You can copy his steam trades name and paste here ,,'' this might work until the update.
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macea10 commented with my response to that question while I was typing. That is the only solution that even I have at this moment, which makes moderating SteamTrades difficult when people only give me their SteamID.
cg is the only developer on all three sites. SteamGifts, SteamTrades, and SteamGameSales. He recently finished completely overhauling SteamGameSales before the holiday sales, but a few features are still missing from SGS that users are requesting. He also has a real job and a lot of other real life things that require his attention, next to the dozens of SteamGifts requests each day that only he can fulfill.
SteamTrades requires a lot of work as it's just a simple forum right now. While I can't say much, I can mention that a simple forum isn't what he had in mind for the future of ST. We really do appreciate your patience when it comes to SteamTrades, as it's still a relatively new site and activity there recently exploded due to the Official forums being down to the hacking and Valve linking SteamTrades in a sticky on their official forum.
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Mods can only do so much, macea. Perhaps I'm wrong but this is what I understand: They don't work with the coding of a site, help devolop it, solve problems like flooding or servers crashing. A mod's job is focused on the members. They make sure the rules are being followed, things are kept in order, punish people for disobeying. Now if I'm not mistaken, admins have the kind of power you are thinking of. Hm . . . I wonder if they assist the delevoper or they are delevopers themselves, to an extent. Or am I completely out in left field? akjgsdfdsa I could be completely wrong macea, but as far as mods go, I /believe/ I'm right about that.
Also, loko, if I am wrong about your job, please forgive me. Correct me, of course. I mean no dis-respect.
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Pfft, oh Loko, it's okay you sweetie. You don't have to be apologetic or anything. c:
I understand maintaining and developing a website is a lot of work. I don't even know basic coding. But it is news to me that cg runs all three sites. I feel really sorry for the poor guy now. Aaa that must be so much work. I can't even put it into words. Poor guy must be exhausted, piled up in demands and requests keeping three sites running smoothly at once and ack, how horrible. One site has to be a hardy handful as it is. That sheds a little more light on how long the update will take, but no big deal. I can wait until then. I wish him luck though. I don't know how he juggles so much real life work and delevoping.
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Phew. D;
He must be one hell of an over-achiever to be able to work a job, three websites, everyday errands, and possibly college and maintaining a house. I don't even know how someone like that can so much or deal with the stress. People that can handle that much baffles me. Welp, let's cross our fingers that he doesn’t lose sanity. If he does, he may just give all the mods of SG to inherit his "life's work" which may just make you all scream.
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I don't know if someone already mentioned that, becouse it's too long to read, but maybe cg could redirect steamtrade profile to steamgifts profile, as it's almost the same and shouldn't be so hard. it would be easier than copy/pasting all the time or editing ST link to SG link.
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You know how when you click on a username on here, it brings you to a new screen which includes a link to that user's profile? They have yet to do this for SteamTrades yet, but it does say coming soon. I was curious if you guys knew when this would be finished. The site feels so incomplete and obsolete without it, and it makes trading very difficult.
I've missed out on at least six good trades because of it. People will post offers in my thread, I'll agree to it, but they will never return to exchange. Or I'll make offers in other threads, but the user hasn't checked it two weeks or so, probably forgetting all about it. Half the time you can't find the person on Steam community when you search their name. According to the rules, you're supposed to say your SteamID in every thread/offer made so people don’t have to track you down like a private investigator, but only 5% are doing that from what I’ve seen. Out of the few people I did get ahold of ( which was difficult ), when I finally do get to negotiate with them, they give weird reactions and tell me they already traded away said game or no longer want desired game long long ago, but neglected to update or close their thread. Aughghgh. Disappointment. Aren't trades supposed to be simple? You people are making it hard. asdkjfldsadas
( This post isn't cranky or complaining. It's all in good humor, hence the laughter. )
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