This server is made for anyone who creates films or any type of game project requiring people and connections. I made this server for people who love to be part of videos and create them too. I sometimes need an extra person from time to time to make a scripted/unscripted video I plan on making and it's hard to get people on board if making videos isn’t an interest of theirs. So, by creating this server I can join people together into a server of people with similar goals.

We are a primarily discord affiliated group

I made this group because I'm pretty passionate about making little short films on games and just general animation primarily, inspired by people like Mr. Moon, charborg, DNSL, etc. I personally have trouble sometimes getting a lot of people passionate enough for creating videos so I created this to give other people looking for the same thing. But this channel and group is for anyone, not just videos and youtube. Music, livestreaming, etc are also in the mix and its just a general way to connect like minded people.

Just add me here and let me know u want to join!
My steam profile:

4 years ago

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Hey, i hope this can create good things. I create some things but without purpose, it is hard to continue. Added you :)

4 years ago

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Group recruitment section of the forum is here to recruit users for giveaway groups. Not general steam groups.

That's why I will close this thread.

4 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by MSKOTOR.