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I do not own the game and it's not on my wishlist. But I added to my ignore list. Will never purchase it.

2 years ago

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it was on my Wishlist but not anymore

2 years ago

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So only reason i am single is because i have been using a mask at the grocery store the past year?

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2 years ago

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I must be doing something wrong. I didn't wear masks, got sick, probably infected other's too, but still single :\

2 years ago

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lol I was having a bad day but you made me laugh a lot. Thank you. Great comment. lmao

2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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don't worry, when the vaccines eventually kill all the sheeples, you'll be drowning in girls /s

2 years ago

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But what's with all those women getting vacced?!

2 years ago

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Definitely. Every time I'm single, I just go to the grocery without a mask. I look so brave and masculine that when I reach the checkout I'm in a relationship.

2 years ago

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From what I read they also added microtransactions to the game?

Is there any truth in that?

2 years ago

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As far as I know, they didn't really add microtransactions, but rather removed content from the original game and then released it again as a paid dlc.

edit: I probably worded this badly, but this isn't an information from me, but from comments/reviews I could find.

2 years ago*

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sometimes i do wonder if dlc is actually new content for the game or just taken out content they can charge extra for

2 years ago

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After Risen 2 I assured it is just taken out content. Content is in the game resources, but access to it is sold in parts. When it turned out that players can access without payment, it fixed the patch.

View attached image.
2 years ago

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I don't really understand this, on the game's SteamDB page ( only two DLCs were changed recently: Domina - Gladiator Class: Sagittarius (release date: 31 May 2021) and OST (release date: 3 April 2017 ), the others weren't even modified in the past 5 or 10 months. The price of these DLCs didn't change at all.

Are people talking about DLC that was added at least a year ago, or am I missing something? o.O

2 years ago

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The shitshow surrounding the devs wild use of patchnotes cause people to go back and look at the game and realize stuff that had been in the game prior to May 2021 is now paid DLC.

2 years ago

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I keep seeing that but all the articles I've read refer to a single review which doesn't specify what content was removed. You can infer it's whatever is sold as DLC but it's really weird that no info can be found about it.

Edit: All the reviews that mention either "microtransactions" or "removed content" have disabled comments so you can't really ask them either. Dunno, feels weird.

2 years ago*

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Edit: All the reviews that mention either "microtransactions" or "removed content" have disabled comments so you can't really ask them either. Dunno, feels weird.

Comments are disabled by defaults and most won't even know there's an option to change it.

2 years ago

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Oh, I guess that makes sense, I only made a few reviews myself and didn't remember. Thanks for the clarification.

2 years ago

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Weird, I didn't notice any "removed content from the original game and then released it again as a paid dlc" when I was playing it(a couple dozen hours since 2017 and a few times with some of dlcs when they got released), and all I've seen on it is just rumours on the internet. If it was cut/unreleased content reworked and later sold as dlc then that's normal and more so a completely different thing, but is there any actual proof released content was removed and later put in these dlcs?

2 years ago

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Morbid curiosity had me looking for an answer. My best guess from looking at old discussion post is that the DLC were beta tested in a public beta branch and people who got to try it for free got mad when the branch was removed.

2 years ago

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Actually, I participated in the dlc beta. Dev emailed Steam key for one of these, and then you could get a few more through the game itself if more were available. Though they weren't removed from your Steam account after getting released. So no, I still don't understand what these people are talking about. Maybe there was another beta branch that didn't grant access to the content after testing? But then, that's also standard practice nowadays, not a scam

2 years ago

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Honestly, I don't know.
I probably worded my comment badly, because I myself do not know much about it, I just went off the comments/reviews I could find, so I can't really tell you much.

2 years ago

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that's so much worse

2 years ago

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From what I read they also added microtransactions to the game?

No, that's a smear people are using. It was always paid DLC, that you could access for free for testing purposes in the Beta branch. When it went live you had to buy it. That's all that happened, and people are repeating lies.

2 years ago

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That made me laugh, it's so bad it's good. This is so unprofessional regardless of the content, but for what it's worth, there is nothing less attractive than a wannabe pickup artist.

2 years ago

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How to get all the girls in 4 easy steps, number 2 will surprise you!

2 years ago

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look up a person who used to go by the name Dappa Laughs for a bad version of this sort of thing

2 years ago

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He is unprofessional, but review bombing a game for that, sounds kind of wrong.

2 years ago

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People review bomb for less, and i don't think he is going to go back on what he said based on the reviews of the game.

2 years ago

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A piece of art can be great or not, and should be judged as it is. Not if I don't like the opinions of the creator

To try to destroy the creator just because I don't like his opinions...dunno. We are in a world that can so easily condemn somebody to social destruction, not because he legally did something wrong, but because he is in the wrong side of a discussion. Freedom of speech used to be considered the most important freedom. Now it's constantly being attacked by anonymous mobs and people are more afraid of being able to speak up than ever in the free world.

Just for the record, masks are sadly necessary today

2 years ago

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But he put it in the game's patch notes. He brought the controversy to the game itself, so to say.

An example of a game dev who handled their controversial opinions with more grace is Scott Cawthon. He apparently donated money to Trump, which is a no-no in his game community. But he never put those opinions into his games, or invited people to talk about them. People only found out when they investigated it. That didn't change people's thoughts on the Five Nights at Freddys franchise whatsoever, because the dev's political opinions are separated from the games.

This dev didn't need to bring his opinions to his game, but did it anyway. I'm not surprised that it comes with consequences.

2 years ago

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Scott Cawthon was doxxed, people threatened his life, they phoned him and his pregnant wife, who ended up traumatized, crazies threatened to go to his house and murder him, his wife and his children. He ended up so shaken he quit making games. All his games were heavily review-bombed.

Just take a look at this thread. People saying he is homophobe, that he added transactions to his game, etc.

So, sorry, but if you want to convince me to join a new witch hunt, I think I pass.

2 years ago

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I don't think you understood what I wrote. I'm not part of a "witch hunt" and I'm not asking you to join either.

I won't comment on other stuff he supposedly did, but the developer did put out a sexist, anti-mask statement in his game's patch notes. If that was a game I owned, I probably would've put out a negative review too, but not in the way of "cancel this guy !!111!!11" but rather to help people know that the developer uses its game to share idiotic political statements. I would've wanted to know if I was about to support a developer who does that. This was on him entirely.

If you want to share your opinions, it's probably best not to do it in the commercial product you're selling.

2 years ago

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When I read the patch notes, I said "Cringe" and I moved on. And I wish people did that.

In today's world, people just LOVE to join any kind of witch hunt. There are multiple people buying the game, waiting one hour, leaving a negative review and refunding. Why? The idiot political statements doesn't have anything to do whether the game is good or not. Just you leaving a negative review for a stupid comment in the patch notes, and ten thousand people doing the same is enough to basically destroy the game and the dev's livehood. Reviews are whether the game is good or not, not comments on patch notes, which only about 1/1.000.000 bother to read anyway.

Whether you like it or not, leaving a negative review for something off-game IS a witch hunt and part of cancel-culture. What is the difference between a cancel-culture and review-bombing the game because of a patch note or review-bombing because he donated to Trump? At the end, the result is the same.

