
2 years ago

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Thank you!

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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=) еще раз спасибо

2 years ago

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I know you are busy and you are in danger and I am very sorry to ask....
Should I comment on this case? Should I not?
The reason I posted here is to prevent possible flaming and the resulting annoyance.

There seem to be a few posters recently competing for legitimacy on a topic that is not worth talking about now in your DISCUSSION.
Some of them may not be malicious and some may be malicious.

I feel that this is inevitable, as there seem to be BOTs emerging on Twitter and elsewhere that automatically reply and flame you.

Ignoring them, we also have posts about VPNs, ways to get out of Russia, and how to get free information even in Russia before Russia imposes a communications blockade, as well as information about free means for Ukrainians to communicate and alternative broadcasts on TV towers.

It was just in time, but some people may have been able to evacuate in time before tragedy struck.

However, every time such an interruption is made
(The guidelines are worded this way because we want you to be a gentleman.)
If that is going to be an issue around here, I am considering discontinuing the collection and submission of information.
(If you so desire)

I feel I have finished providing the necessary information early on.

If you are concerned about people's interactions on the DISCUSSION, you may want to ask them not to reply with any information, and to organize and re-edit.
The other thing you can do is ask them to avoid submissions that do not disclose the source of the information.

The next negotiation may resolve the issue, or it may still go on, but the future will be bright while the world helps.
Oh, I'm off the planet, so I was an intruder.👾XD
May things get better in the future.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I understand that you see no particular problem with my post.
Thank you very much.(o'Θ'))yup...

Below is a bit of additional information regarding my concerns.

I think you are right about the dangerous content (mainly what is true that may have been posted by Russians).

I am modestly aware of the possibility of user account hijacking and "spam" posting in the not-too-distant future.

It is a possibility that the Russians will come to troll SG.
(I don't think that country would have the idea that we would let them off the hook because it's a gaming community.)

So is the topic of racism.
There were stories in the beginning about people of Russian descent in Ukraine who set up checkpoints, oppressed people from different countries, and manipulated them to prevent them from getting international cooperation.

Unfortunately, while these stories have "victims," information about "who did it" has mysteriously never appeared in news sources.

I checked and found that India has elections on March 10.
It seems that some people have taken the stance of asking the Russians to help them to get the Indian students out of the country in relation to those elections.
I found this area by checking "Indian Express".
It seems that some countries are taking a temporary "neither-or-or" response, perhaps because they will lose elections if they do not prioritize the protection of their own citizens.

And pointing out those facts does not do any good because it prevents us from conducting the "necessary current topics".

As I have often mentioned in the past, sometimes the "translation device" is not in good shape.
So please let me know if you find a strange string.
That is what you should be concerned about for now.

I just got back from running errands for about 12 hours, so I will check the news reports from now on.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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This is not about you, but a bitchy reminder.

The Ukrainian president's speech in the U.S. has drawn the ire of the Japanese public, which has scrutinized a significant number of English speeches, because of the significant lack of historical awareness of Japan.
(He treated Japan as a modern-day Russia and called it Pearl Harbor.)

 Note, however, that these stories are out in the open because they are covered by major media outlets such as CNN.

From Japan's point of view, Japan was attacked first by U.S. Air Force pilots claiming to be volunteer soldiers on the Chinese front, so Pearl Harbor is another matter that the U.S. knew about in advance and used for propaganda, and which has been verified and reported in the past by the U.S. media.
It is quite disconcerting.

I do not intend to bring this into the "discussion" as I understand it is not for the President's wallet, but for support and donations to civilians.

Just in case someone might come along and get angry that way.
We are not Russia or Al Qaeda.
P.S.: The Ukrainian President is making the same mistake against Germany. I will spare you from me.

@ZelenskyyUa Pearl Harbor - Twitter Search / Twitter

@ZelenskyyUa 真珠湾 - Twitter Search / Twitter

Zelensky to US lawmakers: 'We need you right now' as he invokes Pearl Harbor and 9/11 - CNNPolitics

From Japan's perspective, many people feel that Ukraine has sold an aircraft carrier to China, provided missile technology to North Korea, and laid the groundwork for its current misfortunes with China's One Belt, One Road policy.
Of course, there was a certain understanding that this was an unstoppable event, a necessary step to settle the political upheaval and negative legacy in Ukraine.

