The title says it all, having this thread on the first page of the forum would help a lot in decreasing the amount of pointless threads. Mine could be pointless too since this is the only thing I want to talk about but I think there might already be a huge amount of tickets to support about their CV not going up.

will close if that thread become "sticky"

...that sounds incredibly dirty

and plzzz don't make this a hostile thread! no need for civil war or some blazing debate on the need of reading the FAQ.

11 years ago*

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The info is found in the FAQ, along with a great deal more. That doesn't help people that never read it anyway. There have been people who have asked where the FAQ is in a topic. Having it at the top of the forum doesn't fix the problem.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

11 years ago

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I got the link from the FAQ. People are too "unwilling" to read, or even search for the FAQ but having a big thread on top of the forum saying why your CV doesn't go up would my opinion

but yeah, maybe it's an issue that SG has to deal with. 436 users registered on yesterday alone and I don't want to know how many of them submitted bundled games and asked abt their CV.

11 years ago

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The FAQ is "a big thread on top of the forum" - so you're not really making a point here.

11 years ago

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No one reads the FAQ or else half the threads wouldnt be made.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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all it'll do is pointlessly clutter the forum with stickies that nobody will read

11 years ago

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To be fair, it's buried rather deep, and even section discussing lack of contribution lists first 3 rare cases and the vastly more likely one (bundle games) is last with one sentence explaining little. Since it's asked so often, Bundle games deserve their own bullet point close to the top, it's FAQ after all.

11 years ago

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What Delta said. Anyone who was going to read the FAQ would have found it already.

11 years ago

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I would like this too. Those who say "it's in the FAQ" don't really seem to understand that people don't like a wall of text. Yes, okay, we get it; you think those who can't be arsed to read the FAQ are stupid/lazy/what-have-you etc. etc. But that's the state of things: people don't want to read a lot. Having a short easily eye-catching thread title right at the top of the forums is a big difference from going to the FAQ thread, clicking on FAQs and Guidelines and scrolling through until you find it. Which, btw, is not easy to skim through to find what you need. The information about bundled games is under a FAQ that starts with "I created and completed a giveaway and the winner has marked it as received..." Like it or not, when people skim, they're quickly going through the first bits and that start to a sentence doesn't catch your eye as one that would answer that question.

I think just sitting back and saying "well people should read the FAQ" is just not in touch with reality. Some people will read the FAQ but reality is, most of the casual users of the site won't. What aggravates me the most is the attitude of people when people ask questions about CV. Treating the person with absolute rudeness and acting in a generally very pissed off manner. So why is it so big a deal to just sticky a damn thread and save all those people both asking and viewing those questions some grief?

To be honest, the attitude about "read the FAQ" on this site is so toxic that I feel kind of apprehensive to even post this.

11 years ago

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The best solution is have a little quiz before you can even join the site, asking questions straight from the FAQ.

I'm actually a little confused at what you are arguing here. You say that people won't read the FAQ, yet you advocate adding a sticky, which people will likely still not read.

11 years ago

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No, I'm saying people won't read a long FAQ. Seeing as how this question about CV is the number one FAQ, I don't see why it's such a big deal to put something that's a lot shorter for people to see instantly. Reading is automatic when the material is short so when they land on the main "forum" page they can see right away on a sticky a title that has the word "Contribution" in it. But when it's long, people have difficulty finding it.

11 years ago

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Or, wouldn't it be better to have a notice right on the "create a giveaway" page that details what exactly the asterisk means?

11 years ago

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Something like this?

Yes this was made with paint.
11 years ago

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11 years ago

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I advocate both the need for reading the FAQ and having small threads about it on the first page. People were bugged by the huge amount of threads about the CV (even mine could be considered one) that a hostile reaction sometimes is unavoidable.

If this place was ran like physicforums nobody would even complain or even dare to make a thread asking abt it. I think we already are casual enough but no need to push it with pure pointless threads.

And I was being quite polite last time when I told a person to read the FAQ and check any pre-existen threads and he was like oohhh, you effing steam must have saved the entire forum from my thead....etc

11 years ago

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Before using something, you're expected to read the rules. If you don't read the rules then you should expect to be berated.

11 years ago

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There's a difference between berating and being absolutely rude. But personally, I don't think there even needs to be a berating. This is a casual site that's basically for fun. Why are people being so stuck up in a place like this? It's not like anyone gets hurt because people ask questions. I'm all for "berating" if they actually do something wrong like failing to gift or creating fake giveaways for CV, etc. But asking questions really don't deserve the amount of rudeness I've seen. If it bothers you then just stay silent and move on instead of wasting the 10 seconds of your life to say that berating comment that comes to your mind.

11 years ago

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CTRL + F: Bundle

on FAQ page.

11 years ago

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But to know it's issue with Bundled games and not site glitch you need to know Budles are calculated differently at all. Look at section telling you why you might not have received full score, it first discusses 3 rare cases and the vastly more likely one (bundle games) is described with one sentence explaining little.

11 years ago

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don't read the text wall. search the textwall

edit- and since I said this before seeing that nosef did as well and my post is listed immediately after his I'll add:
or search the forum for that matter. type your question in the search bar and hundreds of matches come up to answer you

11 years ago

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Can't we just ban anyone who asks Y I NO GET THE VALUEZ?

11 years ago

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Just because they ask doesn't mean they're desperate/only here for the CV.

Since when was asking questions a crime?

11 years ago

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Can't we just ban cryonseris?

11 years ago

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Already been permanently banned from this site once, I'm sure another wouldn't hurt.

11 years ago

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Wow, pretty ballsy statement... especially when you think that someone might report you because of direct violation of rules... hmmm... what does this button do?

11 years ago

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I was actually being sarcastic, there's no way in hell I want to go through that again.

"direct violation of the rules" what have I done? D:

11 years ago

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Why not add (* Budled game more details here!)

Under the select game list, that would explain the asterisk and maybe people would learn something before making a giveaway.

11 years ago

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I do agree that we just need a stickied thread that has the title of: "Click here if your contributor value isn't going up!"

Something eye-catching & simple to understand.

Really surprised/annoyed that cg hasn't put it in already.

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by samstone13.