2 years ago*

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You don't have to strictly comment on the game itself in a review. If I don't recommend people to buy a game because its creator puts out offensive statements on the game's platform then that's a valid review. Steam's review platform is open for that too.

And I don't even think it's off-game. The developer, by his own volition, used his game to put out an offensive statement in its news hub. That is wildly different from quietly donating money to a controversial guy and surely is a good reason for not wanting to spend money on a game.

2 years ago

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A) Actually, in the Steam page about reviews, it clearly states the reviewer has to talk about his experience with the game. Not if he has a bone about the dev. Not wanting to spend money on a dev is one thing. To say you would actually use the tools at your disposal (steam reviews in this case) to cancel the dev is cancel-culture

B) You talk as if writing the very same comment in his personal twitter account wouldn't have done the same. Or even if he hadn't wrote about it anywhere, but people somehow had found out about it, like it happened to Scott Cawthon, who also was review bombed.

C) A witch-hunt is an attempt to find and punish people whose opinions are unpopular and who are said to be a danger to society, according to the dictionary. You are doing a witch hunt.

2 years ago

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You're overestimating my involvement/engagement here. I'm not doing shit. I'm saying that I would've recommended people not to buy a game because its creator is using it to put out offensive statements. That's about the same as not recommending to buy Nestle products because you don't want to support a company stealing water. Who cares if the water is good?

I'm not wishing ill on (or "cancelling") this dev, I don't know why you think I do that. Reviews aren't this magic way to harm the creator of a game, they are there to write why you would or would not recommend getting the game. Why this game wouldn't be recommended is obvious.

If you're going to throw accusations at me when all I have done is discuss with you only why people wouldn't be a fan of him using his platform this way then I don't see a reason to say anything more.

2 years ago

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Your point seem to be:

A) "You are just not recommending the game. You can do that. That is not cancelling". But recommending a person to not buy a game (leaving a bad review) because of person's opinions IS cancelling. Reviews are about your experience with the GAME, and that is what Steam actually says. Not about you don't like the opinions of the dev. You actually wrote "If that was a game I owned, I probably would've put out a negative review too" so it's not whether you like or recommend the GAME, but you dislike the CREATOR. The game could be the best game you have ever played in your life, and you would still put a negative review.

And that, in a nutshell, is cancel culture

B) "He deserved because he put in in a patch note". Scott Cawthon proved that the people review-bombing the game don't care whether he put it on the patch notes, or on twitter, or in a fucking post-it. If people just found out somehow, they are going to cancel

2 years ago*

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Give it up. I don't think it's possible to argue the points with someone who is willing to equate free speech with water theft that is a crime that does actual harm to people.

2 years ago

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Why do I have to write 5 times that my gripes are with a developer using his game to post offensive statements. It's not about his opinions, it's how he has chosen to show his opinions using his platform.

Cancel culture is the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure. Saying "I wouldn't buy this, the developer is saying weird stuff in his games news tab" is not me participating in some form of mass harrassment against this guy.

I looked for Steam review guidelines and this page shows that things surrounding the game is allowed too. I'm referring to

Q. Some customers are basing their review on practices or data not related to the game. Is that allowed?
A. Yes. Steam reviews tend to be a reflection of how happy customers are with the game itself as well as the value proposition, the business practices, and the experience of being part of that game’s community. This is all valid feedback and a reflection of how customers feel about the experience provided by your game.

I would say that a dev putting weird shit into his patch notes would also reflect on the game's experience and is valid for a review.

2 years ago

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Agreed. Freedom of speech is the linchpin of all individual liberty. Destroying people's livelihoods for their beliefs was what McCarthyism was all about. Sad that the internet has brought us back there again.

Not sure about the masks though.

2 years ago

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Are the people review bombing the game, causing at worst a drop in sales, not also entitled to free speech?
Or is that only reserved for game developers who want to spread scientifically false misinformation that could get people killed?

2 years ago

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Well actually, yes they are, so far as Steam allows it. I looked into a bit more, and while Steam is not a public space but a privately held business with its own rules and regulations (therefore not subject to the enforcement of constitutionally protected free speech) they have amended some of their rules on reviewing in order to accommodate review opinions outside of the actual game itself. Seems fair to me. At this point, I no longer consider this much of an issue either way.

As for you second sentence though, while that may have been true a year ago, in the age of omicron, it's now debatable.

2 years ago

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Yeah, I have the setting for excluding off-topic reviews enabled in the filters (it's enabled by default). It takes time for Steam to mark activity as off-topic, but it's useful if you're interested in the game but not the drama.

2 years ago

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Regardless of whether Valve chooses to allow particular types of reviews, or whether they are governed by particular laws or constitutions, it seems odd to advocate that a developer has a moral right to free speech but not consumers. It's great that you agree on a "technicality" that users are allowed to post negative reviews for harmful business practices only because Valve expressly addresses and permits it; but the hypocrisy of your views is concerning.

5-10 years ago I would have absolutely agreed that game reviews should critique the game's content only, not the behaviour of the developer or publisher, or the presence of DRM, or the price, or how long it took to ship the retail box, or any number of "off topic" issues. But that ship has clearly fucking sailed in an age when you have games being reviewed bombed because it proclaims Taiwan is a country, or the lead character is LGBTQ+, or the female player character has fucking body hair like a normal human.

And in any case the point is moot, this developer absolutely opened the floodgates to people using that platform to voice their opinion about his views, when he used that very same platform to insert his anti-science bullshit where it didn't belong.

As for your second point, I'm not sure what you think is "debatable". Omicron still kills people, masks still help prevent it spreading. Less Effective != Not Effective, and that is supported by the same science we've been using all along.

2 years ago

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I never once used the the term "moral right". I don't even know what that is. Rights are legal, or they don't exist at all - because if they are not enforced by rule of law, we can't safely speak our minds. This is hardly a technicality, but how the First Amendment in the US actually works.

Steam is not in the public sector, and they can moderate speech and make whatever rules and guidelines they choose. Until Steam sees fit to limit what can and cannot be said in the patch notes of the games they platform, the dev is exercising his legal right of free speech. I'm not advocating in favor of anyone here, but just trying to explain how this works. I will say that I think Steam made a good decision by allowing people to speak their minds while minimizing the impact on the game's rating. I would say that your issues regarding review bombing games for their inherent political stances, would benefit from that decision.

Did you take a look at the link I posted above? Perhaps in your country the situation is different. The science has changed in regard to omicron and masks. Because it is so highly contagious, cloth and paper masks are virtually useless. Only the N-95 is deemed effective protection. Problem is, your not going to find everyone wearing them when you go to the supermarket - well, I'm not, anyway. That said, I'm fully on board with mask protocols in hospitals, nursing homes, going to visit grandma or any venue where people are vulnerable.

