Yeah, that's why I'm asking. If I got extra copies, I'd have no issues with using it and giving the other copies to this site. :(
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I hate the way Steam does that, it feels like borderline theft to me. Imagine you were buying the bundle on CD in a shop and you mentioned after paying but before getting the discs that you had 1 & 2 so the assistant refuses to give you the discs? Yeah exactly like that really.
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What the hell happened to the posts after this? Is discussing whether or not Valve may or may not be possibly dancing on the law with their "No we wont you let have games in a bundle that you already had, even though you paid for them" attitude a mod-able offence?
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Scare factor too much for you or is it the game itself?
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Pah, what freaking scare factor? Jumping out going BOO while someone isn't even bloody looking is not scary. DEAD SPACE was scarier than this, and that wasn't particularly scary either. Blood+gore+jump scares do not a scary experience make.
Fear utterly fails as any sort of game experience for me, terrible level design, pants-on-head retarded story, boring stale gameplay that relies heavily on a gimmick/mechanic that got old 10 minutes after Max Payne used it, I could go on. Well maybe not, that pretty much covers the entire game.
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I don't know, I think it depends on how it's handled. I only know what I've been told about F.E.A.R. and what I hear is that, while it's no Amnesia (shudder), it can be pretty turn-the-lights-on freaky at times. Still, I'll take what you've said into account for my decision (which is leaning towards giving the prize to you lot).
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The first one was great Imo, 2nd was so so, 3rd was a step up but most would disagree with me.
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Wouldn't a better judge of game taste be, oh I don't know, my game library rather than basing it on all of the 7 or 8 games I gave criticism about on the forums here? Thanks for taking part though.
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Well yeah, I just said it was a better indicator of my taste than cherry picking forum replies, I didn't say anyone could have a look! ;-P
(EDIT: It shouldn't be though, it's just set so you have to be logged in to Steam to view it)
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The very first F.E.A.R. games were pretty neat. I didn't like F.E.A.R. 2 and F.3.A.R. as much though.
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Everything I know about F.3.A.R. is contained in the Two Best Friends Play of it. I guess study the gameplay in this and assume that it's less sophisticated on past games, look up a review if you're still on the fence, and make the call.
At least games in your inventory never expire. You have all the time you want.
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2 is so awesome, but there's something wrong with FEAR 3. It's more like console game for idiots.
Better 2, than 3.
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Three. I own 3 of the items, not 5.
Edit. Huh. Apparently typing "3." started a list beginning with "1", so my post made ZERO sense.
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Honestly, i think the second one was good, not as good as the first one, and the third was a huge WTF for me (not only due to the story but also the lack of scary gameplay), if i were you, i'd give them away, but it depends on how much deep you got into the story of the game i guess.....of you actually dont care on buying them if you need them.
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44 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by jethyuuga
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The Santa Valve gave me the F.E.A.R. complete pack over the giveaway. Comes with F.E.A.R., F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point, F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn and F.E.A.R. 3. The problem is, I already have the first three games in that list, though I've never gotten around to playing them. Are the other three games worth having and is it worth using the coupon for them, or should I give them to someone else and buy them when I need them?
EDIT: Decided to give it away. Enjoy!
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