Well as title say i have this problem from yesterday (i used a vbe.exe from a torrent of one film, trusthworty web obvious)

well the problem it's when i don't have opened the task manager my CPU usage it's 100% on idle and when i open the task manager happend the next:

1-one process systeminfo.exe 32* (i'm using windows 7 64 byts) have 97%CPU usage, the joke here it's this process disapear 1 second after i opened the task manager it's very dificult to watch it (i made an screenshoot before disappear).

2-i passes malwarebytes + avast antivirus they don't found any problem.

3-i don't have any strange program installed

4-in msconfig i have this "strange" script on start of windows ---->AutoIt v3 Script

any tips on how to remove this posible virus or malware???

6 years ago

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AutoIt is not a virus by itself although it can be used for malicious purposes. You can start by disabling it from running on Windows start, restart your PC and check if the behavior is the same.

6 years ago

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but i want to just delete all of them not just disable it, idk what kind of info it's sending it etc....

6 years ago

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Although it's almost certainly introduced by a malicious program, its nature is not malicious by default and it's still possible you installed it by other means or in connection with another program that might have issues upon its removal. It's safest to validate if that's the source of the issue before proceeding to remove it and it's pretty painless to do so.

If I'm to guess you might have a cryptocurrency miner running in the background making use of your PC resources, although the same behavior can happen due to badly written code of a genuine program too. It's hard to tell without having direct interaction with the system itself, so I recommend first identifying the source of the issue and only then looking into the ways to remove it, just to be on the safe side.

6 years ago

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the only posible cause was what i told about the vbe.exe archive, i already deleted that archive..... i try to follow a lot of guides about this trojan i found in internet but i always miss one archive that should be in two folders (i already have to show all hiden items too).

seems that it's time to format the PC if i don't find the solution...

6 years ago

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Just as a side note, systeminfo is known to glitch in connection to 3D Mark on Steam in certain situations, producing 100% CPU usage. So, if you recently used 3D Mark you might look into that as well. Good luck.

6 years ago

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i don't even know what's that 3D Mark xD, the problem started yesterday or today. (well in fact i think started yesterday, because it's today morning when i found the problem and it's just today when i started to found problems in my normal daily life with the PC)
and i just played Rocket League today

so i'm 100% sure it's that script i mentioned before.

6 years ago

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3D Mark is a computer benchmarking software used to determine the computer's performance.
As I said, first step should be to determine the culprit before going to the extremes. You could also try to use a previous system restore point if you have them enabled and if you don't lose too much by going back to a previous restore point.

6 years ago

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svhost takes a lot of ram or not?

6 years ago

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at this moment i don't have that process active. i'm using right now 3.01GB of RAM without anything open (just task manager and firefox. so it's a normal use)

6 years ago

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  1. How do you know your CPU usage is on 100% when task manager isn't running?

  2. What if you open Task Manager, and minimize it? Is CPU still 100%? or does it stay free?

6 years ago

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1-i'm using CPU termomether and i saw it the changes on cpu cores usage, also during a fraction of second when i open task manager i see to in the archive i mentioned in the first post.

2-nope if i open task manager CPU = normal if i close it = 100%
i can miminize and CPU = normal

6 years ago

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This might be caused by a malicious software, or a bug in Windows or relying software. There is no way of knowing in advance.
The systeminfo may mean something, or may be a Task Manager glitch (same as Task Manager showing itself on 100% CPU sometimes).
I would start by:

  1. Always keep the Task Manager running (minimize if you need) to preserve energy and the life of your CPU.
  2. Try following these instructions to understand the underlying cause: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/579029/high-cpu-usage-by-the-system-process/
6 years ago

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ok i found a process called vbc.exe in task manager.

1-i just closed it
2-now when i close task manager i don't get CPU at 100%

3-so now i found the archive that give me the problem (i also opened the ubication and it's on the folder of net framework).

4-any tips on how to remove it?

6 years ago

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  1. Find where your vbc.exe is located (there might be a few, make sure it's the one you ran)
  2. Rename the extension + Make the file non-executable (Right-click, properties, etc...)
  3. Check is with an up-to-date antivirus / antimalware.
  4. Try to delete it
  5. Make sure there are no other copies (There is a legitimate vbc.exe in Winmdows, try not to remove it)/ Try checking the size of the file, to distinguish the fake/real ones.
6 years ago

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ok i found a process called vbc.exe in task manager.