2 years ago

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So the dev has a right to "free speech" via patch notes merely because it's not explicitly forbidden by Valve, but users are only allowed the same right via reviews because Valve came out and put in writing that it was ok, despite the fact that there was previously no rule preventing it? That's the double standard.that you're applying here, it's the "technicality" I was referring to. You're being hypocritical. You thought they shouldn't be allowed to do that until you discovered Valve's post permitting it. Something tells me your views have little to do with what platform is being used by both parties to exercise their free speech, and more to do with whether you agree with the message or not.

I also find it incredibly sad that you don''t recognise the existence of moral (aka 'natural') rights. This is the kind of dogmatic thinking that allows oppression to thrive. May I suggest reading into some light philosophy, particularly Hume and the Is-Ought problem.

And yes, I looked at the link you posted. It does not say what you claim it does. Nowhere does it say cloth and paper masks are "virtually useless" against Omicron. Omicron isn't even mentioned at all. The only thing it does say is that for certain areas - due to changes in factors like population density, hospital capacity, case rates and vaccination rates - wearing a mask is no longer necessary. It does not say that wearing one does not help. In fact if you'd actually visited the CDC website you might have come across this page:
And this line specifically:
"Well-fitting masks offer protection against all variants."

You're also moving the goalposts in terms of limiting what kind of masks you're talking about, when the previous discussion and the comment by the developer that kicked off this whole thread, made no such distinction. The CDC did upgrade their advice to recommend N95 or KN95 masks instead of cloth masks, which were not as effective. But they never once said anything remotely like they were useless or that they shouldn't be used at all. Surgical masks - which are the majority of masks where I live - were not mentioned, presumably they still offer adequate protection from Omicron (which would not be surprising at all, given how they work) or there were insufficient data to change the existing recommendation. But I mean really, were you expecting anything else? Did you think Omicron magically made water droplets smaller or something?

Anyway at this point I see no reason to continue if you're not willing to argue in good faith. I have better things to do than educate unwilling interlocutors on rights, philosophy, and how to read basic news articles and medical advice.

2 years ago*

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I honestly don't think we disagree as much as you appear to think. I never once said that I personally thought that people should be barred from speaking their minds in reviews. In fact, I explicitly stated that I did not favor anyone and that I was merely trying to explain how this works. It's my understanding that Steam does/did have a rule requiring the reviewer to stick to the merits of the game/software and not veer "off topic". If I got that part wrong, I do apologize. If there were in fact, no prior rules against off topic reviews, then yes, reviewers were also exercising free speech. But I have no problem with that - I never did. My only assertion has been that I don't believe devs (or anyone else) should be punished financially for their viewpoints. I stand by that, precisely because such practices actually serve to undermine and limit free speech. Therefore, I believe Steam's solution to be a good one.

Yes, I am familiar with natural law. It underpins the preamble of our Declaration of Independence, and provides the basis of the Bill of Rights which establishes those natural rights as legal rights. Obviously the idea of human rights has to come from somewhere before it can be made law, but without rule of law, we don't get to exercise them freely and without fear of repercussions.

That link was a response to an earlier post that claimed that masks were still necessary, but also to you as you seen to be also making that claim. I need to point out, though, it says 98% of areas. I didn't post a link regarding mask materials. But here are a few/

I admit, you're right, cloth and surgical masks still work - just not well enough to protect the vulnerable. For compromised people they are virtually useless and these are the people who are at risk - the ones I believe your are saying are still dying. I assume so but maybe I am wrong. As for well fitting masks, the only people I have seen wearing masks without gaps are wearing N95s and very occasionally a double mask combination. Looks like scientists are still trying to figure out why omicron is considered more infectious.

I'm sorry you feel that way. For my part, I enjoyed our conversation. I always try to admit when I am wrong, reassess my my opinions and revisit information I may have misunderstood.

2 years ago*

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I never claimed masks were necessary. I said not wearing them could get people killed. Which they can, and I'm glad you finally acknowledge this. You can argue the specifics about what types of masks are more or less effective at that job, or what types of people are more less vulnerable to which strains, and whether it is worth the societal cost of protecting those people with mandates or whatever (or, you know, leave that kind of debate up to the EXPERTS and elected officials). But making sweeping absolute statements like "masks don't work" or "cloth masks are useless against Omicron" is disingenuous at best when the whole fucking pandemic has been about statistics, probability and risk factors. It's the same bullshit reasoning that causes people to claim "vaccines don't work" just because someone fully vaccinated still has a non-zero chance to get sick, die, or spread it to others.

And no, Steam never had a rule preventing reviews influenced by developer behaviour or business practices. I do however find it concerning you don't think consumers should have the freedom not to financially support businesses they disagree with ideologically. If a developer posts dangerous anti-science misinformation, or goes on racists or homophobic rants (regardless of whether they are posted in patch notes or elsewhere), or uses slave labour to make their product, am I as a consumer not entitled to refuse to purchase their products? Should I be forced to buy it? Or is just the part where I may decide to use my freedom of speech to try and discourage others from doing so, that you disagree with? Which of those rights do you think I shouldn't be entitled to?

Because I'm struggling to understand what precisely you mean by "I don't believe devs (or anyone else) should be punished financially for their viewpoints", or what you think should be done about it, given it directly contradicts what you said about being ok with "off-topic reviews". You can't both support people's freedom of association to boycott a company because of their views, and their freedom of speech to potentially persuade others to do so, while also denouncing the fact that this results in the company being punished financially, and agreeing that Valve suppressing this type of speech by default is acceptable, while the patch notes bullshit does not face the same consequences. This reeks of the kind of anti-"cancel culture" talking points popular on conservative media, which is ultimately just a disguise for wanting a world where (usually only dangerous or bigoted) actions are free from consequences.

In other words, I don't see how you can reconcile both views, supporting a user's right to factor in company behaviour in their reviews, while also condemning the possibility of companies facing financial consequences of their behaviour; given how obviously the latter is an inevitable result of the former. That is after all the entire point of having a user review system platform, to allow users to influence the purchasing decision of others, is it not?

If Steam user reviews influenced by "off-topic" criticisms are permitted but demoted/excluded by default, perhaps the best solution would be for games with "off-topic" content (eg. announcements or patch notes that aren't related to the game) to be demoted from the Steam store. At the very least they could be removed from the Steam home page and recommendation algorithms. Perhaps the game could be excluded from search results and the store page hidden entirely until the user explicitly opts-in to view such products. After all, if you don't think companies should suffer financial consequences from shitty anti-social behaviour, surely it's only fair that they should also not financially benefit in spite of such behaviour. Both parties should be held to the same standards, right?

2 years ago*

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I didn't expect you to respond, but since you have, I will try to restate my views. But I won't attempt to answer your questions directly this time. I feel that several of them I have already answered and either you are misunderstanding me or I have been unclear. So instead, I am just going to lay out my perspective as best and as clearly as I can.

If you do respond again, I am asking if you could please be more polite? So far you have accused me of hypocrisy several times, expressed a condescending concern for my moral failings and dogmatic thinking and scolded me regarding my lack of understanding of basic rights, my inadequate philosophical education and even my reading skills. Is it possible to talk without all that? If you just want to be right, and me be wrong, so be it. But if the purpose of discourse is to examine ideas and perhaps shift the other person's perspective a little, it's my belief that treating each other with respect is much more conducive to that kind of outcome.

