On Steam I can automatically have it filter out hentai/porn games, which I'm not really interested in. Is there a way to do it on this site also? So far my strategy has been to manually add games to my ignore list but there's way too many different games for this to actually work. Any solution?

1 year ago

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Not that Im aware of, beside Steam has tags like nudity and sexual content for these shit games.
So even if you were to find a way to filter out 'nudity' and 'sexual content'. That could mean missing the opportunity of GAs of Cyberpunk 2077, Valhalla, etc.

First suggestion would be to get ESGST extension.
My work around using that is that I sort the Giveaways from Highest to Lowest Points, and filter out games below 10 or 15 points. This makes it less likely that the first page I see is filled with Poor quality porn games or shovelware games. And if at all I see them, I manually blacklist them.
After that, hopefully what you'll see are a bunch of games that you may enjoy playing. :)

Note: Im a newbie as well (1 month), so this may not be the best solution. But it might help, until some experienced and wiser users share better suggestions.

1 year ago

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I think I could work with this extension but I access the site on my phone (don't really use a laptop or other computer except for work) and I don't see a way to use it on mobile.

Considering the site itself isn't particularly mobile friendly I guess the answer is "pull it up on a computer" but if anyone knows a way to do this on mobile I'd love to hear.

1 year ago

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Yep, this is definitely a PC oriented website, there is no official app for it as well.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Best option for mobile, is to start expanding your Steam wishlist, and SG ignore list.

I'm well on my way to 3,000 games on my ignore list. So although somewhat annoying, after a few weeks of regularly adding games to it, you'll see an ever decreasing need to do so.

Keep an eye out for new bundles, and check out some gameplay videos to see which ones to add your wishlist.

Between these two actions, things on mobile should become much easier.

...another option i'm not a fan of but am considering, is blacklisting people who literally only ever share shovelware games. The pattern i've noticed is they will make 3 giveaways at a time, all for games being given for free for a limited time, but almost always really garbage games. I check user giveaway history, and it is amazing how may people are scamming SG with hundreds of giveaways for REALLY bad games.

After collecting about a hundred users that have been doing this for years, i'm about to start adding to my blacklist for the first time.
But i think i'll also make one day a year, blacklist forgiveness day, and check if anyone on the list has stopped their pattern of scamming.

1 year ago*

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Officially supported filters: https://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/NGGgu/sort-search-filtered-games

Following the advice above, a non extension dependant way to filter the cheapest(and most likely lowest quality games) would be something like this: https://www.steamgifts.com/giveaways/search?point_min=3

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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Veebles! :)

I must need the ESGST course for dummies! I often get excited when I see posts like yours here. I run to my ESGST settings and... I cannot figure out how to make it work. (sigh)

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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After enabling 2 or 3 at the same time and not liking the results on a previous occasion, I went back and used the "one at a time" method". I found what I wanted in the end, but it can take time to do that for some things. ||

When I followed your links just above, I didn't see anything that looked like an exact fit to the topic. Then I realized that even though it is Sunday, I am deep in work today. So then I thought I'd leave it for when I have some free time... and then I realized I would probably forget about this before the free time arrived. :)

1 year ago

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The easiest is hide such games you don't want to see at sg directly. It may take some time to filter all such games, but it definitely worths it.

1 year ago

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Or sometimes you have users that keep posting those crap games, if you see someone like that with a whole list of crap games, just block that 1 person and none of these games will show, not saying it's a fail save way, but I read that there are people who do it that way.

1 year ago

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I do this, but I do so carefully. I only blacklist these kinds of users if they haven't given away decent games in over a year. But that's just me. Definitely helps a lot though.

1 year ago

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1 year ago*

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