Do you check for bad guys prior to sending a game?
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For example - let's look at public transportation naming. Some big cities use hybrid trains in their public transport. These trains may travel on both tram and train railworks. As for naming - in some coities you differentiate between trams and tese trains, while in some cities you call all tram. So if you'd be in city that does not differentiate in it's official naming, it would be fine to call hybrid train a tram. But it doesn't mean that it's also appropriate way to cal it if you are in city that in it's naming system differentiate between the two. Even if in different city (community) naming hybrid train a tram will be allowed in english language :D:
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Ehh, I use both interchangeably. For permanent ban, I will say "permanent ban" though.
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Good work! Yes, for some time now I always check winners. It takes time...which unfortunately means I'm doing more whitelist and high level giveaways. But seriously when I do low level public GAs, I have to re-roll almost half of them. It's very sad.
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If you can prove that then go ahead, I don't have enough points to auto-enter giveaways anyway, at least until I program a good script for myself to heurastically decide which giveaways I'm interested in :3. And as this is a bit hard I prefer traditional ways.
Ninja-ing keys in my case (2,1k games) is a little pointless, don't you think?
I have more fun with hacking steam network, I recently spotted out that steam sends info e.g. of the game name even if you try to activate a dupe key. It doesn't show that hidden string in the steam client. I think it's totally possible to send a request which tells us if key is duped or not without actually activating it.
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It doesn't show that hidden string in the steam client
It does, just read the box after trying to activate a duplicate key.
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There's much more sensitive data steam client actually doesn't show. Game name was only an example.
I spotted that steam network accepts some requests reserved for key distributors accounts (such as developers), I just need to dig a bit more inside it.
I already reverse-engineered key redeeming part.
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Actually he was pointing out in every Burstfire giveaway that they couldn't giveaway free games, so I decided to check the guy out. I guess I have a nose for those things, smelled it from a mile away ;)
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Oh, wow, didn't knew you could even get perma ban for that.
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80 or 90% of his wins weren't added so I think support did very well.
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You can if you've already been suspended for it previously. You can get permabanned for everything.
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It's a 5 day suspension per game for missing activation, when it starts to accumulate to about a month then they make it last indefinitely until the user has made amends. (Since it's kinda pointless to keep stacking if there's a huge number of games and it's clear more action needs to be taken).
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I still see it :)
edit: Just above the gifts he won. It probably doesn't matter now anymore though or does it?
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We need a way to quickly parse through the blacklist and find permabanned users, freeing up spots for more rule-breakers.
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I got like 20 people perma banned
Too lazy to post pictures but yes
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Only for 4 days? Meh, I got somebody suspended for 3 weeks, you have a lot to learn still, young padawan :P
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Good job! We should all pay more attention too people like that.
But somehow I fear that this is gonna be a problem for me some time in the future, as it has already been two times. Over three years ago, when I was completely new to SG (and basically an idiot), I actually won Faerie Solitaire three times. I didn't activate the first one, gave the second one to a friend and finally activated the third one. Also I won The First Templar, which I didn't activate either and even planned to regift it. Then someday, lokonopa (haven't heard of him for a long time, I feel old now...) suspended me for both reasons. That suspension made me think about how stupid I really acted and from that day I started paying attention to the rules. I didn't break any rules since then, but then, about a year later, I got suspended again for winning Faerie Solitaire multiple times. SG had just introduced a new system to keep track of suspensions and that way my old suspension wasn't reorded anymore. Luckily, the prblem could be resolved pretty quickly thanks to the support.
Some time later I was absent from Steamgifts for almost two years and didn't have any problems with my three wins since then, but I don't want to know on how many blacklists I ended up for the giveaways. I'm not happy about the fact that I still have to pay for my stupidity years ago, but I guess that's what I deserve. So, because I have actually never done it, I use this post to express my sincere apology for being one of those douchebags that I now can't stand.
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That's a good idea. I don't think that too many people change completely after a suspension, but those that do deserve a second chance.
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I thought one of the support members said that recidivism after a ban is pretty low. I'll try to find the comment.
