How crappy is your laptop/computer?
Ahh the tears... My pimped 901 died prematurely of the dropped-for-the-last-time syndrome :(
They where really well built for their purpose, with some advanced tweaking I managed to get more than 9 hours of (original)battery life when in dire situations. It really served me well assisting my studies... A tablet couldn't fully replace it in my heart (and its functionality).
R.I.P. EeePC ✞
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I used to only play on my laptop, since I didn't have a pc. I could play League Of Legends on the lowest settings and get less than 10 FPS. I also couldn't run CS:GO, because it wasn't playable at 10FPS. I had to mainly stick with low-end games. It sucked.
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$300 asus
I play those too, but mine can also run a surprising number of games that I didn't think it could (at least on low), like STALKER SOC, ARMA 2, Far Cry 2, Skyrim (barely) and Oblivion (pretty well), and Fallout New Vegas
pretty good for a laptop I really bought just to do homework and stuff
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I used to have a terrible laptop (for gaming, anyway). The newest thing I could run (horribly) was Tomb Raider Anniversary. Most games it played (and I use the word loosely) were from 2004 or earlier, if they played at all. It was super hit or miss about what it would run. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time required me to use a GPU emulator to even launch it. Bloodrayne 2 launched... but well, it looked like this before going completely black:
Portal 1 looked like this:
The best memory I had with that laptop is when I wanted to play Half-Life 2. First off, lowest settings, still stuttering. :p Next, for some reason the floor of the train right in the beginning was invisible. lol And last... HL2 always overheated it. Always. But that wasn't enough to stop me. My air conditioner's right in the window next to my bed, so I took a bunch of pillows, piled them up to the AC's height, put a board on top of them, then a laptop cooler, then the laptop itself... I had to balance the board it was on with my wrists while attempting to play (and yes, I did knock it over a bunch of times trying to move my mouse) in order to keep the laptop's vents by the cold air coming from the AC. Ah, and did I mention it ended up so cold in the room I also needed to wrap myself in a blanket to keep playing? lol
I'm glad I've been lucky enough to upgrade and all, but my adventures with my old laptop do make for a good story at the very least. :p
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And here I am with an actually decent, albiet crappy asus with a first gen i3. I can run source games at mid high, but not any dx10 games such as just cause 2 and whatnot. lag in tomb raider 1, but might be the emulators fault.
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Also use a laptop, but never found a game it couldn't play so far. Had no problem playing Sniper Elite V2; any of the Saints Row games; The Amazing Spider-Man; LA Noire; any LEGO games; Sleeping Dogs; Murdered: Soul Suspect; South Park; any Resident Evil. The only games I have doubt that my laptop will run are Watchdogs; Dead Rising 3 and GTA V.
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I have a desktop.
Good processor, 8GB of RAM, 2TB hard drive... The only thing wrong with it is the crappy HD6450 graphics which I can't afford to upgrade.
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I got one of the cheaper laptops from Amazon, but it actually runs quite fast when I use it for non-gaming stuff.
It's the Acer Aspire E1-531-2438. Highly recommended ^^
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Still performing admirably, but hasn't been able to run newer games at high quality for awhile.
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My custom PC is rocking an Athlon 64 X2 4200+, 3GB RAM, and a GeForce 7900GS. Not as bad as a potato but getting there.
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The laptop I usually use is 10 years old, has 512 MB of RAM, runs XP, and struggles to even just do basic web browsing because that's not enough RAM for an OS and a modern web browser. I usually just use it as a remote desktop terminal to reach my desktop when I'm on the couch, but that means I'm not playing any games on it at all.
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My laptop is like 3 years old, but it's fairly good (2nd gen i5, 8G ram) still. Yet I had only Intel HD graphics until recently, which made gaming pretty much impossible, but I went through installing a eGPU recently, which gave the machine a nice gaming boost.
eGPU is a fairly interesting way of boosting your laptop gaming experience. Might be a pain in the neck, when you are installing it, but the results are quite rewarding.
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I want to get one of those, but my WiFi card takes up my Express Card slot; so if I use it, it renders my laptop to be stationary (even if a buy a WiFi card, it would be a pain in the ass to put it in, and take it out, etc etc.
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Ive been wanting to buy a computer, but my ever so increasing student loan is stopping me from doing that. Sooo, I will have to wait a while.
meanwhile, lets compare laptop/computer.
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