Maybe if it were for 0P. But then it would probably cause a new wave of "why isn't my CV rising at all" threads.
It would generate unnecessary flood in both quantity and points. It would encourage people to abuse giveaways from devs that were meant to be used by an honor system.
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Penny Arcade steam
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I still see people trying to trade Dota 2 on forums.
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I'm not sure if 0P is possible on the site, but can be set as 1P + bundle status.
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Exactly, just to gift em. There are lots of people who would like Metro, and it's a good game as well!
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They could come back with 0 CV value. Of course when you create a giveaway and select one of those a HUGE warning would appear to remind you so.
This way if you wished to just give them away, you could, without altering the current value situation.
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Yes, I concur. I want my giveaway count to jump to OVER 9000 with metro and penny arcade keys. Batteries not included. Common sense sold separately.
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Perhaps we need a "zero value list" which is like the bundle list, but which both completely prevents a giveaway from adding CV, and prevents it from giving anyone points? (Entering a giveaway for a zero-value game still costs the usual number of points.)
Everyone would benefit in that case, because people who aren't interested in those games would presumably see fewer entries in giveaways for the games they are interested in (the same number of points divided among more giveaways means fewer entries per giveaway!) And the people who enter the giveaways for free games are presumably happy because those games have value to them.
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Yeah, why not? Either as bundle games or (if someone is willing to take the time to code a system for it) 0-CV games.
It's silly to prevent certain kinds of giveaways just because of CV concerns. People who don't want to see them in the bundle list can just use Steamgifts Plus to filter them out.
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I'm kind of divided on this one. It might encourage people to grab many free keys to redistribute here on SG, even if there is no CV attached. This deprives other people who actually want the game for themselves who do not go on SG, as well as hogging the bandwidth of the generous company. It might be against the ToS or considered abusive.
I'm not too clear on this, but apparently PA's giveaway of Rainslick 3 actually had some duplicate keys that were being given out. If someone makes a giveaway and hands out that key unknowingly, how would that be handled? Would the creator lose a giveaway slot for their trouble? What happens if duplicates occur in the future? It would create a lot of work for support to sort that out. Buying a key, no matter how cheaply, guarantees that your key is unique or can be replaced if it isn't. Free games are more uncertain.
Also, what is wrong with dropping the keys in the forum? It would encourage more people to participate, or at least lurk :)
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Well, the forums are less convenient, for one. And I think that it is good for SG to have a diverse assortment of games on its main list (we don't want it flooded with games that were once given away for free; but we don't want them to vanish forever, either.)
Perhaps (if a Zero Value List does get created) there could also be a hard cap on the number of copies of a given game from that list that you can create giveaways for? So you're capped at one copy of any game on that list, but can still give unlimited copies of other games.
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As I already said in 10 other topics - make it so people have to choose if it's key or Steam gift when they make giveaway. If they choose key for these games then they don't get any contributor and don't give P to other people (if it's bundle game than bundle rules that work now apply) but if they choose gift - they get full contributor amount and everyone gets P for that giveaway. If someone cheats and gives key when he made giveaway for gift - ban him.
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Why not give full non-bundle value for non-key / Steam Gifts of bundle games? (Arg, I mean the steam gifts given through steam as opposed to the keys you get from bundles -- it's hard to discuss this because steam gifts means different things. But you know what I mean.)
The only problem I see with this, though -- either way -- is that I expect many people would just hit "received" even after getting a key for a giveaway that was supposed to be a steam gift. They're not going to understand the difference or why SG cares about it, and honestly, to them, there won't be a difference. If I just got a game I want from someone, I'll feel grateful to them and won't want to turn them in for a rules violation that doesn't mean much to me.
Plus, what I do otherwise -- redeem the key and then hit not received? I'd feel weird doing that. But if I'm not supposed to do that (if I'm supposed to ignore / refuse to redeem the key and hit not received), that creates an incentive for me to just quietly accept the key... it's tricky.
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As was often said in response in these other topics, this idea is wide open to exploitation, collusion and other cheating. It opens up an obvious loophole, which users can conspire to exploit, and should never happen.
I'm not 100% convinced about adding these games back as bundle games though, as it rewards those who took advantage of the generosity of these developers beyond just snagging a game for themselves. It does, however, allow those who have spare copies from other sources to give these to the community.
It's a shame that these games can't be set up as zero contributor value items. After all, that's what the majority of users will have paid for them...
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Creating a "Zero Value List" seems like the best solution, since that list could then also be used to cap the number of copies of a game from that list that a given user can give away.
(Perhaps, if SG is still worried about certain games flooding the site, there could be a hard sitewide cap on how many copies of a giveaway for a 'zero-value game' can be open at once? So if there's more than five or ten or whatever, you get a "sorry, there are too many copies of this game being given away at the moment! Try again later." This would only apply to games on the zero-value list, of course.)
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Well, of course there are problems with this system but it's not fair if you buy the game on Steam, have Steam gift but you don't get any CV for it. For example, I had Bit.Trip.Runner Steam gift which I gave away but I didn't get anything because it was in a fucking bundle before. I didn't give it away just to increase my CV but I wanted something. But of course I got nothing. Current system isn't fair either!
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I guess the moral of this is that if you are giving primarily for CV, always check for an asterisk before hitting "purchase" and don't let them hang around in your inventory long enough to be rolled out in a bundle :) If not, then relax. A good game is a good game, and will be enjoyed by the winner, regardless of how it inflates some number on your profile :)
Sadly the downsides of creating such an easily exploitable loophole overshadow the upsides. Maybe there is another way around the issue, but this is just way too flawed to fly.
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Negative CV is silly, but it occurs to me, amusingly, that making "free games" cost you points to give away would solve the fears people have of them getting spammed even if they grant no CV.
I don't seriously think it'd be a good idea to handle it that way, but it's an amusing thought.
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I think I still have a metro key somewhere, wonder where I stuck it... O_0
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Facebook and I got one from a bundle somewhere...not sure, I forget.
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Know whats extra funny, I know someone irl that got a cease and desist letter the week of that Bundle for downloading it off of a torrent site.
Apparently no one told him about the bundle.
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This is the problem though, if you knew sg would eventually add them back to the giveaways list you would probably have held onto them, and thats what will happen in the future, I guess 0cv or making them bundle games would be okay. I personally never get keys this way living in New Zealand, as either I cant connect to the sites or the are announced in the middle of our night and all gone by the time I hear about them, but I have Metro from THQ bundle, now if only I had the spare bandwith to download it (stupid caps lol).
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I'm a Kiwi as well, and yeah, sleep through the keys and suffer datacaps. :P
I feel your pain.
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Note: This isn't a begging/"wanting to win more" thread. I have all of these games already.
So, it seems whenever a game has free copies given out, it's removed from the site altogether. This remains the case forever.
While I can understand removing them to prevent a flood, it would be nice to see them come back as Bundle Games after a cooldown. I doubt people will hoard keys for months just for "Bundle" Contributor Value.
There are some quality games that have been removed that would be nice to have back in the giveaway list; such as:
Metro 2033
Rainslick 3
Defense Grid
EDIT: NOT DOTA2 (Didn't think this needed to be said...)
Now, some of these were recent, so they can stay off if need be; but it would be nice to have them back one day. I know some people who even bought extra Rainslick copies to giveaway!
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