Do you play Epic games- games
I've collected all possible free games expect 1 or 2 I think. Yet I never ever started a single game from my Epic library ever. Because I love Steam too much (I love the stats Steam provides, the achievements, all that stuff). But at least, if Steam will ever die, I still have a lot to play on Epic. But I doubt Steam will die before I will die. ;)
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The last game I played on Epic was Carrion. The next game I play on Epic will be Alan Wake 2.
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Anything is possible, but unlike timed exclusives, Epic actually own the rights to Alan Wake 2 and funded its development. So, I doubt it.
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I'm still crossing my fingers they will do like they did with Control - dropping an exclusive ultimate edition with all the dlcs just on steam with a launch discount, I would buy it day 1 :). Since they finished all the DLC's on Alan Wake 2 in like november, I'm hopefull we will see that ultimate edition coming this year or on the next one, if that happens ofc :)
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That would be cool for people who aren't willing to play on Epic, no doubt.
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I played mostly free games, but I have also bought games back when they gave you a coupon during holiday sales. I picked up PC Building Simulator 2 (only on Epic), and A Plague Tale: Requiem (got the first game free on Epic and played and loved it, so I bought the second game), and AC: Valhalla (was cheaper with coupon).
I have played those games and some of the free offerings that I don't already have on Steam.
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I sometimes play the games they giveaway for free.
A few years ago I bought AC:Origins Gold with a coupon, reducing the price to €5. And Ghostrunner on release again with a coupon. But that's the only moment I buy games from there: If the price is cheaper than on Steam (due to coupons).
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For me it is exactly the same as for Schmetti. Got a ton of really good games there and a lot of them I don't own on Steam so I would have reason the play them. Their launcher/shop is just too barebones. It is missing everything I love about Steam and I can't see much effort in the last 2 years from Epic to improve that.
No idea what their endgame is to break up that monopoly. Having the games and even exclusives is not enough. Not even close.
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I have collected almost all of the free games from Epic and only missed very few (still cross about missing Slime Ranchers). I have played quite a number of games on Epic and honestly, I don't understand the extreme-ish stance of some people. Free is free.
For a weaker system I would recommend Axiom Verge, Motley's Warehouse, Brotato and Loop Hero.
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Fall Guys and Fortnite, now I'm disgusted at the though of playing any of those games again
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sniff sniff
Is that...? CakeGremlin smells a cake day! 🎂🎉
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During the pandemic, I played a little World War Z on Epic - I liked it well enough and went in with my Destiny 2 fireteam to try it out (we were playing a huge amount of Destiny at the time). One of our trio didn't like it, so we didn't get very far along, but I enjoyed it. I think that's the only one I've played, though I do collect the free games most of the time.
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Just recently finished Castlevania Anniversary Collection on it.
While definitely very low when compared to Steam, I usually try to play one or two games from that free library every couple of months.
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I bought Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 on EGS, played that and some freebies (Alba, Brotato, Rocket League)
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I have collected most of the freebies they've offered over the years (I think I missed one or two weeks) and also have quite a few from Prime, yet as far as I can remember I only played one game on Epic and later I ended up buying said game on Steam anyway. It's not so much that I don't want to play games there but rather than given the option to play something else on Steam I tend to go with Steam, partly because of simple familiarity and partly because the quality of life features offered by Steam are hard to compete with, like how robust and easy to use Steam input is when comparing to alternatives when it comes to games that don't play nice with certain controllers out of the box, or how well Steam tracks playtime stats and achievements. And the actual jewel of the crown when it comes to Steam: the community itself and how well integrated it is into the playing experience. It's just hard to attempt prioritizing Epic given the circumstances, and it doesn't have the advantages that other stores offer to try to level the playfield like GOG offering every single game as DRM-free or having a lot of unique indie games that you can't find anywhere else, even Origin managed to get me to occasionally use it back in the day by having exclusive games.
If Epic at least tried to outdo Steam when it comes to the user experience then it wouldn't be such a rare occurrence when someone actually uses it, but they half ass that aspect of the platform, like how their review system is a joke and how it took them over a year to implement a damn shopping cart. Do they even have forums?
