9 years ago

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I've only played one.
But I own all of them.
Shame on me.

9 years ago

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The one with mods bro, k.

9 years ago

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skyrim, oblivion and morrowind all have mods

9 years ago

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Yes, that's the better one bro, k.

9 years ago

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k... bro

9 years ago

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What about the giveaway you said you were going to make when you made a thread where you asked people to drop keys by?

9 years ago

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gave away a key in the fourms ;p

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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kk i will give something else away them

9 years ago

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Daggerfall also has mods!

9 years ago

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Morrowind. Best spellcrafting system, best mods (subjective), best story.

9 years ago

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Never played morrowind. my friend got it for Christmas and he told me its insanely hard compared to skyrim as you can miss stabbing something at point-blank range and that everyone walks like they have something shoved up their butt. I wanted to borrowit but he wouldn't let me eventhough he rarely plays it.

9 years ago

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Morrowind takes a bit from the d20 feature of attack roll. You can miss all the time... or not, depending on your items and skills

9 years ago

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oh ok that makes more sense so basically every attack is a literal dice roll

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oblivion. The sheer amount of stuff in there more than makes up for the dated graphics. I mean with so many unique places, the ability for NPCs to actually change facial features during conversations, the great story and guild questlines, and so many other things. I think its a great game that any fan of RPG's should play. Also it was always fun to kill the "Adoring Fan" NPC.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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^ This.

All the dungeons are copied and pasted. There are no unique places. The guild quest lines are better than the main quest line, but that doesn't say much. Overall it's a very bland game and doesn't live up to the other games in the series.

Oh and I can't decide if I like Skyrim or Morrowind more. Skyrim is more like an action adventure packed with story and cool stuff to do, while Morrowind is still a real RPG with tons of background info. Play them both.

9 years ago

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Oblivion > Morrowind > Daggerfall > Arena > Skyrim imo

9 years ago

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Morrowind is the best TES, hands down

It has the best magic system, story and quests

My favorite is Oblivion tho, that game (while not the best) is one of my favorite RPGs

9 years ago

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Oblivion. Great graphics. Fun gameplay. Quality story. Insane replayability.

Following is obviously Morrowind.

9 years ago

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I've only played Skyrim and Online and I love both. I would like to play the older ones but it's hard to play old games when you already played the most recent one because of the difference in graphics and technology limitations x.x

9 years ago

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O_o Not really? I go back and play older games all the time. I mean, yeah...if yer a graphics junkie....then some might be an issue...but Oblivion shouldn't be an issue.

9 years ago

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But you played it before, when it wasn't that old, right? And if not... well, that's just my case then, didn't mean that it was a fact for everyone, just talking for me.

9 years ago

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Nah...I mean, i played the other elder scrolls first, because bethesda was giving them for free at one point(might still be? I dunno) but then i bought skyrim, loved it so started working backwards, and while Morrowind was a bit of a graphics shock/throwback, I didn't really notice too much of a difference in graphics between oblivion and skyrim....There was SOME, but not really enough to send me reeling.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Why You Should Still Play Morrowind in 2014

Morrowind can look as good as basic Skyrim with mods.

9 years ago

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Morrowind, but mainly for nostalgic reasons. Oblivion though is better than skyrim. I also liked Arena, but not sure how it's aged with time.

9 years ago

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I've only played Skyrim so far since I got into PC gaming kind of late. (I've only had a PC capable of gaming on since November of 2013)

Skyrim is pretty awesome though and seeing as Oblivion was the precursor to Skyrim, I can only imagine that it's at least as awesome, if not more awesome than Skyrim! o_O

Also, I have to say it, but the ONLY way to play an Elder Scrolls game is on PC, because of mods!

There's a mod that lets you play Morrowind IN Oblivion & Skyrim and also Oblivion in Skyrim (Morroblivion, Skywind and Skyblivion. I don't know much about them, I've never tried any, but I've seen videos of Morrowblivion and as far as I know, they're still in development I believe)

9 years ago

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Daggerfall! My 1st Elderscroll game!


9 years ago

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MrBtongue explains with finesse why Morrowind is the best elder scrolls.


View attached image.
9 years ago*

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9 years ago

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> supporting the awful rng misses/hits in a real time game
> :B1:

9 years ago

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that can be modded out.

9 years ago

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and morrowind can be modded into skyrim

9 years ago

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But Skyrim can't be modded into Morrowind

9 years ago

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you wouldnt want to do that anyway

9 years ago

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Believe me i would. I couldn't mod Morrowind the first time i tried, after an hour of unpacking a big mod pack it failed because of my antivirus. I have a new pc now, it might just work.

9 years ago

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mod morrowind with other mods sure, but no one is actually going to put skyrim on the outdated morrowind engine

9 years ago

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That is the great flaw of humanity :D

Seriously though, i like that Morrowind has a more complex system and that you can't just go anywhere on the map, there are creatures stronger then you and they are gonna whoop your ass. I understand that you really like Skyrim, but Morrowind is a great game and many people like it more. Opinions vary

9 years ago

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Combat is iffy, but the quest and dungeon design is as good as it gets on RPGs, and the quantity of stuff to do, not Dullblivion or Skylame, got any close in either of those things.

