal die Pflicht das Spiel rauszurücken. Du kannst es natürlich auch lassen. Das hat aber die Konsequenz, dass du einen Giveaway-Slot opferst (also weniger Giveaways gleichzeit erstellen kannst) und, da bin ich mir aber nicht ganz sicher, eine kurzzeitige Sperre bekommst.
Wenn man das ganze nach deutschem Recht handeln würde, so wärest du sogar verpflichetet den Gewinn auszuzahlen.

Aber mach dir nichts draus, das passiert jedem mal. Die Welt dreht sich weiter.
Du musst nur entscheiden, ob du das Spiel nochmal kaufen willst oder die Sperre(wenn es dafür überhaupt eine gibt, dannist die nicht lang) entgegennimmst.

9 years ago

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Ich würd dir auch nicht raten das Spiel extra nochmal (für den Vollpreis) zu kaufen.
Würd ich höchstens machen wenn der Gewinner ein guter Freund von dir ist, bei einem Random der dich ggf. sowieso verarscht hat würd ich das nicht machen und halt einen Giveaway slot opfern. So wichtig ist die Seite hier nicht dass du da 100% alles topfit halten musst.

9 years ago

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Du könntest natürlich auch versuchen, Siralim in der Trading Secction von SG einzutauschen gegen irgendeinen deiner anderen überzähligen Keys (sofern du welche hast, wovon ich jetzt einfach mal ausgehe). Ansonsten gibts jede Menge Bundles, die dir da weiterhelfen könnten, so dass du im Zweifelsfalle auf keinen Fall zum Vollpreis nachkaufen musst.

Eine Strafe für nicht ausgehändigte Spiele gibt es meines Wissens übrigens nicht. Du hast dann halt unter Umständen einen Giveaway mit "not received" in deiner Liste. Manche Gruppen legen Wert drauf, dass man sowas nicht im Profil hat.

Ehrlich gesagt wäre ich mir aber auch nicht sicher, ob das jetzt wirklich an dem Keyseller liegt oder ob dein Gewinner nicht versucht, dich reinzulegen. Ich hab gesehen, dass du bisher nur Giveaways ohne Level Restriction veranstaltet hast. Davon ist grundsätzlich eher abzuraten, denn man gerät viel eher an Leute, die hier einfach unterwegs sind, um so viele Spiele wie möglich für umsonst abzugreifen ohne selber was beizusteuern, Leuten, die sich nicht um die Regeln scheren oder sogar welche, die keine Ahnung davon haben, wie die Seite funktioniert, so dass man unter Umständen ewig seinem "please mark as received" hinterherlaufen muss.

Meine persönliche SG Erfahrung hat sich gründlich verbessert, seit ich nur noch Spiele über Level restricted giveaways verschenke. Immerhin ist man bei Level 1 schon nach einem einzigen verschenkten Spiel...

9 years ago

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Have to admit this occurrence was a personal fear of mine when I first decided to make give-aways here. (that a key I was handing out would have an issue)

9 years ago

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As it was pointed out, it's the site. It's affiliated with G2A, which is notorious for selling fake/used/stolen keys. You just experienced first-hand why do we usually tell people to either stay clear of them or accept the risk of getting a non-working key for their money.

9 years ago

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www.hotrandomkeys.com = G2A
Don't trust those crapheads. I'm allergic to them since I read the T&C of the safeguard subscription. It's hilarious.

Most likely, you/G2A are to blame and not the winner, either buy from a trustworthy place or accept the "not-received".

9 years ago

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Yes, the site doesn't seem that legit, BUT I would guess the third possibility.

Too many people are dishonest so my advice would be: Only give away keys in groups were you know the members in some way and only use Gifts for public giveaways. With gifts you know for 100% that they are unused and they can be traced.

9 years ago*

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I suspect the third. While HRK is kinda sketch, I had no issues with them. I don't think they would issue an invalid key, so I'd suspect 1 (on accident) or 3. 2 is a possibility, but a very remote one, since steam locks accounts after a number of invalid attempts over a short period, which seems to deter botters.

9 years ago

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happy cake day!

9 years ago

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"the winner has given the key to an other guy and wants now an second. (i hope not, that he is some of this guy)"

^^ That would definitely be my guess, as I already had this happen to me once on steamcompanion with a key that I knew for sure was unused...so these scammers are definitely out there. Naturally I didn't send them another.

9 years ago

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Just to confirm, did you check if the key that you have matches the usual format of Steam keys? I'm asking because from my cousins experience, he got a different type of key from them that he had to redeem on their website to get the game in his account ( on the site ). He got the steam key for the game from his library. Maybe the winner needs to try out the key in the website first ?

9 years ago

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third :(

9 years ago

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This is one reason i hate keys..

though also this is a good reason not to buy from places like that at least for a GA.

I miss how Humble Bundle did the old links,where you had to redeem the steam key with your account so you had to log in with your account and redeem it...then it would show the user of who redeemed it.

Made it much easier to verify who used it and if the person who won it was trying to just get another free key...

This may also be why you do not see as many people doing more then bundle GA since this is done more less on the honor system,if i do ones that not bundled i will always do a steam gift,so i can have proof that the game was given.

The only other option you have is take the hit or buy another key for them to redeem and if they get two and say the same thing chances are they are trying to screw you.

Other then that like i said just lose a slot and move on,or get another key,unless support responds before the 7 days.

9 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by Keksinator.