I wanted to ask another question, I have a GPU (GTX 970) with custom heatsink, I wanted to know but it is normal that playing games like Dark Souls 3 comes out enough hot air?

I have a USB fan that sends cool air, I can send her in the custom GPU heatsink, so I can avoid hot air?

7 years ago

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That's how it is supposed to work.
The gpu gets hot, the heatsink grabs the heat and it's fan throws away the heat
You shouldn't place a random fan in a random positions, instead, you should try to create an air flow, install a fan on the top that throws air outside or a fan on the front that throws fresh air inside

7 years ago

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I do design my case and position hardwares, i hope you understand better:

Link if you don't see the image: http://imgur.com/a/AmOGO

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7 years ago

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lol, nice drawing xD
So, the gpu throws hot air on its side, and the cpu throws hot air on the top ?

Well, usually you should try to do something like that (attached image)
Grab air from front\down, throw outside from top\rear.
That's because the hot air is light, it goes up and you don't want hot air in the case. At the same time you grab fresh air from outside on front/down

But if your case is totally closed it will be less effective

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7 years ago

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1) Yes

2) For the drawing I made, it's fine like the USB fan keep it? The problem that I have noticed, the GPU throws hot air, in the side of the GPU and "throwing" cold air from the USB fan, the hot air feels, I do not know if I explained. :/

How should I put the USB Fan position to have cold air?

7 years ago

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Alice in realtà è un clone, generata dal dna, di alicia marcus, la regina rossa.
Il dottor Isaac in realtà è ancora vivo e in criostasi, precedentemente era stato ucciso da alice ma in realtà è un clone.
Wesker è morto per un esplosione banale.
Il virus verrà debellato da un antivirus aereo ma ci vorranno anni però.

I boss finali di Bayonetta è Padre Balder e in seguito Jubileus il creatore.....la sfida è banale basta schivare e colpire e si abbatte subito

Dopo questi 'spoiler' buona giornata e soprattutto buona visione 'spoilerata' di film e gioco.

7 years ago

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"a fan on the front that throws fresh air inside" You can image? Yes, i'm idiot. :V

But I do not understand one thing, the GPU fan throws hot air or cold air takes? Why "close" to the GPU, there are iron bars (like the CPU cooler), and "touching" feel is warm and throws hot air, so do not understand when you say the fan throws hot air.

Sry for bad english.

7 years ago

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The GPU works exactly the same way as your case does, it sucks in cool ambient air from inside your case, the air heats up as it passes through the heatsink, then the heated air is push out via the fan.

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by RazorMG0.