1-i just closed it
2-now when i close task manager i don't get CPU at 100%

3-so now i found the archive that give me the problem (i also opened the ubication and it's on the folder of net framework).

4-any tips on how to remove it?

6 years ago

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Upload that vbc.exe here and check if it's genuine or malware. The genuine one might have been replaced with a malicious one or it might just be a software conflict.

6 years ago

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You should scan vbc.exe not taskmgr.exe :)

6 years ago

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i'm scanning vbc.exe and that's what i get as a result i even scanned

6 years ago

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If the file is genuine then check the task scheduler against malicious tasks being added. To do that press Win + R, enter 'taskschd.msc', press enter and check the list. Disable tasks that look suspicious.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

6 years ago*

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autoit is a program which is used for automatizations of keyboard and mouse with some patterns.

6 years ago

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On Win7, it can be anything, but it is often tied to Windows Update. Win7 itself it not really getting anything these days, since it is 11 years old and people should really stop using it, but MS Office does, and it can still keep scvhost busy.
vbc.exe is a Visual Basic program, something may try to run a script on your PC.

6 years ago

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well thanks for the help, i'm going to just format the PC.... i don't like it but seems it's very dificult to delete this trojan, and i don't want to risk get some important info stolen.

anyway i never format the PC in around 10 years so i will take this chance to have it 100% clean.
i don't even going to save any archive i already have in my PC, (i was lucky that 10 days ago i just saved all my music in another external HD)
we will see you in a few hours!!!! that auto update will take hours....... thanks goodness i have good internet for download again the games etc.. xD

as an advice: never absolutely never trust in any archive you don't know even if it's from the most trusthworthly web that you always use without problems during years, or shit like what happened to me can happen to you.

6 years ago

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Or just get good protection running realtime will usually help avoid alot.

Also if your pc is 10 years old, that wouldn't have a good cpu and ram either.

6 years ago

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Install Malwarebytes and do full scan.


6 years ago

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So if I understand correctly, you downloaded a movie but there was an executable there? That's screaming "Hi there, I'm a virus, run me please!".

Vbc.exe is not a virus, it's a component of Visual Basic. If it's running and using 100% CPU it just means your virus is a Visual Basic script.

6 years ago

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well you are right but how i donwloaded from a 99% truthsworthly web.... i will never more again open a vbc archive xDD.

anyway going to format and give up..... just making a bootable usb right now in another PC to do it, my DVD lector it's broken xDD.

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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It looks like a virus.
What can see is the parts, the main parts are lurking somewhere.
And we are making VBS available at any time. The virus downloads other viruses and is trying to do bad things on your computer. It might be.

Before formatting and reinstalling, you should try removing and repairing with Malwarebytes etc.

Recent viruses may not be removed even if formatted by rewriting the firmware of each part of the personal computer.
You should do a closer look while still in motion.

6 years ago

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Happy cakeday. :3

View attached image.
6 years ago

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Thank you(∩´Θ`)∩

Nyan ca.... no... XD

6 years ago

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(i used a vbe.exe from a torrent of one film, trusthworty web obvious)

I stopped reading there.

Just run MBAM.

6 years ago

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Yes, films are never executable files- I wonder if it was one of those DRM groups looking to sue people who download movies...

6 years ago

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If your virus scans wont pick anything up, and the symptoms go away when running task manager, maybe try to run Process Explorer to see what is running on your PC. It is like task manager but it can run without being installed.
I was able to stop ransomware using that once, when every other option was blocked by the virus (could not safe mode, could not open task manager, could not go to run command, or even open sys restore).

System restore, if you are able to run, is your next easiest solution. Just go back in time a few days to when it was working correctly. If that doesn't work, boot to safe mode and run scans from there.

If that fails, might try to run Hijack This and see the logs. If you have corrupted Windows files, you might end up wanting to reinstall anyway; but still before you do it might be good to find out exactly what was the cause.

6 years ago

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So ya went torrent site maybe OK & your downloader Ok But Did You Scan the Files Before Watching ?
Not sure if this will Help try
Delete & Shred the Download If you still have
Run a reg cleaner that looks and knows how windows works its no good just Deleting this & that as you may have to do a reinstall I use Kerish doctor 2018. But there are plenty for Free out there.

6 years ago

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Disable superfetch in services

6 years ago

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Closed 6 years ago by Akzeriuth.