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That's a good thing to hear. But some of themmight just go unreported for a long time while they are still breaking rules. Some might also leave SG. But I'm happy about everyone who stays and starts being an honest member of the community.
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i have also been naughty in the past when i first joined... won 2 games and gave them to my brother -_-
in the end i felt guity for breaking the rules so i bought them from the store to activate in my account. it was dumb.
yeah serial blacklisters, go ahead and tag me. i'd rather be honest about my mistakes
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I know how dumb you feel after realising how stupid your actions actually were. But hey, at least your mistakes are invisible now, while mine will hunt my profile forever. Anyway, welcome to the three years ago I was an idiot crew!
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My support ticket for this was recently acted upon and they banned the guy permanently. Unfortunately it was a Steam gift and thus I couldn't get it back, but upon checking his wins he hadn't activated around a third of the 29 games he had won.
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Hey, I've done a few giveaways since I joined a little over a week ago, and I didn't know there could be "bad guy" winners, so I guess I have potato blood. How do I check if someone is a "bad guy"?
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Classical things to do PRIOR sending a gift to the winner:
If he either owns the game, didn't activate his winnings or regifted them, you're allowed to ask for a reroll, which will also result in a ban in latter two cases.
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I thought it was impossible to enter a giveaway for a game you already have?
Also, how do I check if he activated all his winnings? Just compare it against his steam account?
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I had at least several times when I bought a bundle or won other giveaway in the meantime and had the game already.
Of course, a good member such as me tells the giveaway creator to ask for a reroll as I own the game already, but it's not always the case with other people, especially regifters who can win a few copies of the same game with some little luck.
About second thing - yes, just compare on his "all games" tab if he owns all games he won. I say "all", but of course you'll want to check only a few, because it's pointless to waste an hour of your life just to check if a guy activated all of his 100 wins.
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you can check them all as well using SG Tools, or even easier in 1 click with this script:
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You can use this tool to check for non-activations. Keep in mind that it does have a lot of false positives and does not work with private profiles. Be sure to manually check the non-activated wins in the winner's steam profile.
The site only syncs once a week, so people are able to win multiple giveaways for the same game in that week the person remains unsynchronized. In addition, there are a lot of games that Steam API doesnt report as owned, so we aren't able to block people from entering those giveaways.
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Thanks but that means I have to check every game he won if this game is in his library. Is there not some sort of tool to do this? Like steam gift cv calculator for example. If I have to memorise every single game he won and check it on his steam account I will not have time to work anymore. And as you will understand, no work means no money, no more ga's.
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And of course you don't know the case behind it, but you're blindly following what you see on SG page, without actually asking.
I already resolved that case with a support, as I said, long time ago, but instead of asking you decided to blacklist and call me out, so I don't feel like telling you what exactly happened. You have your own version already :3.
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It would not be fair to the giveaway creator to delete the giveaway.
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You're dealing with a close minded person who cannot accept any fault and will only justify their actions with whatever spun bullshit they can to make it seem like a good reason in their head to act the way they do. The Blacklist exists purely for people like Archi.
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If you don't mind my asking, how can you tell if you've been blacklisted? I've worried about whether I might have found my way on to a couple after being erroneously accused of regifting, and noticing said accusations well after it was too late to offer evidence to the contrary. (It was a DLC item, so a glance at Steam/SGtools wasn't enough to show I had it activated on my account. I would have furnished a screenshot if I'd noticed sooner.)
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Obviously the people who are accused of re-gifting or not activating their wins will be addressed much quicker if they are caught after winning yet another giveaway and are then reported by that giveaway creator. That's great but what about those who won, re-gifted (or haven't activated), and haven't yet won another game? I have a report pending for someone who hasn't activated two games that they have won here. They haven't won anything lately but they are active so I'm assuming that they are still entering giveaways. I'm not sure if the staff sees the "Reason" part of the User Report before reading the context of it but one would think that seeing "Not Activating Won Gift" would prompt quicker action. It would save the person that he wins his next giveaway from having to request a re-roll themselves. My report is only a couple of weeks old but I know a few others that use this site that have reports that are much older and are against active members who are still breaking the rules.