Those atmospheres are now being undermined.
The earthquake yesterday, the North Korean ICBM two days ago, and the information leaked from Russia that China is going to invade Taiwan in the fall. It can be said that these actions were originally taken in collusion with Russia.

I can only hope that the Ukrainian President will at least correct these statements promptly.
The content and timing of the remarks really sucked.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Russian (Soviet) textbooks might have an impact....

In any war, civilian casualties are bound to occur.
And it is a sad story that they often start for the convenience of the upper echelons of each country.
In the case of Japan, there is a history of countermeasures against attempts to colonize the country, which led to a full-scale war.
 The countries of Southeast Asia were colonies of Western nations at the time.
These were the countries that were on all sides in the war to liberate those colonies, and then became bogged down and rampaged until the war ended when two nuclear warheads were dropped on them.
 What was done at a time when colonial policies were being questioned around the world and there was no understanding of things like understanding the pointlessness of young people dying in wars is difficult to consider on a modern scale.
Some time after the war, some countries in Africa were escaping colonialism, but there are still places in African countries where apartheid remained. And it is only in the last 20 years or so that the problem of price exploitation of manufactured goods for export has been corrected.
It often takes a long time before things are understood and solutions are found.

Every country has its own history, and I guess it is necessary for politicians to pay attention to what has happened there.

Ukrainian history also seems to have such a difficult measure.
Perhaps this time it is a manifestation of the fact that they "desperately need support".

I hear that the president of Ukraine will make a speech to the Diet in Japan in the near future, so I will wait and see how it goes.
(Unless the schedule is cancelled.)

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Do you care?
I honestly have a feeling that is hard to put into words or document.
I will talk about it with the surrounding circumstances....

異例のゼレンスキー氏リモート演説、国会が奔走 演説内容に注文も [ウクライナ情勢]:朝日新聞デジタル

Some say there was a "script".
For example, some Chinese-leaning newspapers reported that the "Pearl Harbor" remark in the U.S. was so egregious that there was talk of prior discussions with Japanese Diet members not to use the term "Pearl Harbor.

Ukraine voice/Japan Voice speech

【全文書き起こし】ウクライナ・ゼレンスキー大統領が国会で演説 「このウクライナに対する侵略の"津波"を止めるために」 - ログミーBiz

At the very least, the content gave the impression of minimizing words that would provoke anger from the U.S. and Japan.

Basically, I believe that the choice of words was a means to that end, with the content appealing for appreciation and continued support for Japan.
It is generally well received by people and young people who are not interested in past history.
However, since Japan is a country with many elderly people, there are many people who have a word or two to say.

It's just... To put it in a difficult way....

I used the word "tsunami" at the time of the recent major earthquake and the memorial of 311.

A long time ago in Japan, a new religion, Aum Shinrikyo, used the word "Sarin" right after the Sarin gas attack on the subway on March 20, the memorial day for the victims.

The word may be used as a tool to make people understand things, but the victims and survivors who are still suffering from the aftereffects of the poison gas seem to have a nerve-wracking feeling.

As I mentioned briefly before, North Korea is using Ukrainian technology to build ballistic missiles.
North Korea is a country that abducts people from Japan and around the world to educate and engage in forced labor in their country.
There are also families of those abductees.
Those people may reveal their anger.

About two hours ago today, an ICBM from North Korea landed in Japanese territorial waters.
It seems to be 150 km away from the island where I am hiding.

It would not be a good situation if the conversation started about where the cause of a nuclear attack on Japan lies.

Such talks are currently underway.
(Probably won't matter, as support for peace operations will be a priority.)
The speech did little to provoke those sentiments.

If we can afford it, we would like to continue our activities for civilians affected by the war....

Japan is not without the possibility that Russia or China will eventually attack us, and we have no neighbors to hand us Javelins or Stingers at that time.
It will depend on the mood of the US.
Both Ukraine and Japan have similar problems.
According to a leaked Russian intelligence military document, China and Russia plan to invade Ukraine, Taiwan and Japan with mutual support, and China was described as invading in the fall.

