I watched the movie as well, and of course, those thoughts also crossed my mind.
I guess the main point of it isn't the space or how pretty it looks like, but the technology it possesses. They made Elysium in a way that everyone on board could be cured, no matter what. Even though the world was already overpopulated, I don't think that miserable ways of living and several sickness and diseases are the key to make it stop. Culture is, knowledge is, as well as making people understand that they shouldn't have kids, and why.
Also, it's not like everyone would move to Elysium itself, doesn't look like there's enough room for it. Even if there were, I don't see the problem of it. It might not look as pretty and elegant as it was before, true, but it's not looks that make Elysium what it is, at least from the way I see it.
Security seemed to be strict, even on Earth.... so I bet Elysium can be even safer than Earth when it comes to criminality. ._.
Pretending that famine and crime do not exist just because you're in a high place away from Earth isn't really right, though, that's just me.
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I think the gangs are well equipped and they could easily override the droid system given there's an IT talented enough for the task. In term of security, the director was trying a lot to focus on only surveillance on civilians, not the war against crime or the decaying society on earth.
And I agree with you wholeheartedly about culture and knowledge are vital to bring humanity back to its apex, but unless a brainwasher is legal otherwise it would be impossible to convert billions of people into having positive thoughts about the future in such a chaotic world.
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Crime is indeed everywhere. Not even Elysium could hide from it. It's in human's nature. Best thing to do is find the best day to deal with it, reduce the numbers and avoid it. Maybe if people were happier it wouldn't happen as much. To my eyes, ignoring the millions of people that needed help should also be a crime. Things could have been way different if people on Elysium weren't so damn greedy.
Heh, it would take time, but it's possible.
And you can never convert someone who's not willing (unless you brainwash them). :P
It all is a matter of choice in the end, a choice everyone should be free to make.
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I watched it and I liked it. I think that in the beginning Earth is portrayed really good, because slums and industrial cities with criminals and everything actually exist due to capitalism. But overall the movie was really predictable (I knew who was going to die and who live from the moment I saw the characters) and the ending is really cheesy and trying to be tearful. I also think there could be less slow-motion scenes, but that's just me. Maybe I am just too young, but I don't belive so called "rich" people would keep something from everyone else just because they can (I am talking about the healing machines). It's in their best interest to keep their workers healthy (to work) so if "healing everyone" is really as simple as sending those few ships down to earth why wouldn't they do it? Not to mention that would probably cause riots and probably even more deaths because everyone would want to use them (but I guess that's not the point in this movie, because everyone rich is kind of evil and everyone poor is good - not counting Kruger). In reality there would probably be some kind of dictatorship a few years after that or everything would go back to where it was before (and that is how the movie should've ended).
You can also read this especially this and this comment.
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Everyone on Elysium is fair-skinned, while everyone on Earth is Latin/black + Matt Damon. This could have been a really interesting commentary if the hero was anything but the standard, Hollywood white-washed American. I love Matt Damon, but seriously, I really wish someone would have considered this. It's a fun sci-fi that reinforces every filmic stereotype since the inception of celluloid :/
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172 Comments - Last post 33 minutes ago by genkicoll
I understand this should belong to IMDB or some movie-related forums but I believe you guys the gamers should have a better insight in this movie than an average viewer. We gamers have always considered the consequences of our action while playing games (Bioshock, Heavy Rain, Witcher 2, The Walking Dead), expecting an ending manufactured from our decisions and I had that thinking while watching Elysium.
Everything I am going to say after this will include a lot of spoilers from the movie. Continue reading at your own risks.
Personally, I think you can't possibly say that the movie has a good ending. Billions of people from Earth would have access to Elysium, including gangbangers, drug cartel, any criminal in general. Elysium would be in ruins in less than 1 month after the override. At least there was this one place where wars, famine, and crime did not exist. Equality does not matter when there's no good thing exist.
You might say that I am for capitalism, but I do not think dragging people down from a higher place an encouragable act at all.
So, what's your thought on the movie? Appreciate any input!
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