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Trust me that mods and support do see the exact reason with all the data you put, they're just working according to the priority queue (for free!) so obviously they have more important things to do than handling a guy who did not activate a gift.
You could kindly bump the request by adding a response.
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"Due to the high number of user reports, comments are disabled. Reports will be closed by a staff member once they're reviewed, and action taken if deemed necessary."
I could edit the report but I don't know if that actually "bumps" it or not and it won't get it resolved any quicker. It will just bump another report down that may be just as important as mine. If this is going on a lot then it's no wonder so many people are complaining that their reports are being ignored.
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And that's one of the reasons why user reports are so damn slow, because reroll requests are 0-50 daily (I guess), while user reports fall to a dozen of thousands probably, guessed from the fact that I saw 2-years old report that wasn't closed yet.
Sadly. On the other hand I'm happy that all of my support requests are being closed in 1-2 days.
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I already got suspended from not activating a gift.
I entered SG, saw the warning, activated the gift (it was sent by e-mail), then contacted the support and got un-suspended on the same day I got suspended.
It took me 2 weeks to realize ("realize") that I forgot to activate the gift I marked as received. Shame on me. I was on a hurry, marked the game as recieved and went to class, and I totally forgot to activate the gift after getting home.
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That's why you always mark gift as received AFTER you activate it, never the other way round. Giveaway creator can wait a day or two, you'd have much worse problems if the key you marked as received wouldn't work for whatever reason, then it'd be your own fault and you'd break another rule as well :3.
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not gonna enter because I'm not into that kind of games, but just gonna say during my early days on steamgift, I've done goofed and gave some of my won games to my friends. I've been punished for it. My point is.... I'm an idiot.. and there are more idiots like me, talk to us, we might not know the rules like an idiot. Don't just judge and throw us under the bridge, talk to us, remind us the rules and if we apologized and cooperate, then I think we deserve a second chance.
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the thing is - you got suspended for few days - how does it make it any right to the GA Creator who gave you game in good faith? If you really want to correct your mistakes - buy games you regifted or didn't activate yourself, activate them on your account - then ppl will unblacklist you. And then you will no onger be getting on more blacklists of anyone checking your profile ;p
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I don't mind, no matter how silly and childish I may find it (I blacklist you because you broke the rules, you blqacklist me because "OMG, HOW COULD YOU BLACKLIST ME FOR BREAKING THE RULES I BROKE??!!".
As for Sins - it's even easier for you now as it's F2P - all you need is to play it for it to show in your library. As for you trying - sorry but I call lie on it - if you were trying you would. You had over half a year to buy those two games. You could easilly buy them for as little as 4.5$ for both in this time. Heck, one of them you can even buy for 2$ on Steam atm. But you don't buy them, you're just "trying" to buy them - while in the meantime you had no problem to buy expensive games for yourself, buy games for full price (ones that haven't seen major discounts yet), buy games for GAs etc. So you could spend few times more on yourself than those games you regifted are worth, yet you couldn't spend those 4-5$, but "you're trying realy hard" - bullshit.
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I blacklisted you because it's only fair, if I can't enter your giveaway, why should you be able to enter mine?
and now you are being rude. I didn't say I was trying hard, but when I get the chance.
would an apology and a cute gif calm your tits?
I'm really sorry, I am a flawed person, but I bought those expensive games because I couldn't resist. I promise to buy those games really soon. I deserve to be in your blacklist, but I will try to escape out of it; like it or not. I will unblacklist you once I escape, not that it mattters to you; you probably don't care.
I also would like to apologize to murkmurkmurk
soo cute!
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not really - see screenie - you got added over 6 months ago, so you got added when I was importing my Blacklist from SGv1, so were blacklisted back in SGv1 times :D: So it is possible that you got blacklisted because of these old crimes you're mentioning above but you didn't got BLed for your comment above ;p Anyway as you repaired the damage yourself - unblacklisted ;p
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It was the first time I actually checked my giveaway winners for not activated games or regifts, spotted one, sent reroll request to the support, got new winner and old winner temporarily suspended.
A real royal defense of SteamGifts.
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