Well, I would like to think that this could be misinformation or fake news because of this confusing time.

2 years ago

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North Korea launches possible ICBM, falls within Japan's EEZ | NHK WORLD-JAPAN News

Oh.. ICBM Source add.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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North Korea is using Ukrainian technology to build ballistic missiles.

ウクライナと北朝鮮、長年の「闇の関係」 ロシアの侵攻で、核放棄はさらに困難に:朝日新聞GLOBE+
(Description of China-leaning news bureaus)

These seem to be the recent North Korean Ukrainian scientists whose names have been mentioned.

There are occasional reports featuring information on these scientists and technology licensing via South Korea and China.

There is a story that the Ukraine is being used as a check on Japan in the Taiwan contingency because of the technology licensing that took place with the sale to China of the aircraft carrier that Ukraine got as its share from Russia at the time of independence.
(This is a small nail in the coffin compared to the North Korean problem, as I believe that aircraft carriers must be operated by three or more ships to be of any use.)


Incidentally, the Crimean invasion was distantly caused by a dispute between Russia and Ukraine over which of them provided technology to North Korea, according to an article published in an interview that investigated the source of technology grants to North Korea as of around 2017.
In case you missed it, the article concludes by suggesting that Russia is more suspicious and that there is a lot of manipulation of such information.

北朝鮮使用?エンジンは「ロシア向け」 ウクライナ発表 写真3枚 国際ニュース:AFPBB News

北朝鮮のミサイル技術は「ウクライナ製」? 獄中のスパイに直撃|ウクライナの軍事機密は盗まれたのか | クーリエ・ジャポン
Around the same time, you also had an article covering the case of a North Korean spy who was imprisoned in Ukraine for taking cameras of classified documents.

Considering these facts, it is understandable that Russia or North Korea may have stolen from Ukraine and placed the blame on Ukraine.

At the very least, this means that North Korea, with the support of China and Russia, has recently launched three ICBMs in one month toward Japan.

After all, even if North Korea were to suddenly launch a nuclear warhead toward a U.S. military base instead of testing it, it would be difficult to shoot it down due to the special trajectory of the new missile.
In the unlikely event that "Okinawa" (the island with the world's most powerful U.S. military base) is attacked by them, China would surely invade Taiwan.
Russia will also invade Japan.

Well, it's about a story not without a story.
If Russia's condition is as bad as it is now, nothing may happen.

However, we have seen several disturbing reports.

U.S. Makes Contingency Plans in Case Russia Uses Its Most Powerful Weapons - The New York Times

There seems to be at least an assumption that Russia will use chemical weapons against Ukraine and NATO.
It appears that a US chemical weapons response team is standing by in the NATO region.

I am concerned about the possibility of something happening depending on the nature of the upcoming talks in the EU.

2 years ago

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I am attaching this news for a change.

NEXTA on Twitter: "The moment of the explosion in the port of #Berdyansk." / Twitter

Apparently a missile attack caused heavy damage to the Russian navy while they were refueling.

I would like to think now only that things will go better if possible.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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The curse of the translator is a common one.
Most of the information is from fugitives who claim to have been in the same office anyway, but since the original source is usually in Korean Hangul, the translation is at least two or three times different and can be difficult to understand unless you can read the original: ...... This is a rather common story.
I can't read Korean. I can't read Hangul, and English is still very accurate in automatic translation, but it's a problem.😅

By the way, here is an addendum to yesterday's disturbing developments.

'Doomsday plane' that can survive nuclear blasts spotted over English channel | indy100

NATO says it's stepping up chemical, nuclear defenses in response to Russia - Washington Times

It would have little credibility without a news organization source.
For example, if I claimed I was watching from a UFO, they would not trust me.
I was waiting for the news report to be published. 🛸

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I don't think the content is directly related to Ukraine.

(To the extent that when relations between Russia and Japan are slightly strained, we can either call them what we want to call them in consideration of the other side's country, or we can stop calling them that.)