I do believe in everyone's right to speak their mind freely, without any qualification, regardless of whether I like it or not. That includes both the dev and the reviewers in this instance.

As a privately owned company, Steam can moderate speech on their platform however they choose, including prohibiting or limiting speech on the dev's patch notes. (I've already affirmed this.)

I think that review scores should reflect the quality of the actual game, and not users' opinions of the devs' politics and that manipulating those scores for political reasons in order to obliterate all prior scores that were based on the game alone is actually unbalanced and can have an unwarranted impact on their livelihoods. Additionally, people who just want to get an idea of how good/bad a game is just on the game's merits also have a stake in all this and are entitled to view scores that reflect that. Steam's solution tries to serve everyone, by allowing people so see both sets of scores and base their decision to buy or not on either basis. This affords transparency for everyone. Steam notifies us on the game's page when review scores have been removed due to off-topic activity. It's only a couple of clicks to view that if you want – hardly a suppression of information. Nothing is being hidden here, but the default could easily be the other way around, and I'd be fine with that too.

I do not equate bad speech with bad actions. I don't equate the speech of a person on their own intellectual property, no matter how much I dislike it, with the bad and often illegal actions of a corporation that does actual real harm to people.

I don't believe the idea that this dev has caused harm or posed a danger is well founded or forms a valid basis for censure. My fellow humans are perfectly capable of exercising critical thinking and not at all likely to follow the mask "advice" proposed in a ridiculous, narcissistic rant. I give others more credit than that and I don't think they need to be protected by gatekeepers. Further, the question is practically moot now that the mask restrictions in indoor spaces (including supermarkets) are being largely dropped. This being the case, who now needs to be protected from dying besides people who are at risk? Who are the masks still necessary for besides them?

Any people who are still at risk already know what to do and how to follow the recommendations of their medical providers in order to protect themselves. They don't need other parties to shield them from random recommendations made by people with no medical expertise. They have their own agency and can make their own determinations. I know this, because I am one. I do admit that my views on different mask materials reflect a personal bias. Based the higher transmission of omicron and recent advice of the CDC as well as the epidemiologist I linked to, I wouldn't go near a person not wearing an N95 mask when while I am immune suppressed. The "'partial" protection of cloth and surgical masks is just not good enough. Not worth the risk. In effect, useless.

No doubt you will find much here to disagree with. But if you do, I ask that you please keep it polite and respectful or I will not be able to reply.

2 years ago

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I'm not sure why it's so difficult to answer the questions I posed. I already stated that just a few years ago, I would have agreed that review scores should be about the game and nothing else, but we live in a world where that is simply no longer the case; cultural views have shifted where such critique is now the norm, Valve never technically disallowed such views on their platform, and they have since explicitly allowed it (despite doing so in a way that makes such reviews "lesser" than others). And even if none of that were the case, this developer invited such criticism by inserting his views where they didn't belong.

But I thought we had already agreed on that point and moved on. I wanted more clarity about why you think a business does not deserves to suffer financial consequences for their actions, and how exactly you plan to secure that without limiting the freedoms of speech and association.

And yes, speech is also a type of action; and yes, speech can also have real tangible consequences, this is obvious, proven, and it seems disingenuous to pretend otherwise. Do you think Nestle should be immune to boycotts for using their free speech to tell mothers in developing countries their breast milk wasn't good enough, they should buy Nestle baby formula instead, likely leading to health issues and deaths of babies? Or do Nestle employees need to literally go around shooting babies before you consider it a problem? What about people who encourage at-risk people online to kill themselves, some of whom eventually follow through. You're ok with that are you? It's just speech, right?

But back to the topic, I mean why do you think people started wearing masks in the first place? Did the government sneak into homes at night and slip one on while you were sleeping? No, people were told, through the power of free speech, that there was a pandemic. And people listened. People were told, through the power of free speech, that the science showed wearing a mask saved lives. And they did. And then people were told constantly, through the power of free speech, that you shouldn't wear a mask, that the science and health officials can't be trusted, that it's a violation of your rights, that it lowers your oxygen intake, that it's child abuse, that women don't like it and it might stop you getting laid, that COVID is fake; and suddenly you think this has no effect on people? Have you seen Republican voters? QAnon? The "Freedom Convoy"? The traitors who stormed the Captiol? And despite all this you really think people are too smart to be affected by speech that happens to be wrong? Actions are informed by beliefs; beliefs are informed by information; information is disseminated through speech; there is no part of that process that requires the information to be accurate, the beliefs to be true, or the actions to be good. This isn't rocket science.

But alas, it looks like I won't be getting an answer for that shitty reasoning, so I won't bother pressing the issue further. Sorry I can't pretend to respect your views, even when you concede your points as being flawed and shift the goalposts. How unfortunate we won't be continuing our little chat then. Luckily, my "impoliteness" won't really bother you, because speech can't harm people, and shouldn't come with consequences. Right? Or does that only apply to financial consequences? What if I said I got paid every time you replied to me, and by refusing to reply because my views hurt your feelings, you were in fact punishing me financially for exercising my freedom of speech; something which you claim to disagree with. Now you're fucked, aren't you?

(And yes, I'm being deliberately antagonistic to demonstrate the absurdity of your argument.)

2 years ago*

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All I see here are straw man arguments and personal political bias. Thought it went without saying that some speech is not protected by law. Please take a look at this. It should answer your questions. I can no longer be bothered.,law%2C%20true%20threats%2C%20and%20commercial

A little review of recent history,

Should the WHO and CDC be punished financially for the deliberate lie of warning the public not to wear masks? (Or digging their heals in on aerosol transmission.) No way of knowing how many lives that must have cost. So who should be the gatekeeper of truth? You decide - you appear to relish the role.

A fine example of pretzel logic in your last paragraph.

Yes, you are very rude. But I uphold your right to be so without financial repercussions. There you go - now you can get paid. But for the last time.

(PS I think your hair is on fire.)

2 years ago

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I don't agree with review bombing and have never done it. But, I hope they receive stats on how many ignores a game gets. =)

2 years ago

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Terrible, he comes across as arrogant and ignorant. Could it even be a marketing ploy to get ppl to talk about him and his game? Despite that, I am against review bombing it, a piece of art should only be judged by its merits.

2 years ago

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i guess and i mentioned not to review bomb the game but that be like saying this picture is nice even if you knew Rolf Harris had painted it or enjoying a Garry Glitter song while on there own they are fin in the context of what they are - the background becomes to mudded by association with the negativity

2 years ago

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the background becomes to mudded by association with the negativity

Exactly. Another example would be the Lostprophets because of their singer. How to enjoy the music with those associative thoughts?

2 years ago

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it really is creepy because what women would want a man or female trying tet off with them while picking up next weeks food menu? i sure wouldn't

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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Yeah, that part really made him sound like he's one of "those" people, who don't realize that most people find it annoying (and often a bit creepy) when someone just unanounced comes up and starts flirting with you when you're just going about your daily business.

2 years ago

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Maybe the dev is trolling, since even bad publicity is still raising awareness for ones product. Still a speculation however.