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I got Witcher 3 on EGS for like 5 bucks at one point and sometimes I pull up a freebie indie game just to see if I'll enjoy it. And ngl, there's a handful of high profile AAA games I've acquired for free on Epic that I simply don't have on steam. As long as it plays the same, I'm not too concerned about which platform I play the game on
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I bought the Vampire Survivors DLC after the base game was given away. I already own it on Steam and decided to play it again.
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I have played a lot of games on EGS. If I own a game there and not on Steam, I ignore it on Steam and never try to win it here on SG or buy it on sales.
Recently I have played a lot of Vampire Survivors, but other games I've beaten on EGS includes Alba, Rogue Legacy, A Plague Tale Requiem, the Tomb Raider reboots, Minit and Brothers. On my backlog I have Dredge, Death Stranding, Fallout 3, 20 Minutes TIill Dawn, Guacamelee, Wizard of Legend, Dishonored, GTA 5, Sable, Tales of Neonsea, Control, Nioh, Vanishing of Ethan Carter, Creature in the Well and Spirit of the North. I cannot justify buying them on Steam or entering GAs for these games here since I already own them and have the ability to play them.
I love EGS. While I'd prefer to play those games on Steam, having them for free on EGS is absolutely a plus.
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I've been getting all the free games since Axiom Verge. I've just recently finished with Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and Hyper Light Drifter but I played quite a few others before including the Batman Arkham trilogy, Transistor, or Maneater for example. A few games I got to test and saw they weren't quite up my alley like Death Stranding or Melvor Idle. Some I know I will never touch at all, like Football Manager. And then there are multiple others I'm still pending to play, like Death's Door or Fez. Pretty happy about what I got considering it didn't cost me anything.
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metro game, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and saints row. No free time :(
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veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery rarely,
i like indie games, so it's like heaven to me,
but it feels like most games they give away end up in bundles, so they end up on steam anyway,
and there were a couple multiplayer games that run better on steam, be it due to modding or servers set up that's weird with epic and certain countries.
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Bought and played a few when Epic launched- for the same reason i sometimes bought on Gog and itch: i want MORE COMPETITION against Steam.
And heck even if Epic didnt make a dent on Steams empire i dont think its a coincidence that it was around the time Epic launched steam started updating like never before- new ui, chat, new features of the main app itself.
Dont get me wrong- i love Steam- and while i dont hold any grudges against Epic itself i dont like Tim Sweeney.
But my love for Steam and Gabe dont make me blind to Steams sins either- the lootboxes, the price control... and even before Tim ever mentioned it ive been against the 30% cut on digital products for many many years.
Thats the traditional cut from RETAIL- Retail that needs to spend with warehouses, moving products, physical stores and clerks take 30%. That makes no sense in digital- it did back in the 2000s perhaps but cloud pricing nosedived quickly even back then...
...It makes me feel weird agreeing with Tim- i dont like the guy and his attitude, but not even Gog championed that cause
And i intended to go for price during sales regardless of launcher... but they stopped. Gog did something nice with its new launcher but stopped there and Epic? Jesus the time they went without even a cart...
So i stopped caring for Epic. I still want the other platforms to grow and steam to have competition- i believe WE end up beniffiting. Heck the way Valve is run they dont priorize what doesnt need priorizing, Steam itself depends on some pressure to make changes- heck now Valve gives some devs smaller cuts, all because of Tim and Epic.
What made me play less Epic was Steams latest overlay update with notes. In-game browser+notes... i even add some epic games on steam just for the launcher.
But im not buying from Epic again until they up their game
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Do you use Epic games?
If so what games do you/have you played?
I only have free games on their site - which of course is a lot (but not all I didn't collect them all)
I have been using it since most of my games on Steam won't work very well for me on my current machine
I have been playing a lot of Animation Throw-down ( I love animation like Family guy and Bob's Burgers) and just started Vampire Survivor - I like it a lot
Any recommendations as well
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