Perhaps in the future, it will be relevant if Russia gets out of line again.
Until then, it may be too early to pay attention.

There also remains the "Sakhalin Project," a relationship related to the mining of resources on the Japanese-Russian border related to territorial disputes between Japan and Russia.

In the past, everything was almost seized for the convenience of the Russian regime.
(It is called the "Sakhalin 2 Incident.")
I wonder if a similar problem might be more likely to occur in places like the Arctic Ocean or the Baltic Sea first.
(This is, of course, my concern.)

2 years ago

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2 years ago*

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北方領土「ロシアに不法占拠」約20年ぶり明記 外交青書原案に | NHK | 北方領土
Well, it is only a "draft".
It will be finalized in late April.

There are matters of concern in the recent Japanese press related to Ukraine.
Sakhalin Project

It is related to Japan's gas resources.
In the past, when Japan temporarily withdrew from gas development due to economic sanctions against Russia, the rights of Japan and other countries were revoked and the gas belonged to Russia.
Later, after relations were restored, new plants were added, and so it remains to this day.
 If this is the same reason for the seizure this time, the government's current response seems to be to freeze additional investment and wait and see, since Russia will gain economic concessions in the opposite direction.

50 Cent Party - Wikipedia

Some people who do not know the historical background of the country are saying that it is not subject to economic sanctions to protect the ruling party's voting base.

It just has the feel of a stereotypical BOT of those criticisms...and the shadow of a group like the "Wikipedia" article.
This is also what I felt with the strange spam in matters concerning Russia and Ukraine.

I feel that kind of thing when I see posts that are not about Russia, for Russians.
Posts that are not Russian from the Ukrainian point of view, nor Ukrainian from the Russian point of view.
Have you ever seen content that doesn't add up like that?

I feel that China may be involved in these.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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Regarding the Kyodo News article?

北方領土「ロシアに不法占拠」約20年ぶり明記 外交青書原案に | NHK | 北方領土
Well, it is only a "draft".
It will be finalized in late April.

Perhaps after reading and confirming the content of NHK's source, we recognized that it is a "draft" and does not matter.

As for media organizations, Kyodo News and Asahi Shimbun are often perceived as newspapers that tend to say strange things that are more Chinese than Japanese.
How can that be?
There is a reason.

日中双方の新聞記者交換に関するメモ - Wikipedia

Very simply put, "In Japan, many news stations do not report news that is inconvenient for China," because if they report news that is inconvenient for China, the information from China will be closed.
The above Wikipedia article illustrates these problems.

The only Japanese newspaper that does not look at China's face is Sankei Shimbun.

Therefore, since China favors Russia, subjects that are not good for Ukraine and things along the lines of Russian fake news are also mixed in.

If we take it a little further...
What is considered a Japanese news agency is
Kyodo News Service
Jiji Press
The two often launder news from each other and serve as the basis for articles in various local newspapers.
The news agencies have branches in Moscow and China, so it is easy to get information from there.
(There are rumors that spies from those countries are also reporters, but there is no law against spies in Japan.)

Radio Press
An organization that listens to and intercepts radio broadcasts from around the world to produce news articles.
It is said to be patronized by the Public Security Intelligence Agency. It is said to be the fastest source of information on North Korea in the world.

Tokyo News Agency
Company that makes TV and CATV programming listings in decline.

JX News Agency
A news agency with no reporters.
A company nowadays that automatically generates credible articles from AI and linguistic analysis.

There are surprisingly few news agencies that truly transmit Japanese information overseas.

I believe that the description of the news source in parentheses () at the end of the news content can be found overseas as well.
When you read something about China, South Korea, North Korea, or Japan and it says "Kyodo" or "Jiji," it is better to bring at least one more piece of information to confirm the source.

You may end up looking for the English version of the newspaper in relation to them.

The Japanese people themselves are saying that the "China problem" is strange, but the ruling party has a coalition with a new religious party called "Komeito," which is apparently paid by China.
The ruling party has a coalition with a new religious party called "Komeito," which seems to be paid by China.
You can think of it as a negative legacy of politics that has been going on for about 30 years.