2 years ago

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Sarcasm and direct aggressive messages like this sure seem to work. Look how many know of this game now. I've never been aware of it. 🤣

2 years ago

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One look at his Twitter account is enough to realize that no, he isn't trolling. He's really IS that fucking stupid.

2 years ago

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Why would I want to have sex with women?

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Maybe he was wearing his mask a wrong buy, or busy having sex with his girlfriend - and as a result haven't had proper blood circulation into his brain.

edit: People mention cut content made into microtransactions or DLC, but can't find anything recent about that. Any leads?

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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I wish Steam would allow to set devs on ignore that have no "homepage".

2 years ago

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They'll just create a Wix website xD

2 years ago

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Nobody asked, but I hate this "new" system, it often works really bad, you can click on the developer of a certain game and get to the page of a huge publisher with hundreds of games, this is too stupid, and valve cannot fix it for years, although it seems to be the developers who not in a hurry to create these pages, though why would they do that, the old non-tiled list is discoverable.

2 years ago

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oh i see, my problem was that i wasn't actively trying to get laid at the grocery shop, my bad

2 years ago

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*Walks to the cashier lady*
*Hey beautiful, do you come here often?*
*winks with both eyes*

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

2 years ago

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I am confused. You would think people with that kind of thinking process would welcome the elimination of the competition for "women" via face masks so they can spread their obviously superior genes and make whatever country great again no?

Anti-Darwinism is a thing.

2 years ago

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It's seeking validation. The dev wanted a bunch of antimaskers/Covid truthers to go on and say "hell yeah, cheers to that". We all seek validation in our beliefs sometimes, it's just that this guy has really dumb beliefs

2 years ago

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As a lifetime owner of minority opinions, I never really understood the need for stranger validation. If you believe something, own it. Who cares that people agree or not?
However in this case, yeah he's probably right. That's such a dumb belief, it probably needs a massive amount of "hell yea!" to make even him believe it's valid.

Not to mention the catch 22: if people do follow his advice, then the only women who are not wearing masks... are going to be lesbians seeking to get laid with women... ;)

2 years ago

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I only have sex with people who wear the mask because otherwise I have to see their stupid ugly face

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Ain't it a little bit late for that ? In many places in the world the mask is no longer required. Anyway I don't think some opinions in a note should result in a massive hate campaign if it does not affect the game as sold in the store. About microtransactions, they have an impact on the game so it's totally fine to write a review about that.

Some studies proved that the mask makes people more attractive : (this is the first link I've found on google)

2 years ago*

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Imagine being a woman, shopping tired after work. A man approaches, maskless, "You see this beautiful face??? Wanna get laid?"

This is the mentality of people who have never touched a woman's hand in their life. It's just sad cringe.

2 years ago

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Truth. The dev must be proud he as a girlfriend, but it's the weirdest patch I've ever witnessed. Although, I can't criticize his game, it looks pretty epic.

2 years ago

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Much like most of the rest of the world, creepy pickup lines haven't gotten any better in the Covid era.
My girlfriend was told several times "most women don't look good in a mask but it looks great on you" by random creeps in the subway or cab drivers. Also "If your lips are as pretty as your eyes, I can't wait to see you take the mask off".

... yeah and I bet these guys think the reason they are not getting laid is that women are too picky.

2 years ago

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That is borderline comedy level bad pickup lines. Wonder if a line like that has ever worked

2 years ago

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Pretty much what I said. Optimism at a manic level.
I guess hope keeps them alive?

2 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

2 years ago*

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did you see his reply?
a youtube link, a big rant, and this
Exactly zero people have been able to articulate a clear argument against anything that was said in the patch notes or on twitter. Out of thousands. Zero champions! They're WEAK. The dudes who started consuming white-pill orthodox chad memes in 2020 are STRONG.
somebody is drinking the coolaid

2 years ago

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Does the dev deserve personal backlash for their opinions? Maybe, it depends on what that backlash entails, I know that often legit criticism turns into overt bullying on the internet.
Should people review bomb the game for this? Probably not, I usually fail to understand how those type of reviews are useful at all for a potential buyer since they're not really criticizing the game itself but rather the people behind.
Does my opinion on this matter at all to anyone other than me? Most likely not, but I felt like writing a comment anyway.

2 years ago

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Uhm, you understand that he is the one that brought this to Steam in form of his patch notes? And not the other way around?
I'm pretty sure that most customers didn't ask for his input on "weak men", masks and success with women.

2 years ago

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Yeah I get that, but how is it that review bombing helps? Reviews are meant to reflect the product itself, not the people producing it, and it's kinda questionable if patch notes actually affect the experience. I'm not saying that the guy doesn't deserve criticism, but I don't think this is the ideal way.

2 years ago

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I feel the review bombing is more likely due to the fact he took content out of the game to release it as a paid DLC but I can be wrong on that.

The thing is it's probably a good idea to keep your personal opinions to yourself in a business environment. You use your unrelated business platform to air out your opinions on any given day on any given topic and exactly half of your audience is going to disagree and out of those, a predictable percentage is going to be ticked off about being subjected to your opinion in the middle of their unrelated business with you.

If he had added something in the middle of his patch notes on the other side of the issue like "GrOw A PaIr and get vaccinated because women like winners", I'm pretty sure he would have been reviewed bombed by anti-vaxxers too.
The misogyny in his original comment was a non starter since... he's a dev.

2 years ago

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While I don't agree with any of the stuff he said and if probably not enjoy that guy's company irl, shouldn't assholes have a right to share their BS opinions? I feel like otherwise it wouldn't be fair.
Also I'm of the opinion that art and artist are two separate things and as soon as something is published the author might as well drop off the earth and stop existing as far as judging the thing they did is concerned, a piece only has a past, like a snapshot.

Edit: ok, thinking a bit more about this, I might be taking this whole "free speech" thing too far. I'm basically just contorting my line of thought just to say that even if he's an ass the game might be or might not be worth playing (cos I haven't played it so I have no way of knowing). I don't want to sound like I'm defending a guy that probably would discriminate against me (if the thing about him being homophobic is true, I imagine he'd probably be the type to throw bi and queer people in general into the same bag). Why am I even rambling at 3 am? I should go to sleep already.

2 years ago*

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There is a time and place for free speech. He can do it to his heart's content on Twitter. Game patch notes are for game patches, not rants (stupid or otherwise.)

I did not ignore the game and I seriously laughed out loud when I read the topic, but there is no defending unprofessional conduct in the patch notes of a paid product.

2 years ago

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There is nothing wrong with free speech of course, besides the fact it's being randomly abused by everyone thinking it means they can just say whatever goes through their mind on whatever topic and not suffer consequences from people who fundamentally disagree on said topic.

In this case that definitely doesn't mean anything regarding the game. I don't condone review bombing in any situation, tbh.
You have a problem with someone shit posting in patch notes/on twitter/on their blackboard menu at the cafe you used to like? Feel free to exercize your right to tell them what you think of it on social media, at the checkout counter or wherever and to ignore their games, mute their social media or never go to that cafe again.
Review bombing though... what's the point? You're pretty much doing the same that person did.

