I'm relatively new to this site, never posted anything here, so please, in advance, excuse my ignorance.
I don't know if this was asked before, I searched "re-roll" here and I think I read every single post.
This happened to me twice now - the winner of the giveaway viewed the key and then asked for a re-roll.
The game was not activated on their accounts, but how can I be sure that it isn't activated on some other account, or re-gifted?
So, both times I asked support to delete my GA.
After the first time, I sent the key to a friend and he told me that it has been activated (as I suspected)...
I am waiting for this last GA to be deleted, so I can test the second key.

Do you think that the option of asking for a re-roll should be blocked for people who viewed the key?

4 months ago

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Do you think that the option of asking a for re-roll should be blocked for people who viewed the key?

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i think every person who asked me for a reroll on a giveaway they won has viewed the key. they forgot they already owned the dlc/game and when they went to use found out they did so asked for reroll

4 months ago

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only ONCE out of the many many rerolls has somebody used the key and asked for a reroll. next person let me delete the giveaway

4 months ago

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  1. In both cases they did not own the game.
  2. I didn't know you could enter the GA for the game you own. I am aware that there is a delay in syncing the accounts, so maybe you won the game after winning/buying it recently, but that must be a very rare occurrence.
4 months ago

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some games you can enter if you dont own, but it mostly game bundles and DLC

4 months ago

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Ask steam support for a time temp when was key activated, then send ticket on sg to ask for recieved mark for giveaway. Guy will get a suspension for activating it on alt.

4 months ago

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Will do.
Thanks for the advice.

4 months ago

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additionally to games or dlcs not being correctly recognised as owned...
there is also the possibility that a key might be region restricted, so they couldn't activate . if it is known though that the key failed to be redeemed due to region restriction, support wont let you reroll and you have to remake the GA with correct region restriction.

other than that i personally i think asked the GA creator twice for reroll. one because i had second thoughts on whether i really wanted the game and the other noticed that i won a game i entered wrongfully in the first place (similar name). in both cases i was so enthusiastic about winning that i instantly clicked on the key to be revealed but noticed it before actually redeeming.

of course things like these are based on trust and i would suggest to always check your winners with SGtools or manually before even sending them the key

also i think in the end asking for reroll should be up to the person...
if the winner was being honest and didnt redeem the key, someone else will get lucky

4 months ago*

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I think you should not be able to refuse a won game.

4 months ago

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I agree (with few technical exceptions)

4 months ago

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without valid reasons for sure (especially if revealed key)

4 months ago

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That's why I never use the Key option when I create a GA.
Choose the Gift option and when the GA ends, check your winner to make sure they don't already own the game and if they're not shady (multiple/non activated wins) and when you're satisfied, you send the key.

4 months ago

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I think I will start doing this, it is probably a safer way to do it.

4 months ago

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You can still do that with the key option, you can check your winner first and then choose to "send key".

4 months ago

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True but unveiled keys have a tendency to go dupe if they're not activated right away sometimes so if you do long GAs, it's still better to use the gift option

4 months ago

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this is another matter that you will reveal keys later

4 months ago

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That is also true...
I just didn't want my winners to wait for the gift so I usually send them as soon as the GA finishes, but now I see that it's kind of a risky move.

4 months ago

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You shouldn't ask for reroll after looking at key. Sadly, sg has way many cheaters to assume people will play fair.
I have that your reroll winner on blacklist, so seems like that isn't his first strike to bypass rules πŸ€”

4 months ago

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Is there a reason he asked for a reroll?

4 months ago

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No explanation, no sorry, no thank you, just arrogant "reroll please" (at least he said please XD).

4 months ago

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Happened to me once with exactly the same words, but the key was region locked only for the country of the winner (whose english was not that good). He just did not explain it when he first contacted me to reroll (which i did not, because i found another solution)

4 months ago

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I asked for a reroll about 3-4 times and mods always told me it was my own risk if i wanted a new winner, and in my cases i had luck that the key wasn't used, noted it weren't level 0-2 giveaways. I requested more to have a giveaway deleted though, also depended on how much the game still cost and was available.

4 months ago

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The last one was for level 5...
I didn't want to push my luck and give a possibly used key to someone. In the first case my instinct was right.

4 months ago

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I've gotten that message from mods (and went ahead and allowed a reroll), but I'm wondering what would happen if the key came up used. Surely the mods can see the sequence of events? Or would they ask the new recipient to allow for it to be deleted, after explaining the situation?

I'd assume that the giveaway would get deleted in that case if it happens once (since someone is at fault but it's unclear who), and if it keeps happening involving the same person then they'd get in trouble.

4 months ago

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Ive luckily only had it once for a dlc so to me it was no bother at all to delete it instead. I just found it funny that they offered a reroll but then I was told I had to contact them again to be like can I delete it, just like you've done. They already seemed apologetic enough before but definitely after bringing it up one more time

4 months ago

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In my case I directly ask the support for deletion of the GA if the winner viewed the key and then asked for a reroll, cause it's not possible to know if the key was activated (on another account/regifted on another platform).

The only exception is my WL and Group GAs for specific groups, where I can trust the winner. If the key doesn't work again, to 99% I can trust them that they will agree for a deletion of the GA then if it was a dupe. For public GAs it depends. The higher the level of the winner, the more likely it is that the new winner would agree to delete the GA without hesitation according to my experience.

4 months ago

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