You really need to learn what other people are saying. That's not what Cult said at all. If it's pay to win, then it should also be free to play. You shouldn't buy a product for £12 and then have it P2W afterwards on top of that.
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"DLC that gives XP boosts?"
I call that pay to win. What the hell do you call it?
Edit: I will say that the team XP boosting DLC is a nice touch, but it's still not on.
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Pay to level faster. Being higher level doesn't make you better at the game, this is not a MMORPG where a low level people can't kill higher level people.
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Maybe not, I won't pretend to understand what levelling does in this game. However, there's levels, so I presume they do give some distinct advantages for being a higher level. Therefore, the ones who can fork out more get higher faster. Pay to cheat, if nothing else.
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Meh, the game is fun despite it's flaws and I don't see myself at a disadvantage when compared with people with XP boost.
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Nothing justifies p2w, but f2p just makes it less soul crushing.
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I think basically they know their game is crap and are desperate for money before it is too well-known.
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Aren't the DLCs all unlocks of content you can get through playing anyways though? Aren't they mostly just cosmetic things?
I'm more interested in whether or not the game is fun to play. I haven't seen any reviews or coverage from the outlets I follow...
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I read that this the pc version is a straight port from the consoles and the game is really laggy and crash alot right now.
Guess they need to fix some bugs before releasing moar DLCs.
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I'm not trying to rationalize or trying to stir up trouble, but give an opinion and to clear some things up.
After playing the game for quite a bit it's very fun, Do you like team based shooters like TF2? then I think you will like it.
It offers customizable weapons, unlock and perks, and tons of cool gadgets,
Now onto the DLC bit
Everything can be unlocked in game by leveling up or spent with costume coins you earn through regular gameplay.
the DLC stuff just unlocks costume pieces and vanity pets to impatient people, there is NO pay to get advantage feature...yet.
and for the the exp boosts, that is only available on the steam version of the game and it just a 1.5 exp boost to level up ranks
faster. I understand the hate for certain DLC's but I'm just clearing up a bit of misconception on this touchy subject.
it's a fun game and I enjoy it.
If there is a gripe i have with the game it's prolly the match making system is a little bit borked.
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This. The XP boost is far from pay to win, and the other DLC's are just cosmetic. No clue why so much hate lol
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That actually does clear some things up. It's not necessarily p2w, but pay to skip going through in game unlocks?
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but skipping game unlocks are just cosmetic stuff like a new hat or boots and stuff,
you dont unlock any weapons really. and this is nothing new, look at the craze in Team fortress 2
where people are paying hundreds of dollars for a cosmetic hat with a fiery effect on it,
It's very silly, I know
Also It's funny cause your handle name is "jack of hats' haha > ◡ <
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I watched a bit of this on a stream and I must say, it doesn't look half bad. It's like if COD and TF2 had a baby. Although, it's play is a lot closer to COD than TF2. It still had some interesting weapons like rocket launchers and bows and such.
I also heard most of the dlc can be unlocked through leveling up in game, but that there are some dlc that can only be purchased and which give stat boosts of some sort. So yeah, that kinda sucks. Other than that, the actual shooting mechanics looked pretty solid.
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Can you blame them? People keep buying DLC, so game companies and developers stretch what "DLC" is and as long as morons keep buying that crap, it'll get worse and worse.
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Seriously. DLC that gives XP boosts? Over 100 DLC's incoming? Shame on you, WB.
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