Still I'm not surprised it happens in cases like these.

2 years ago

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I saw a suggestion elsewhere that this dudebro was also a massive homophobe, and couldn't find any direct evidence of it apart from possibly one line from the content warning description for this game: it apparently contains "normal and abnormal human sexuality".

Can anyone who has played the game give any insight? Is that referring to bestiality or something, or is he genuinely just referring to being gay as "abnormal human sexuality"?

2 years ago

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Deviating from the normal or average.

Being gay is literally abnormal, since most people are not gay. That doesn't necessarily make it bad, but it is abnormal. There's no inherent moral judgment attached to "abnormal." Even if that was speaking specifically about gay stuff, not everything is homophobic.

2 years ago

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As long as we're going to be quoting definitions, let's try Oxford:

Deviating from what is normal or usual, typically in a way that is undesirable or worrying.

and Collins:

Someone or something that is abnormal is unusual, especially in a way that is worrying.

Did you get yours from Meriam Webster? The first line, just as you said:

deviating from the normal or average

Then continuing...

often : unusual in an unwelcome or problematic way

Don't pretend it's not a loaded term. Disingenuous or just plain ignorant.

2 years ago

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I said it doesn't necessarily mean bad, not that it can never be bad. Some have more negative definitions than others.

I didn't come here to play definitions with you but, as you can see, a bunch of the examples don't have negative connotations at all; "abnormal strength," "abnormal powers," as well as synonyms like anomalous, atypical, uncommon, and even things like exceptional and extraordinary.

2 years ago

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Ah, so you were simply arguing that that much like "abnormal strength" and "abnormal powers", "abnormal sexuality" might just as well mean exceptional, extraordinary sexuality.

Seems legit.

2 years ago

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By that definition being caucasian is also "abnormal" since most of the world's population is in Africa and Asia...

2 years ago

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By that definition being caucasian is also "abnormal" since most of the world's population is in Africa and Asia...

Depends on where you are in the world, I don't think going globally makes sense if you're in a majority Caucasian location, but yes. Of course in some circumstances being Caucasian is abnormal. What's your point?

2 years ago

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I understand what you are trying to say, and it's true in your context, but not in this context. This is just arguing semantics. When it comes to sexuality, "abnormal" has negative connotations overwhelmingly often and it's usually said by people who are going out of their way to let you know that.

2 years ago

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Do you have more info? I have this game on my wishlist, and could kiiind of pass this weird rant away, but homophobia in game is a big no no already

2 years ago

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Spent a while scrolling his twitter (which was extremely hard work, because my word is it full of weird, wild, and often offensive nonsense) and was just about to give up finding any overt homophobia when I found this gem:
Do not argue with Sodomites - LEAVE! Let them have Sodom!
I'd say that's pretty clear cut.

Ah, but re-reading your post - I really doubt there's anything overtly homophobic in the game, I think that would be mentioned in the reviews if so. Just plenty of bigotry in the head of the guy who made it.

2 years ago*

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Well yeah he has issues. Imagine how ticked off he must be after 2 years of being rejected by mask-less lesbians in grocery stores.
I mean... all they did was follow his advice and go around without masks to find women to get laid. ;)

2 years ago

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Based dev, going to buy 100 copies and give them away

2 years ago

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View attached image.
2 years ago

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The game looks epic. I don't really care about the patch notes, I found it quite funny though. Too many snowflakes nowadays, everybody is offended by everything.

2 years ago

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the game looks sick, i wont remove it from my wishlist because the developer told me to not wear a mask lol

2 years ago

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I respect people who do still here in UK. People need to stop associating the game with the developer(s) or artist(s) who voice their opinion online. Although it was offensive to say things like that, I take no offense on it. A good point to laugh and move on with my life.

2 years ago

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By laugh you mean laugh at the developer for how stupid he is or laugh in disbelief that someone can be this stupid in this day and age and somehow figure out how to compile a game in unity?

The game is made by the developer(it's not a team of 500+ people like blizzard where you can't blame everyone for 10 people's actions and attribute all game efforts to those 10 people) and so to inform the creator they are wrong what better way than to demonstrate to them that even their best work is absolutely worthless compared to their few dumb words that no one in their right mind agrees with? Yes you can just ignore and move on because it's just another ant it's not like this developer is relevant or anything. But you never know who he ends up influencing and who he ends up making stupid with comments like that, so it's better someone tells him he's wrong.

2 years ago

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By laugh you mean laugh at the developer for how stupid he is or laugh in disbelief that someone can be this stupid in this day and age and somehow figure out how to compile a game in unity?

I think it's rather a stupid move to drive attention towards you or your game. Now everybody talks s**t about him and for good reason. Although it's nor easy or difficult to create a game in Unity, I'd say it takes more patience, discipline and hard work. Many people know a lot and do nothing and too little know too little and yet do a lot more.

The game is made by the developer(it's not a team of 500+ people like blizzard where you can't blame everyone for 10 people's actions and attribute all game efforts to those 10 people) and so to inform the creator they are wrong what better way than to demonstrate to them that even their best work is absolutely worthless compared to their few dumb words that no one in their right mind agrees with? Yes you can just ignore and move on because it's just another ant it's not like this developer is relevant or anything. But you never know who he ends up influencing and who he ends up making stupid with comments like that, so it's better someone tells him he's wrong.

Treating it with sarcasm back is the most intelligent way to do. I'd rather see a bunch of people troll around rather than take it so serious and get negative back at him for what he said or what he believes.

I'd never associate a game developer(s) with the game itself. I will never judge it by that aspect. We've seen that happening with other developers that are a lot bigger and although they make people mad because they have launchers or because they seem greedy, sometimes they deliver a good game, yet people would spill a negative review because it's EA or Ubisoft rather than judging the game itself.

In the end, this whole thing will be forgotten and everybody will move on. It's a stupid move, but what we can all do is move on or treat things a little differently when people react like this. He is clearly having some issues, and that does make me sorry for him to think this way and have such outrageous opinions. 🤣

In the end, possibly people purchased his game, just to drop a negative review. He only got more reasons to profit out of this.

2 years ago

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I can't laugh at this kind of rhetoric. I am not someone who gets offended by everything. People like this dev help spread that kind of opinion that continuing to wear a mask is uncool and funny. I've been through a lot, medically speaking, over the past 6 months since been diagnosed with cancer. I am still swollen after my treatments, and still having hospital visits. I wear a mask because I do not need Covid on top of everything else. How about he just keep his opinion to himself and respect others?

Mask mandates have been lifted in most places, so it's time for the anti-maskers to shut the heck up. I'll do my thing and they can do theirs.

I added his game to my ignore list because he doesn't deserve my respect. Doesn't look like something I'd bother playing anyway. It's made by one idiot, so no one else suffers by my decision.

2 years ago*

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My thoughts exactly.
Let's not even mention the misogyny in his whole argument because... well it's the gaming industry, right? So nothing new here, it's expected.

2 years ago

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It shouldn't be tolerated, yet the gaming community is rather flexible and tolerates a lot. Why? We're probably desensitized to bullies online, to internet confrontation and heated discussions on social media all the time.