The majority of the ruling politicians in Japan are pro-U.S. and will maintain and continue to work for the U.S.-Japan alliance, and the public supports this situation, so there will be no major impact.
Komeito is also losing seats due to "aging".
The younger generation now understands the cozy relationship with China, and they are likely to decline like other opposition parties that are thought to involve foreign powers.

This is only a story to a certain extent.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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These stories are not a few "reports favorable to the U.S." because of the "press code" of "GHQ" and the historical background of "occupied Japan.
Since the U.S. was "pro-China" at that time, these stories are also remnants of that time.
However, these stories are not often covered in school textbooks.
There is even a generation that grew up with textbooks that patronize China and Korea. In the last 10 years or so, those strange points seem to be being corrected, but the stain is still there.

It has dragged on the effects of 77 years ago.

2 years ago

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Stand With Ukraine Charity Bundle Fanatical

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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I am sorry to tell you this, but it seems to be out of stock right after we told you.

I was able to purchase.(´Θ`)b

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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NEXTA on Twitter: "‼️ #Finland has closed railway border crossings between #Russia and Finland and stopped land freight traffic between the countries." / Twitter

I will not rush to describe it today because there are commenters who respond inauthentic like the Russian BOT.

It seems that the asylum route from Russia to Finland has been closed. :(

2 years ago

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Thomas Rid 🌻 on Twitter: "⚡️ Another major Ukrainian leak operation: Ukrainian military intelligence GUR discloses alleged list of 620 Russian FSB employees, with lots of verifiable details" / Twitter

I see that information has been released by Ukrainian public institutions.
I guess it is only a small part of the analysis results....
I wish the administrators of the BOTs that post a series of baseless posts on Twitter and various message boards and community services would be arrested or flee Russia and disappear.

Christo Grozev on Twitter: "Вот эта свободная дискуссия о войне с классной командой из @novaya_gazeta считается незаконной по новым севернокорейским законам России. Поэтому смотрите здесь." / Twitter

Here is something interesting and something that was passed around to me.
It seems to be about Putin's hideout.
Unfortunately, I am not a native speaker of Russian or Ukrainian, so I don't know what it is about.

In any case, I wrote this here because it is not a topic for the general public in the gaming community.
It is 3 AM, so good night.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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SPN FAN, Bucky Barnes Fan & Malcolm Bright Fan. on Twitter: "@War_Mapper The map progression of Ukraine between yesterday and today is remarkable!" / Twitter

The above represents areas recently secured in Ukraine.
It looks good, but is off-topic because it lacks the elements to explain the source in detail.

Things are returning to the pre-war territorial map, with a concentration in eastern Ukraine.
In Russia, there is a buying up of foodstuffs and the value of foreign currencies seems to be rising rapidly through "black market" currency exchange.
However, the issue of grains and developments in China remain a concern for the future.

China was originally "buying large quantities of grain even before the outbreak of the corona.
Frankly, in light of this situation in Ukraine, the description of China's involvement in the leaked Russian documents, the fact that it was planning to attack Taiwan in the fall, and its current involvement with Russia, we cannot say that it has given up.
Nor can we say that Hungary has made a choice that does not fit the situation, which is likely to turn out like Belarus.
There are going to be more human beings who will be cheated out of their misfortune by the currency value of things that are lies.

The future still seems to be very uncertain.

2 years ago

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Sergej Sumlenny on Twitter: "THREAD: Russian state-owned propaganda outlet RIA published the new programmatic article with the title "What Russia must do with Ukraine". The article reveals a detailed plan for a genocide, starting from full elimination of Ukrainian state. Details below. / Twitter

The recent behavior of some "Russians" seems to be due to the guidelines of these organizations.

2 years ago

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Alex Kokcharov on Twitter: "THREAD. In #Russia, the authorities are reportedly circulating a memo to all government-controlled or state-owned entities / firms, to explain the official position on the Russian #war on #Ukraine to workers / employees. 1/x " / Twitter

Information on the "script" used by Russian state-owned companies to explain government activities and positions to their employees.
It is an interesting read, but posting it in the "Discussion" section is a "source of flame", so I'll just refer you to it.📝👀

2 years ago

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Ukraine news: Mariupol surrender video dismissed as Russian propaganda by US Navy Seal | World | News |

FBI Shut Down Russia-linked "Cyclops Blink" Botnet That Infected Thousands of Devices

It seems that two Russian botnets have recently been disabled.
Perhaps due to those effects, the use of fake news and posting activities like bots on SMS seems to have become as active as it was at the beginning of the war a month ago.