Theres a quest in Morrowind where you have to learn lines of a play and then say them in front of a small crowd, without beeing able to see your inventory, nuff said.

9 years ago*

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i think Morrowind is the best,the gameplay mechanics,level/world design,story,etc.etc all had a special depth to them :| :D
but my personal favorite is Oblivion.....
oh and i'm absolutely in love with the dark brotherhood,what is the color of night?

9 years ago

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Happy Cakeday!

9 years ago

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I agree!

Also, happy cakeday!

9 years ago

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Better mods, more depth, seems like there is more to do.

Incidentally, a few days ago I found an old HDD with an old install of Morrowind on it. With all the mods I used to love but can't find anymore.

So, I'm a happy camper.

9 years ago

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You should upload those mods for people in a similar situation such as yours.

9 years ago

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I can look into that.

9 years ago

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Uploading to a google drive folder which I'll set to share. It'll be a couple of hours before it's uploaded. Like 5 gigs of mods.

9 years ago

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It's still uploading, I had to cap my upload at 100kbps because I have slow internet. But there's a lot there already. I don't know what is still out there, or what might have been updated. Share it around, I will be, I don't use this google drive so it'll stay up in perpetuity. It'll be finished uploading in the next few days.


9 years ago

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You have set no criteria that can be used to compare the games.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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i liked the level scaling by monster/area in morrowind. i really dislike when the game adapts to the player.

9 years ago

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Morrowind is the best. The others they just have better graphics.

9 years ago

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thanks for skyrim

9 years ago

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Morrowind was my favorite

9 years ago

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I say Morrowind>Skyrim>Daggerfall>Arena>Oblivion, Daggerfall and Arena are free, by the way.

9 years ago

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I'd have to say Morrowind. Yes, the combat is questionable at best, but the rest was great. The locations were imaginative, the art direction was fantastic, the weapon selection was much larger and the dialogue was miles ahead of any elder scrolls game made before or since (no voice acting but who cares). Oblivion and Skyrim were definitely more polished games (by Bethesda standards anyway), but they just didn't have that same feel, and definitely weren't as expansive. Arena and Daggerfall were expansive but kind of generic feeling and definitely not well polished games. Morrowind just seemed to have that magical balance of polish and expansiveness. Or maybe it's just nostalgia, I dunno.

9 years ago

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I just want to thank all those discussing Morrowind. I have a boxed copy, but never got into it due to the combat which I found annoying. Maybe it's worth putting it back on the backlog anyway. (Not that I'm likely to play it anyway, unless OpenMW or an official port appear on Android.)

9 years ago

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At the very least hold on to that boxed copy! It might be worth something 10-15 years down the road.

9 years ago

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Nah. Won't be worth that much and I truly hope I won't be that starved for cash. Besides, I might have thrown the box already and kept the media. Not sure, but I did that to a lot of games, to save some space.

9 years ago

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I've tried Arena a couple of times, but couldn't figure out the controls.

I've never played Daggerfall.

I don't understand all of the hype behind Morrowind. It's nearly unplayable for me. I can't even fight a rat without dying because my character can't hit something that's in front of him. I don't get what the big deal is. I know it's an RPG, but a real time RPG shouldn't need dice rolls for every hit. I'm waiting until Skywind gets finished because the combat system is competent. I tried to install Morroblivion once but it broke my Oblivion and I don't know how to fix it.

Oblivion is okay. I think Bethesda went too far into the Uncanny Valley and everything seems too bright, but it's fine.

Skyrim is my personal favorite. They've simplified the formula to appeal to a wider audience. The first two games were cult hits and Bethesda became popular after Morrowind. That's why Oblivion and Skyrim have simplified the Elder Scrolls formula, because the audience for Skyrim is much larger than the audience for Morrowind. Skyrim has a good story, a well thought out and well designed world, and interesting characters (for the most part, but that can be said about any good game).

9 years ago

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Skyrim has a good story, a well thought out and well designed world, and interesting characters.

Nice bait.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It really does look like bait though. The story is subpar at best, the world design is horrible with large settlements only having like 5-10 houses and the map being extremely small in practice but you are told it is large in the lore. The characters themselves don't really have any depth given the bad writing and lacking dialogue options.

9 years ago

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Soโ€ฆ a typical Bethesda game then. It never stopped them from being popular and high-selling. :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago*

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I was just referring to the part I highlighted.

9 years ago

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Skyrim coz its Skyrim... Now Speaking truly:

  • Arena: Don't know much I tried to play it a long time ago but didn't figure out the controls so I let it be :P.
  • Daggerfall: Played actually but is really big in map size and story so instead I had read the story and I think it's the best game overall of it's time.
  • Morrowind: I still haven't played it (Don't know why) but I need to play it in a near future.
  • Oblivion: The best in my own personal opinion because was the most stunning game when it came out and everything about it was excellent back in 2006.
  • Skyrim: Excellent game I had put over 100 hour in the 360 and I think I am going to play it soon on PC, mods are waiting.
9 years ago

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Whichever ones have mods because compared to other RPG 'gems', they are atrocious without mods.

9 years ago

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