It doesn't surprise me when time to times some shmocks appears out of nowhere sharing something he believes may affect your life. Next the thing he may write a book about it and I can promise you somebody is going to read it.

2 years ago

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You're right of course and we are becoming desensitized to online BS, and it seems to be a sort of sports for some people to trigger others.
Nowadays it's more surprising to witness the kindness of strangers online than random trolling.

I do hope your Mom gets better and you are in my thoughts.

2 years ago

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I've spent a great amount of time on multiplayer games with high competitive and toxic type of players. I got really desensitized to people saying anything negative. I can write and anyone can write anything we want negative or positive. We're somewhat protected by an invisible wall. But I think it's rather a choice of how you voice yourself and what type of person you wish to be perceived.

If the developer changed the way he toned his message, it might be better received, yet again, we can all agree that shouldn't be a point of voicing your opinion, and rather on social media or on your personal blog or YouTube video.

In the end, that whole sentence can be absolutely ignored and eventually forgotten.

Nowadays it's more surprising to witness the kindness of strangers online than random trolling.

Without a doubt and I am one of them that enforces this kind of behavior. At the end of the day, we need to be responsible for balancing the stupidity, hypocrisy and evil in the world with kindness, support, communication and good. It's a far fetch objective, but it's definitely easier to be a mean person online than a good one.

I do hope your Mom gets better and you are in my thoughts.

Thank you! I am still unsure what's her rate of survival as the doctor that did the biopsy mentioned that it's an aggressive cancer and we should expect the world. When a hard line like that is drawn, it really puts you to think wider than the regular problems we face on a daily basis. Death can really shook you something to really make you appreciate the little time you have with people. I have not thought about it, because my mom is 52 now, still too young, yet cancer doesn't forgive anyone and the rate of cancer nowadays has increased by a lot in the last 20-30 years. It's either that or we're more keen at detecting it.

I hope you are healthy and safe and that you live a healthy life. My best wishes to your family as well! 🤗

2 years ago

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I can't laugh at this kind of rhetoric. I am not someone who gets offended by everything. People like this dev help spread that kind of opinion that continuing to wear a mask is uncool and funny. I've been through a lot, medically speaking, over the past 6 months since been diagnosed with cancer. I am still swollen after my treatments, and still having hospital visits. I wear a mask because I do not need Covid on top of everything else. How about he just keep his opinion to himself and respect others?

I'm sorry to hear that. I really wish you safe and quick recovery. My mom was diagnosed with cancer, yet it's unclear what type last week. I understand how important it is for you to protect yourself, but again, if a stranger tells you to not wear your mask, does that make any different if you're well aware how vital it is for you? I don't think it really matters really. People have a lot of freedom and as a developer you pretty much control what you do with the game. I don't think that's right, but they do have the right to do or say anything they want.

Will that make them be respected and make more clients as a business perspective? Hell no. I know people want to rise awareness that what he said was absolutely dumb and he should be punished for it, but then again, I think it would have hurt more if he would just be ignored. Then he would realize that what he says or does is absolutely meaningless on the grand scale of things, in gaming I mean.

I added his game to my ignore list because he doesn't deserve my respect. Doesn't look like something I'd bother playing anyway. It's made by one idiot, so no one else suffers by my decision.

I respect that and well, that's a way to do things.

2 years ago

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I wish the best for your mum.

2 years ago

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The same for you man. I know you will be able to overcome it! There's treatment and with your willpower you will make it truth! ✊🏻

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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oh my, Shannon :( I wish you all the strength in the world to get through this.

2 years ago

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I'm going to be okay. I finished my radiotherapy a few weeks ago. I just had a very bad skin reaction and swelling, but it's almost healed now. I go back in a couple weeks again, then they'll decide if they'll discharge me. Hopefully all going good. =)

2 years ago

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that's good to hear! I'll cross my fingers for you :)

2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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Bumpty bump bump

2 years ago

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It's actually not a bad game. I don't really care what someone says in the patch notes. I don't need emotional validation of my opinions, and I don't have to agree with someone's opinion for me to enjoy their work. Lord knows I don't agree with some of the larger dev shops, but I still play the games. I'm mature enough to disassociate the two, because I'm an adult and I think rationally as one.

Also, nothing was cut from the game. The content that was there when I first played it in 2019 is still there. What happened was people played the Beta branch and the new classes, and then expected those to be a free update in the live game. They were not. So all of the claptrap about cut content being added as DLC is a cleverly disguised lie by omission that appears to be specifically designed to inflict as much damage to the dev as possible. If you look at the patch notes from October 6th, 2020, version 1.2.77, he clearly states that all DLC is in open beta, so these people opted in to the Beta, played the DLC classes, and when the DLC came out as....DLC, they erroneously expected it to...not be DLC?

I do not know this dev, nor do I care what his opinions are, it has zero bearing on the game itself, and it has zero bearing on my life.

Anyone can feel free to respond to this, but be forewarned, I do not care. I am a 44 year old man who has been in combat in the military for OIF 06, and have been a law enforcement officer for almost 20 years working sex crimes against children investigations. I have experienced and seen the worst humanity has to offer, life is far too short to get butthurt about words.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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It's actually not a bad game. I don't really care what someone says in the patch notes. I don't need emotional validation of my opinions, and I don't have to agree with someone's opinion for me to enjoy their work. Lord knows I don't agree with some of the larger dev shops, but I still play the games. I'm mature enough to disassociate the two, because I'm an adult and I think rationally as one.

Yes, exactly. I'd not consider someone offended immature though. It's just learning to have a thicker skin is essential in this day and age. People who can opinion hard talks like this and not care about what people think get the most attention. If someone states he doesn't care what people think, well believe it that he doesn't.

If he can afford to lose respect of players for his game, he damn right is either confident in his own words, which is admirable or has other backups to not put him in complete misery. If he doesn't, well, that's a bold and stupid move never the less.

Also, nothing was cut from the game. The content that was there when I first played it in 2019 is still there. What happened was people played the Beta branch and the new classes, and then expected those to be a free update in the live game. They were not. So all of the claptrap about cut content being added as DLC is a cleverly disguised lie by omission that appears to be specifically designed to inflict as much damage to the dev as possible. If you look at the patch notes from October 6th, 2020, version 1.2.77, he clearly states that all DLC is in open beta, so these people opted in to the Beta, played the DLC classes, and when the DLC came out as....DLC, they erroneously expected it to...not be DLC?

At least someone cleared this. People pick everything this guy did and don't even if it's true or not. The game doesn't even cost that much, with all the dlc's. You can even get it at a lot lower prices. I get that some countries really have it difficult to buy games that are remotely £15+, but this game isn't even worth that and yet people complain that he added paid dlc.

Anyone can feel free to respond to this, but be forewarned, I do not care. I am a 44 year old man who has been in combat in the military for OIF 06, and have been a law enforcement officer for almost 20 years working sex crimes against children investigations. I have experienced and seen the worst humanity has to offer, life is far too short to get butthurt about words.