It might be a good idea to alert the public that we will treat this as "SPAM" regarding multiple postings with respect to the practice of making it look like an argument between specific users to deteriorate the visibility of information, and it might be better not to react with respect to "political awareness" or "historical awareness".
It may be a good idea to judge as "SPAM" the act of posting multiple videos or images that do not have an objective explanation in the title.
 Some viewers will be wary of images and videos from *.ru domains because of the possibility of phishing.
If we continue to discuss those as well, we could also post verification-related articles at the top regarding Russian and Ukrainian news reports that could be judged as "fake news".

However, since there is a perception that the world's atmosphere is becoming suspicious of a short-term end, I fear that the winds of both Ukraine and Russia may be "ignored" even if true, because they are "hard to read" and "not understood".

Recently, there has been a political upheaval in Pakistan, and in neighboring Sri Lanka, there has been a political upheaval and confusion over the promulgation and withdrawal of a state of emergency declaration.
There is talk that India's involvement in these events may reignite the territorial disputes.

Hindustan Times on Twitter: ""It is the unfolding crisis in #Pakistan and #SriLanka which is forcing countries like Maldives, Nepal and Bangladesh to think again on #Chinese infrastructure loans and being part of the BRI initiative." (Reports Shishir Gupta)" / Twitter

Imran Khan's Coup Has Pushed Pakistan To Anarchy. Will The Supreme Court Act?

I fear that if the world is on fire, there may be an atmosphere in which no one can afford to save anyone else.

In any case, let's not forget our original intention, keep a distance, and remain calm.⏳

2 years ago*

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2 years ago

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Horesmi 🇺🇦 on Twitter: "OH MY GOD HOW CAN YOU BE SO BAD After striking a rail station(full of evacuating civilians), Russia posted a tweet blaming Ukraine for killing it's own people. ...But they posted it at 10:25, while first posts from the place came at 10:30." / Twitter

Attaching this to a "discussion" will probably cause Russian agents to play spam.
So I will just make a note here.

2 years ago

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Russian Telegram channel embraces fact-checking tropes to spread disinformation | by @DFRLab | DFRLab | Mar, 2022 | Medium

I'll tell you about it first, along with the fake evidence, because it's a site that Russia is likely to use in the next spam rush.=͟͟͞͞( っ'Θ')╮ =͟͟͞͞📝

2 years ago

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CIT (en) on Twitter: "The Russian MoD claims that Russia does not have "Tochka-U" missile systems. This is demonstrably untrue. Russia's 47th Missile Brigade from Korenovsk was armed with Tochka-U and received Iskander missile systems only this January, unlikely to have mastered them already." / Twitter

Looking at Russian fake news....

First it was claiming that Ukraine had attacked the station after Russia corrected what it had used to Iskander and then to Tochka-U.
And Russia only possesses Iskander. They claim it was Ukraine.

Of course, this is Russia's usual bedtime story.
If you hear loud bedtime stories, attach these information and it will quiet down.

2 years ago

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I am not going to post this to the discussion, but I will pass it along.
Perhaps the Ukraine publicist made another mistake.

ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕎𝕒𝕧𝕖 on Twitter: "@Ukraine There’s a mistake Ukraine just want to avoid being associate with fascism so they used a photo of a popular character to be simple to understand. But Hirohito was legally not guilty for the Pacific War. Instead of using Hirohito this video should used only Stalin or the Tzar." / Twitter

Ukraine / Україна on Twitter: "✊🇺🇦 we will fight rashism, here and now" / Twitter

Racial Equality Proposal - Wikipedia
Hirohito - Wikipedia
At the very least, it would be inappropriate to use images of Japanese imperial family members who were innocent of any postwar verification of their stance against fascism....

