
Do you remember Pit Fighter?

Back in the day, Pit Fighter was a beat-em-up using real bluescreened video for the characters, instead of completely hand drawn, or rotoscoped.
Now in theory, I should have fond memories of this game. But I never played it in the arcade...I had it for the Game Boy. Not the GB Colour, or GB Advance, or Nintendo DS or whatever...The original Game Boy.

Like, why would you even bother using full motion video animation on a 2 and a half inch screen, with 4 colours ( all of them green! ). It's just such a silly fit to port a very visual game to the least visual capable console.

Anyway, fast forward some 25 years or whatever and here we are. The visuals may be a much higher standard, but the gameplay seems to be way, way worse. This was supposed to be the future. 8 year old me would be very disappointed at how little we've progressed.

So, if you collect bad games...if The Room or Manos: Hands of Fate are your favourite films, if you have read the Twilight novels a hundred times, then this might just be the game for you.

Thanks a lot!

7 years ago

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ok tnx in advance!!!!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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