Interesting background. I am 30's and have plenty of experience and have seen a lot of BS online to not be affected by what people have to say about masks or anti-masks. I can't imagine what you've went through, but it sure toughened you up.

2 years ago

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I can't imagine what you've went through, but it sure toughened you up.

It has some advantages, but other rather severe disadvantages. I do not beat around the bush and I say what I mean. I do not mince words, so I'm oftentimes seen as "offensive", which I'm fine with. I do not care. I'm not that easy to talk to, and I have a difficult time trusting anyone or anything. Sometimes it is a severe detriment, but I simply do not trust people. I also do not have time for silly internet squabbles and emotional breakdowns for simple or non-important things. Some of the things that people complain about...well, if they collapse into a heap of broken glass because some words that were said to them caused them to have an existential crisis, then I hate to tell them that it gets a whole lot worse. Reality is like that, and they better grow a spine, or life is going to be pretty difficult for them.

2 years ago

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I find the things you tell me quite inspiring. Some people do have it tough and use that toughness to transform themselves in a victim. While others use that to build their character. As you've said, it's something that may serve you well in some cases, but you know for a fact and everybody that knows you that you've somewhat built a sense of trust because they can trust your opinion and bluntness and can see that you're not up for any games.

Are you looking to change a few things about yourself still? Chisel yourself towards a more emotional stance? So that you maybe, idk, get to feel accepted by people you love, life family for example?

2 years ago

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Are you looking to change a few things about yourself still? Chisel yourself towards a more emotional stance? So that you maybe, idk, get to feel accepted by people you love, life family for example?

Of course. I am, just as everyone is (or should be), in a constant state of self reflection so that I can have an internal dialogue with myself and identify my shortcomings. Far too few people do this, so they don't even know who they are, while simultaneously trying to tell others who they should be. I am a father of two very smart and terrific kids, and I am a 21 year husband to a very smart and terrific woman, and for that I am thankful, but sometimes I do find it difficult to open up, even with them. The people that are the most important to me, my family, and perhaps a select few friends, are the only people I need acceptance from. Because I love them, I should, no - I must be the best version of this idea of me that I can. Therefore, I strive to always speak plainly and truthfully, and not act in haste or anger, to not keep secrets that could cause harm, but to continually seek the best parts of me and draw those out.

Due to my life's experiences, it is a hard road, but I try to mold a little bit each day. I may slide backwards sometimes, as we all do, but as long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other, dip my head forward, and persevere through any pain, sadness, and loss, I can make progress. But it is not a progress of the world that I'm interested in, it is simply a progress of myself, because I have no standing to admonish others for their shortcomings if my own life is a mess - and it almost always is, so admonishment towards others never comes, save for some practical life advice that I've learned from battling my own demons.

In the end, we are all human, and we are all fallible in one way or another, because that's what it means to be human. Some greater than others, some less so, but each one of us has a right to be here and to make our decisions - for good or ill. The sooner we recognize this, the sooner divisions can begin to close.

2 years ago

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Of course. I am, just as everyone is (or should be), in a constant state of self reflection so that I can have an internal dialogue with myself and identify my shortcomings. Far too few people do this, so they don't even know who they are, while simultaneously trying to tell others who they should be. I am a father of two very smart and terrific kids, and I am a 21 year husband to a very smart and terrific woman, and for that I am thankful, but sometimes I do find it difficult to open up, even with them. The people that are the most important to me, my family, and perhaps a select few friends, are the only people I need acceptance from. Because I love them, I should, no - I must be the best version of this idea of me that I can. Therefore, I strive to always speak plainly and truthfully, and not act in haste or anger, to not keep secrets that could cause harm, but to continually seek the best parts of me and draw those out.

I think you're on your way to the right path. I'm sure that although things aren't perfect and we need to be in perpetual self-discovery and self-development. Once we stop seeking ways to grow, we may as well end up miserable, confused and lost.

I am married with my wife, for 7 years now, but we've had all together 11 years of relationship. No kids so far, but I think it would be ideal by this time to prioritize that more than anything, as it is a crucial time to make final decisions if we will have children or not. You can't play with pregnancy as you'd normally do in the 20's, or early 30's once you're passed that you might as well consider something else.

I think you open up quite well, and maybe it's a lot more easier over writing, but I can tell you will get there one day, just need to push yourself to have the tough conversations sometimes with the people you love. Time is limited and we can't allow it to postpone forever or when we think it's the right time.

Due to my life's experiences, it is a hard road, but I try to mold a little bit each day. I may slide backwards sometimes, as we all do, but as long as I keep putting one foot in front of the other, dip my head forward, and persevere through any pain, sadness, and loss, I can make progress. But it is not a progress of the world that I'm interested in, it is simply a progress of myself, because I have no standing to admonish others for their shortcomings if my own life is a mess - and it almost always is, so admonishment towards others never comes, save for some practical life advice that I've learned from battling my own demons.

Many people can learn a lot from this. Life can teach you a great deal of things. Wisdom does come sometimes early, but true wisdom comes from the hardest life trials you've ever had to face.

In the end, we are all human, and we are all fallible in one way or another, because that's what it means to be human. Some greater than others, some less so, but each one of us has a right to be here and to make our decisions - for good or ill. The sooner we recognize this, the sooner divisions can begin to close.

True 100%.

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2 years ago

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Based and balls-deep pilled.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Dev trying really hard to earn points with the far-right imageboard demographic there.

Really though, this is pretty transparent. Game came out like 5 years ago. This is them banking on a few more sales through outrage. I'll be more convinced of their convictions if they start spreading white genocide conspiracy theories or talking about how homosexuals are degenerate and responsible for the fall of western civilization or some such nonsense. Doubt they publicly did anything like that prior to this game's release.

2 years ago

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... look at his Twitter, it's full of conspiracy craziness. Dude lost his mind a while back.

2 years ago

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This isn't the first thing he's posted, just have a scroll through his previous patch notes, guys an absolute nut. He's posted about people who killed themselves being a conspiracy, he's posted the definition of the word joke, he's posted a long really weird rant about being more manly and stop watching porn, he's posted about reading the new testament. This is just the first thing that's gone properly viral.

As for microtransactions/DLC, just look at the store page, there's like 5 or 6 DLC's priced under £1 that were either features of the base game and cut to be placed back in the game as a microtransaction or content that should be in the base game and was made into DLC as a microtransaction. I think the wording or use of "microtransaction" is probably the thing thats causing the most confusion. He's basically selling content on the cheap which shouldn't be DLC.

Any way you look at it, regardless of your views, using the patch notes as a random place to spew your personal views is odd and not something we should encourage.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Probably due to the title not being clickbait? It's a factual representation of what the guy said.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I'd actually argue that it is sort of clickbaity.
He doesn't state the fact that he's quoting someone else so the first impression from reading the title is that actually OP is saying that - of course everyone will want to open and see what he's on about and express dislike/support... but hey, it turns out he`s just quoting but clickbaited people opening it by implying OP said it.

So technically I'd say it actually IS clickbait. Most clickbait usually isn`t really "wrong" per say, but just controversially portrayed to gather more attention

PS I didn't see what was initial discussion, but I'd guess about this

2 years ago*

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