ウクライナ 昭和天皇 - Twitter Search / Twitter

Inappropriate Response by Ukrainian Embassy Staff in Japan
President Zelensky's Inappropriate Pearl Harbor Remarks
And Twitter is becoming much more disturbing on this issue.
Such a statement would please Russia and China.
It is serious when older people who have experienced war become aware of these details.
It is okay for now because it is only on the Internet, but if it goes on too long, it will not be good.

As I think I have said before, the victims of war are innocent and we will continue to donate to support evacuation.

2 years ago

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2 years ago

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For example, many names of great foreign figures are difficult to understand.
Some foreign names sound like swear words when read in their own language.
This may be one of the reasons.😂

 But if the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry does this, it will have chosen Japanese people who are so disliked in the eyes of China and Russia that they will be considered Chinese or Russian spies.
Slander of the Imperial Family members would be irreversible if done in Japan.
It is probably unfortunate that it is an out-of-country Twitter scandal.

This kind of story is very frightening because even if the imperial family does not care, the public will overreact and the displaced Ukrainians may be in danger.

When I told them I was the talk of Twitter, the tweets were subdued, but now every five seconds there's a tweet from an outraged Japanese person.

グレンコ アンドリー(新刊「NATOの教訓」増刷決定) on Twitter: "私の抗議も含めて、皆さんの反発を受け、在日ウクライナ大使も訂正を求めています。 訳文:「日本の天皇は戦争扇動とファシズムに関係ない。日本人はとても怒っている。この同一視は不当で、史実を無視している。訂正を強く求める。日本はウクライナの最大の味方の一人だ」と。 早い対応を願います。" / Twitter

However, it appears that a Ukrainian expert who understands Japanese has prepared an urgent protest letter and is contacting the embassy.
With any luck, there will not be a huge firestorm.

2 years ago

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在日ウクライナ大使館 on Twitter: "【お詫び】4月1日に@Ukraineツイッターアカウントで公開された動画について多くのお叱りを受けました。当館は把握しておらず対応が遅くなりましたがまずは削除となりました。ご指摘の皆様に感謝申し上げますと共にご不快に思われた日本の皆様にまずは深くお詫び申し上げます" / Twitter在日ウクライナ大使館 on Twitter: "【お詫び】4月1日に@Ukraineツイッターアカウントで公開された動画について多くのお叱りを受けました。当館は把握しておらず対応が遅くなりましたがまずは削除となりました。ご指摘の皆様に感謝申し上げますと共にご不快に思われた日本の皆様にまずは深くお詫び申し上げます" / Twitter

The Japanese Embassy in Ukraine explains that "@Ukraine" was created in 2016 and is now created and managed by a volunteer group that has no connection with the "Ukrainian government".

The previous "attack on Pearl Harbor" and the threat by the Ukrainian embassy to the Japanese vice minister (later revealed to have been a misunderstanding) exacerbate Japanese public sentiment toward the Ukrainian government.

Generally, the content of what Japanese people say and do is not in Japanese, but "Korean," "Chinese," and "Russian" accounts are dropping "fuel" in Japanese on this topic.

In any case, since "@Ukraine" is marked "government-approved" by Twitter, the Ukrainian embassy in Japan is making excuses and is being interpreted as Ukraine's hostility to Japan without a formal apology to the world.

The Japanese Embassy in Ukraine has made three degrees of progress in poor directions.
In Japan, mistakes are very hard to deal with if they are made more than three times in a short period of time.
This is because the saying "Buddha's face is not seen three times" is prevalent in Japan.

I will also be watching the Ukrainian government's response for a while.🤔

2 years ago

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MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦 on Twitter: "General Valerii Zaluzhnyi: “I am sincerely grateful to our partners for the assistance and unwavering support in these hard times.” Our Friendship is our Victory. #StandWithUkraine️ 🇺🇦 #StandUpForUkraine" / Twitter

 Then, in another video related to the Ukrainian government that was released a few hours earlier, Japan was removed from the list of countries that provided aid to Ukraine.

I guess there must be some strange people in charge of foreign affairs or public relations for the Ukrainian government.

2 years ago

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